Supporting Open Access nationwide To support Croatian…


Supporting Open Access nationwide :

“To support Croatian scholarly publishing environment, and inspired by global open access movement, the portal of Croatian scientific journals HRČAK ( was introduced in 2006 offering an open access publishing platform for Croatian journals. Today, HRČAK gathers about 290 scholarly and professional Croatian journals. This paper is focused on the currency and visibility of the journals included in HRČAK, giving accurate statistical data about HRČAK repository, its growth and development. Collaboration with Croatian publishers, namely those are mainly academic and research institutions or professional societies, on the continuous work of raising the quality of Croatian scientific journals is presented in this paper. HRČAK journals are available for harvesting using OAI-PMH protocol and papers are distributed through many different repositories, archives, databases and search engines. The future plans include work on full-text documents, inclusion of the additional types of publications and formats, harvesting process improvements, additional functionalities and standardization.”


Umgang mit Open Access Publikationsgebühren – die Situation…


Umgang mit Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren – die Situation in Deutschland in 2010 :

“Mit der dynamischen Entwicklung von Open Access gewinnt die Diskussion um den Umgang mit Gebühren, die für Open-Access-Publikationen anfallen, an Bedeutung. Die deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen widmen sich dieser Diskussion, seit 2008 auch im Rahmen der Schwerpunktinitiative „Digitale Information“. Im Jahr 2010 wurde in einer Umfrage unter Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungsinstitutionen die Praxis im Umgang mit diesen Publikationsgebühren unter die Lupe genommen. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass sich die Wissenschaftsorganisationen des Themas annehmen und bestrebt sind, Mechanismen zu entwickeln, um ihren Angehörigen die Veröffentlichung in Open-Access-Zeitschriften, die sich durch Publikationsgebühren finanzieren, unkompliziert zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus zeigt der Blick auf die Open-Access-Strategien der Organisationen, dass diese die Transformation von einem subskriptionsbasierten hin zu einem Open-Access-basierten Publikationssystem vorantreiben. Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage machen jedoch auch die Herausforderungen deutlich. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Landschaft der Open-Access-Zeitschriften, beschreibt die Aktivitäten und Entwicklungen in den Wissenschaftsorganisationen und stellt die Ergebnisse der Erhebung unter wissenschaftlichen Institutionen in Deutschland vor.”

“Along with the dynamic development of open access, the question of how to handle open access publication charges is increasingly discussed. German research organisations have been involved in this discussion as part of their activities within the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” of the “Alliance of German Science Organisations” since 2008. In 2010 they commissioned a survey among universities and research institutions, focusing on their practice in dealing with publication charges. As a result, it became clear that these organisations are aware of the issue. For their members, they seek to develop mechanisms to facilitate publishing in author fee-based open access journals. In general, an overview of the open access strategies of the organisations shows an ongoing transformation process from a subscription-based towards an open access publishing system. However, the survey results also point to challenges. The article gives an overview of open-access related activities and developments in German research organisations and presents the results of the survey on handling of open access publication charges among academic institutions in Germany.”


Open Access to scholarly information in India Trends…


Open Access to scholarly information in India: Trends and Developments :

Purpose : Focuses on the Open Access initiatives and describes some of the current open access channels and the areas where India has made significant progress. Also discusses the significance of those trends for information access in developing countries like India including problems and possible solutions.

Design/methodology/approach : Analyzes and discusses several successful OA channels mainly in five areas. Highlights on some of the Indian OA journals and OA Archives in detail; secondly few Open Course Wares initiatives, Digital Library Projects, Meta data Harvesting Services have been discussed respectively. Lastly, the role of government; professional bodies and role of some of the open access advocates in our country have been discussed.

Findings : OA initiatives and OA channels are growing in India. Some suggestions for the development of OA have been made.

Originality/value : Paper will be useful to those who are not aware of the OA to knowledge movement or seek deeper knowledge about the current state of OA in Indian. Suggestions should be useful to the administrators, funding agencies, OA publishers and librarians in both developing and developed countries.”


L’Open Access en Belgique francophone Au printemps…


L’Open Access en Belgique francophone :

“Au printemps 2011, les Recteurs des universités de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS) ont émis le souhait de voir mener une étude sur le développement de l’Open Access en Belgique francophone. Ils ont décidé de confier la réalisation de celle-ci à la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique (BICfB).
La présente étude fait le point sur le développement des dépôts institutionnels (Voie Verte) des universités de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et apporte un éclairage sur l’implication active des enseignants et chercheurs de leurs institutions (en tant qu’éditeur en chef, membre du comité de rédaction, peer-reviewer, etc.) dans la vie de revues scientifiques en Open Access (Voie d’Or) ou tout au moins accessibles gratuitement sur le web.”


Paid Open Access A Comparative Study of Selected…


Paid Open Access: A Comparative Study of Selected International Publishers :

“Open Access as emerged as a global movement in the academic sphere providing free online access to scholarly literature. Generally author submits a manuscript to the open access journals and after the peer-reviewing and editorial process is over the article is published for free access and download. Some publishers have developed a model in which either the author(s) or their parent organization has to pay the open access fee or article processing charges. This paper aims to provide an insight of selected international publishers who have adopted paid open access model. In the data analysis section the facts have been presented in tables and charts focusing on various aspects of paid open access. At the end of the paper some practical recommendations have been made for sustaining and removing the shortcomings of this model.”


Le livre numérique dans l’Edition Professionnelle, Universitaire et de Recherche

L’objectif de cet ebook sur les ebooks est de donner des clés pour comprendre la situation du livre numérique dans l’Edition Professionnelle, Universitaire et de Recherche (EPUR). Sont abordés le contexte, les services associés, la chaîne de la valeur et les acteurs, les modes de commercialisation et d’achat, les usages et l’évolution des pratiques, les accès, les questions règlementaires et juridiques, les tendances et perspectives.

Certains sujets sont juste esquissés dans cette première version. Cet ouvrage se veut une illustration en grandeur réelle des possibilités du livre numérique, avec notamment l’animation d’une communauté d’experts autour de ce projet et l’appel à de nombreuses contributions pour l’enrichir. Une seconde version sera publiée à la fin de l’été 2012 intégrant les remarques et les contributions recueillies. La plate-forme mise en place à cet effet par le GFII est ouverte à l’adresse .


Open Access to Scientific Information A Review of…


Open Access to Scientific Information: A Review of Initiatives :

“Open access journals are the one’s which are available online to the reader without financial, legal, ortechnical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet. Some of the scholarlyjournals are subsidised, and some require payment. However, a number of challenges remain, such as highand rising subscription prices to scientific publications, an ever-growing volume of scientific data, and theneed to select, curate, and preserve research outputs. Open access benefits researchers, innovators, teachers,students, media professionals, and the general public. It promotes global knowledge flow for the benefit ofscientific discovery, innovation, and socio-economic development.”