Is together better? Examining scientific collaborations across multiple authors, institutions, and departments

Authors : Lovenoor Aulck, Kishore Vasan, Jevin West

Collaborations are an integral part of scientific research and publishing. In the past, access to large-scale corpora has limited the ways in which questions about collaborations could be investigated. However, with improvements in data/metadata quality and access, it is possible to explore the idea of research collaboration in ways beyond the traditional definition of multiple authorship.

In this paper, we examine scientific works through three different lenses of collaboration: across multiple authors, multiple institutions, and multiple departments. We believe this to be a first look at multiple departmental collaborations as we employ extensive data curation to disambiguate authors’ departmental affiliations for nearly 70,000 scientific papers.

We then compare citation metrics across the different definitions of collaboration and find that papers defined as being collaborative were more frequently cited than their non-collaborative counterparts, regardless of the definition of collaboration used.

We also share preliminary results from examining the relationship between co-citation and co-authorship by analyzing the extent to which similar fields (as determined by co-citation) are collaborating on works (as determined by co-authorship).

These preliminary results reveal trends of compartmentalization with respect to intra-institutional collaboration and show promise in being expanded.


Vers une culture de la donnée en SHS : Une étude à l’Université de Lille

Auteur/Author : Joachim Schöpfel

La science ouverte figure parmi les priorités de l’Etat français. Dans la continuité des chantiers engagés par le gouvernement français sur la transformation numérique de l’Etat et sa modernisation, le deuxième plan d’action national 2018-2020 “Pour une action publique transparente et collaborative” précise que la France « soutient la mise en œuvre des principes du gouvernement ouvert pour renforcer (…) l’accès aux matériaux et résultats de la recherche ».

Le plan national pour la science ouverte, présenté début juillet 2018, a confirmé cette ambition. L’objectif est que les données produites par la recherche publique soient progressivement structurées en conformité avec les principes FAIR, préservées et, quand cela est possible, ouvertes.

Notre étude “Vers une culture de la donnée en SHS” souhaite contribuer à la mise en œuvre de l’écosystème de la science ouverte sur le terrain d’un campus universitaire.

L’étude a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet structurant D4Humanities, avec un financement de la MESHS et du Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France, et elle fait suite à des travaux de recherche menés depuis 2013 par le laboratoire GERiiCO.

Conduite sous forme d’entretiens avec 51 chercheurs, doctorants, responsables de laboratoires, chefs de projets et ingénieurs en charge de données, l’étude poursuit trois objectifs :

  1. (Re)Mettre les enseignants-chercheurs au cœur de la mise en œuvre de l’écosystème de la science ouverte sur le campus, avec leurs besoins, priorités et interrogations.
  2. Identifier des opportunités et verrous pour une politique de données.
  3. Recommander dix actions à mettre en place pour développer la culture de données sur le campus.

Menée comme un audit sur un terrain particulier et dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales, l’étude a une portée pragmatique: dégager les éléments indispensables pour une politique cohérente de la production, gestion et réutilisation des données de la recherche sur un campus en sciences humaines et sociales, et contribuer ainsi à l’appropriation du concept de la science ouverte par une « mise en culture de la donnée, qui effectue une mise en sens d’usages disséminés et spécialisés de données ouvertes ».

Une première partie (« Constats préalables ») s’appuie sur deux études (Rennes 2, Lille 3) pour mieux cerner le concept de la donnée de recherche et son caractère de « longue traîne » ; cette partie synthétise les pratiques, motivations et attentes des enseignants-chercheurs dans ce domaine, en SHS.

Elle aborde également d’une manière générale la question des services et dispositifs de données. Une deuxième partie (« Observations ») décrit un paysage contrasté à partir des entretiens menés en 2017 et 2018 sur le campus SHS de l’Université de Lille.

Les besoins prioritaires des chercheurs sont la sécurité des données et systèmes, et la communication au sein des projets. L’image qui se dégage est un continuum de pratiques plus ou moins efficaces, formalisées et adéquates, avec une gouvernance parfois incertaine, au niveau des projets aussi bien qu’au niveau des structures.

Ces pratiques sont liées aux communautés disciplinaires mais plus encore, aux méthodes, équipements et thématiques scientifiques. La troisième partie (« Vers une culture de la donnée ») liste d’une manière succincte dix recommandations qui, ensemble, définissent un cadre de référence pour la mise en œuvre d’une politique de données sur un campus SHS :

  1. Mettre en place un pilotage scientifique
  2. Investir d’une manière ciblée
  3. Viser les projets, pas les laboratoires
  4. Utiliser les plans de gestion comme levier
  5. Apporter des réponses aux contraintes de sécurité
  6. Apporter des réponses aux besoins de communication
  7. Apporter des réponses aux besoins de curation
  8. Proposer plusieurs solutions pour la conservation des données
  9. Institutionnaliser le lien avec la TGIR Huma-Num
  10. Soutenir les bonnes pratiques

URL : Vers une culture de la donnée en SHS : Une étude à l’Université de Lille

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Understanding the needs of scholars in a contemporary publishing environment: Survey results

Author : PWW Research Team

Publishing Without Walls (PWW) is a Mellon-funded initiative at the University of Illinois led by the University Library in partnership with the School of Information Sciences, the department of African American Studies, and the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities.

Our project is developing a scalable, sustainable model for library-based digital scholarly publishing. The model aims to lower publishing barriers – both for scholars new to digital publishing and for institutions with limited resources – while opening publications to the widest possible readership.

With a goal of broad adoption in academic libraries, our model locates the humanities scholar at the center of the scholarly communication ecosystem and affords services that are informed by and responsive to scholarly needs.

The research guiding development of this model aims to identify and explore perceived gaps in the current publishing system, including the gap between what and how scholars want to publish and what existing systems accommodate; the gap between the everyday practices of humanities scholars and tools for producing and supporting digital scholarship; and the gap between digital scholarship and publishing opportunities at resource-rich institutions and resource-limited institutions, especially Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

This report gives the results of one piece of an ongoing, multimodal research effort. Through a large-scale survey and a series of interviews with humanities scholars, this effort aims to lay a solid foundation of understanding about scholarly needs in the contemporary publishing environment.

This report explains the survey method, gives a summary of participants’ self-reported demographics, and details survey results, proceeding question by question. The goal of this report is not to provide interpretation of the meaning or significance of survey results, but to document the results themselves as a foundation for future interpretation, and for informing ongoing research and development of the publishing service model.

URL : Understanding the needs of scholars in a contemporary publishing environment: Survey results


Awareness of Institutional Repositories and Open Access Publishing Among Researchers in University of Calicut

Authors : Manchu O, asudevan T M

The paper examined institutional repositories and open access publishing awareness among the researchers in university of calicut. Questionnaire method was adopted to collect data for the study. Major findings of the study were that a large majority of researchers in university of Calicut aware of the concept of institutional repositories and open access publishing.

The major motivating factors of researchers for using institutional repositories and open access publishing was improvement of their scholarly communication. The discouraging factors for researchers not deposit their work in it were that majority of them did not aware of how can they deposit their work in it and a good number of them thought that repository would have low prestige.

The study concluded with a suggestion that library should provide appropriate awareness program and training to researchers about the benefits of using institutional repositories and open access publishing and should encourage them to deposit their work in it.

URL : Awareness of Institutional Repositories and Open Access Publishing Among Researchers in University of Calicut

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Understanding and supporting researchers’ choices in sharing their publications: the launch of the FairShare Network and Shareable PDF

Author : Charlie Rapple

Researchers have for many years had access to new platforms and channels for networking and sharing resources, but the pace of growth in their usage of these networks has substantially increased recently.

This has led to full-text sharing on a scale that concerns publishers and libraries, because of the proportion of such sharing that infringes copyright. This article summarizes key findings of a 2017 survey that explored researchers’ awareness of and behaviours in relation to scholarly collaboration networks and other emerging mechanisms for discovering and gaining access to content, along with their views on copyright.

The article also describes ‘Shareable PDF’, a new approach to PDF-based sharing that better enables such sharing to be measured and contextualized, and which has recently been successfully launched with authors and readers.

URL : Understanding and supporting researchers’ choices in sharing their publications: the launch of the FairShare Network and Shareable PDF


Impact of Institutional Repositories’ on Scholarly Practices of Scientists

Authors : Prachi Shukla, Naved Ahmad

Institutional Repositories (IRs) are established mainly to provide access to information resources which are otherwise not easily accessible in digital format. Many institutions across the world and particularly in India have successfully developed their own IRs but have not attempted to assess their importance and impact on the Users.

This study conveys the findings of the survey conducted at research centric CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) laboratories of India to determine the scientists’ and research scholars’ preference for publishing their research materials; to measure the impact of IRs on their scholarly practices and to recommend future changes for inviting more participation in an IR.

The study deduced that ‘Peer- Review scholarly Journals’ are preferred medium for publishing research content and ‘Increase in the access to grey literature’ is the most significant impact of IR on respondents.

The findings of this research paper provide insight to the IR managers and administrators of low-deposit and low-usage repositories about the contributors’ apprehensions. The study will also help them to define and adopt policies that will eventually enhance their IRs visibility and impact.


Understanding Data Retrieval Practices: A Social Informatics Perspective

Authors : Kathleen Gregory, Helena Cousijn, Paul Groth, Andrea Scharnhorst, Sally Wyatt

Open research data are heralded as having the potential to increase effectiveness, productivity, and reproducibility in science, but little is known about the actual practices involved in data search and retrieval.

The socio-technical problem of locating data for (re)use is often reduced to the technological dimension of designing data search systems. In this article, we explore how a social informatics perspective can help to better analyze the current academic discourse about data retrieval as well as to study user practices and behaviors.

We employ two methods in our analysis – bibliometrics and interviews with data seekers – and conclude with a discussion of the implications of our findings for designing data discovery systems.