“Les Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication sont une discipline spécifiquement française. Les anglo-saxons ont maintenus la différence entre, d’une part, la Library and Information Science et les Communication and Media Studies. Appartenant au champ des SIC la revue Études de Communication aborde à la fois des thématiques propres au champ de la LIS et au champ des media studies. La visibilité des revues francophones à l’international, dans un monde qui s’anglicise de plus en plus, est problématique. Quand le champ scientifique dans lequel s’inscrit une revue n’existe pas en-dehors de la francophonie cette problématique s’intensifie. Il s’agit ici de définir la notion de visibilité et ses enjeux, en général et dans le champ plus spécifique des SIC, de s’interroger sur la place du français dans le monde scientifique et d’envisager un cas pratique, celui d’Études de Communication, avec ses caractéristiques et ses solutions.”
Archives des mots-clés : scientometry
Emerging Search Regimes: Measuring Co-ev…
Emerging Search Regimes: Measuring Co-evolutions among Research, Science, and Society :
“Scientometric data is used to investigate empirically the emergence of search regimes in Biotechnology, Genomics, and Nanotechnology. Complex regimes can emerge when three independent sources of variance interact. In our model, researchers can be considered as the nodes that carry the science system. Research is geographically situated with site-specific skills, tacit knowledge and infrastructures. Second, the emergent science level refers to the formal communication of codified knowledge published in journals. Third, the socio-economic dynamics indicate the ways in which knowledge production relates to society. Although Biotechnology, Genomics, and Nanotechnology can all be characterised by rapid growth and divergent dynamics, the regimes differ in terms of self-organization among these three sources of variance. The scope of opportunities for researchers to contribute within the constraints of the existing body of knowledge are different in each field. Furthermore, the relevance of the context of application contributes to the knowledge dynamics to various degrees.”
URL : http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.2591
Scientometrics 2.0: Toward new metrics o…
Scientometrics 2.0: Toward new metrics of scholarly impact on the social Web :
“The growing flood of scholarly literature is exposing the weaknesses of current, citation–based methods of evaluating and filtering articles. A novel and promising approach is to examine the use and citation of articles in a new forum: Web 2.0 services like social bookmarking and microblogging. Metrics based on this data could build a “Scientometics 2.0,” supporting richer and more timely pictures of articles’ impact. This paper develops the most comprehensive list of these services to date, assessing the potential value and availability of data from each. We also suggest the next steps toward building and validating metrics drawn from the social Web.”
URL : http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2874/2570
Measuring the visibility of the universi…
Measuring the visibility of the universities’ scientific production using scientometric methods :
Paper presents scientometry as a science and a fundamental instrument for determining the
international value of an university as well as for the statistical evaluation of scientific research results.
The impact of the research measurable through scientometric indicators is analyzed. Promoting the
scientific production of universities through institutional digital repositories deals with the concept of
scientific production of the university and the development of scientific research in information
society. These concepts are approached through the prism of marketing methods and techniques. The
digital repository is analyzed as a PRODUCT, destined for promoting, archieving and preserving
scientific production.
URL : http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2010/Tunisia/EDUTE/EDUTE-22.pdf