Global OA APCs (APC) 2010–2017: Major Trends

Author : Heather Morrison

The open access (OA) article processing charges (APC) project is a longitudinal study of the minority of fully OA journals (27% in 2016) that have APCs. The global average APC shows little change; in USD, 906 in 2010, 964 in 2016, 974 in 2017.

The average masks currency differences and the impact of a growing market; new APC journals often start with an APC of 0. Traditional commercial scholarly publishers are entering the OA market: the largest OA journal publishers’ portfolios in 2017 were Springer, De Gruyter, Elsevier, and Wolters Kluwer Medknow.

However, these are a small portion of OA journal publishing which is still marked by a very long tail and extensive involvement by very small, often university or society publishers. APC pricing shows a wide range and variability. The APC market can be described as volatile.


Simplifying OA Policy Compliance for Authors Through a Publisher- Repository Partnership

Authors : Mariya Maistrovskaya, Judy Hum-Delaney

In April of 2015, Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) in partnership with the University of Toronto Libraries launched an automated manuscript deposit service. Upon author’s opt-in, an automated workflow transfers their accepted manuscript from the publisher system into the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace, where it is made openly available with a reference to the final version on the journal website.

This free service is available to authors publishing their work in CSP’s NRC Research Press journals and is of particular interest to grant recipients looking to comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications that came into effect in 2015.

This paper provides an overview of the partnership and the workflow that makes over 1,200 manuscripts openly available annually. It also shares the script that can be adopted by other libraries and publishers looking to provide automated deposit service to authors for the purpose of funder mandate compliance, green OA, or preservation.


Unbundling Open Access dimensions: a conceptual discussion to reduce terminology inconsistencies

Authors : Alberto Martín-Martín, Rodrigo Costas, Thed N. van Leeuwen, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

The current ways in which documents are made freely accessible in the Web no longer adhere to the models established Budapest/Bethesda/Berlin (BBB) definitions of Open Access (OA). Since those definitions were established, OA-related terminology has expanded, trying to keep up with all the variants of OA publishing that are out there.

However, the inconsistent and arbitrary terminology that is being used to refer to these variants are complicating communication about OA-related issues. This study intends to initiate a discussion on this issue, by proposing a conceptual model of OA.

Our model features six different dimensions (authoritativeness, user rights, stability, immediacy, peer-review, and cost). Each dimension allows for a range of different options. We believe that by combining the options in these six dimensions, we can arrive at all the current variants of OA, while avoiding ambiguous and/or arbitrary terminology.

This model can be an useful tool for funders and policy makers who need to decide exactly which aspects of OA are necessary for each specific scenario.

URL : Unbundling Open Access dimensions: a conceptual discussion to reduce terminology inconsistencies

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Trends, Models and Strategies for Medical Libraries in the Era of Open Access to Health Information: A Report of Convention – NCOAHI 2018 held on February 9-10, 2018 at Jaipur

Authors : Rajeev Manhas, Mili Bajpai, Ashok Kumar

Open access to information resources has opened up a new window for the libraries and their users to cope up with the shrinking budget of libraries and increasing cost of the information resources, especially in the case of health sciences, where the cost of information resources is too high, and it is difficult for a single library to afford all the health information resources and meet the emerging demands of health professionals.

The conference provided a sharing platform for the library professionals to discuss various issues related to open access and other relevant hot topics like mobile applications in medical libraries, infrastructure to application of cloud technology, e-learning, open vs. subscribed journals, cost benefit analysis, total quality management, IPRs and role of social media tools in higher educational institutes.

The aim of this report is to create awareness among the stakeholders who are working in this area, so that they may gain the necessary information for further development of the system for the benefits of library users.

At the last of the report some recommendations have been put forth, so that the policy makers may do the needful for framing the policies for the development of library system in the country.

URL : Trends, Models and Strategies for Medical Libraries in the Era of Open Access to Health Information: A Report of Convention – NCOAHI 2018 held on February 9-10, 2018 at Jaipur

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Quelles perspectives pour l’Open Access en sciences juridiques après la loi « République numérique » ?

Auteur/Author : Lionel Maurel

L’Open Access constituait déjà une réalité dans le domaine des sciences juridiques, même si les pratiques des chercheurs pouvaient être moins avancées que dans d’autres disciplines.

La loi République numérique, adoptée en octobre 2016, introduit au bénéfice des chercheurs un nouveau droit au dépôt de leurs publications en archives ouvertes, qui peut contribuer à faire évoluer la situation dans le domaine juridique.

Mais elle poursuit également l’ouverture en Open Data des données juridiques, notamment en ce qui concerne la jurisprudence. Les sciences juridiques se trouvent donc dans la situation originale où leur objet-même sera bientôt quasi-intégralement en Libre accès, ce qui peut favoriser leur cheminement vers l’Open Science (Science Ouverte).

URL : Quelles perspectives pour l’Open Access en sciences juridiques après la loi « République numérique » ?

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The evolving preprint landscape: Introductory report for the Knowledge Exchange working group on preprints

Authors : Jonathan Tennant, Serge Bauin, Sarah James, Juliane Kant

In 1961, the USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched a program called Information Exchange Groups, designed for the circulation of biological preprints, but this shut down in 1967 (Confrey, 1996; Cobb, 2017).

In 1991, the arXiv repository was launched for physics, computer science, and mathematics, which is when preprints (or ‘e-prints’) began to increase in popularity and attention (Wikipedia ArXiv#History; Jackson, 2002). The Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) was launched in 1994, and in 1997 Research Papers in Economics (Wikipedia RePEc) was launched.

In 2008, the research network platforms and ResearchGate were both launched and allowed sharing of research papers at any stage. In 2013, two new biological preprint servers were launched, bioRxiv (by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) and PeerJ Preprints (by PeerJ) (Wikipedia BioRxiv; Wikipedia PeerJ).

Between these major ongoing initiatives were various, somewhat less-successful attempts to launch preprint servers, including Nature Precedings (folded in April 2012) and Netprints from the British Medical Journal (Wikipedia Nature Precedings; BMJ, 1999).

Now, a range of innovative services, organisations, and platforms are rapidly developing around preprints, prompting this overview of the present ecosystem on behalf of Knowledge Exchange.

URL : The evolving preprint landscape: Introductory report for the Knowledge Exchange working group on preprints


The once and future library: the role of the (national) library in supporting research

Author: Torsten Reimer

The global research environment is changing rapidly and with it the role of libraries in facilitating research. Taking the British Library as an example, this article provides a situational analysis of the challenges research libraries face in this context.

It outlines a new, or at least modified, role for research libraries, taking the emerging research services strategy of the British Library and its ‘Everything Available’ change management portfolio as an example.

It argues that if libraries want to keep adding value to the research process, they need to shift their thinking from focusing on local collections to contributing to a global knowledge environment – in a persistent and open fashion.

URL : The once and future library: the role of the (national) library in supporting research