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Archives des mots-clés : open access
Document supply of grey literature and o…
Document supply of grey literature and open access: an update :
L’article analyse l’impact des archives ouvertes sur la fourniture de documents de la littérature grise. Il s’appuie sur une analyse comparative de 5 centres d’information scientifique : The British Library (UK), CISTI (Canada), INIST-CNRS (France), KISTI (Corée du Sud) and TIB Hannover (Allemagne).
20th US Green OA Mandate: Planet’s 147t…
20th US Green OA Mandate: Planet’s 147th
Royal Holloway sets open-access mandate …
Royal Holloway sets open-access mandate :
Royal Holloway, University of London has approved an open-access publication policy. All its researchers must deposit copies of their research in the Royal Holloway Research Online (RHRO) repository from 1 September 2010.
The Open Access citation advantage: Studies and results to date
Author : Alma Swan
This paper presents a summary of reported studies on the Open Access citation advantage. There is a brief introduction to the main issues involved in carrying out such studies, both methodological and interpretive.
The study listing provides some details of the coverage, methodological approach and main conclusions of each study.
Sweden’s 2nd Green OA Mandate, World’s…
Sweden’s 2nd Green OA Mandate, World’s 146th :,-Worlds-146th.html
Portugal rejoint SCOAP3
Portugal rejoint SCOAP3