How open science helps researchers succeed

Authors : Erin C McKiernan,  Philip E Bourne, C Titus Brown, Stuart Buck, Amye Kenall, Jennifer Lin, Damon McDougall, Brian A Nosek, Karthik Ram, Courtney K Soderberg, Jeffrey R Spies, Kaitlin Thaney, Andrew Updegrove, Kara H Woo, Tal Yarkoni

Open access, open data, open source and other open scholarship practices are growing in popularity and necessity. However, widespread adoption of these practices has not yet been achieved.One reason is that researchers are uncertain about how sharing their work will affect their careers.

We review literature demonstrating that open research is associated with increases in citations, media attention, potential collaborators, job opportunities and funding opportunities. These findings are evidence that open research practices bring significant benefits to researchers relative to more traditional closed practices.

URL : How open science helps researchers succeed


Fifty shades of open

Open source. Open access. Open society. Open knowledge. Open government. Even open food. The word “open” has been applied to a wide variety of words to create new terms, some of which make sense, and some not so much.

This essay disambiguates the many meanings of the word “open” as it is used in a wide range of contexts.


Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice

‘Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice’ brings together authors and researchers in the field of open-source archaeology, defined as encompassing the ethical imperative for open public access to the results of publicly-funded research; practical solutions to open-data projects; open-source software applications in archaeology; public information sharing projects in archaeology; open-GIS; and the open-context system of data management and sharing.

This edited volume is designed to discuss important issues around open access to data and software in academic and commercial archaeology, as well as to summarise both the current state of theoretical engagement, and technological development in the field of open-archaeology.


The open research value proposition: How sharing can help researchers succeed

Open access, open data, open source, and other open scholarship practices are growing in necessity and popularity, rapidly becoming part of the integral workflow of researchers. However, widespread adoption of many of these practices has not yet been achieved. Understandably, researchers have concerns as to how sharing their work will affect their careers. Some of these concerns stem from a lack of awareness about the career benefits associated with open research.

Herein, we review literature on the open citation advantage, media attention for publicly available research, collaborative possibilities, and special funding opportunities to show how open practices can give researchers a competitive advantage.

URL : The open research value proposition: How sharing can help researchers succeed

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Barriers to Initiation of Open Source Software Projects in Libraries


“Libraries share a number of core values with the Open Source Software (OSS) movement, suggesting there should be a natural tendency toward library participation in OSS projects. However Dale Askey’s 2008 Code4Lib column entitled “We Love Open Source Software. No, You Can’t Have Our Code,” claims that while libraries are strong proponents of OSS, they are unlikely to actually contribute to OSS projects. He identifies, but does not empirically substantiate, six barriers that he believes contribute to this apparent inconsistency.

In this study we empirically investigate not only Askey’s central claim but also the six barriers he proposes. In contrast to Askey’s assertion, we find that initiation of and contribution to OSS projects are, in fact, common practices in libraries. However, we also find that these practices are far from ubiquitous; as Askey suggests, many libraries do have opportunities to initiate OSS projects, but choose not to do so. Further, we find support for only four of Askey’s six OSS barriers. Thus, our results confirm many, but not all, of Askey’s assertions.”


Utopie du logiciel libre Du bricolage informatique à…


Utopie du logiciel libre : Du bricolage informatique à la réinvention sociale :

“Né dans les années 1980 de la révolte de hackers contre la privatisation du code informatique, le mouvement du logiciel libre ne semblait pas destiné à renouveler nos imaginaires politiques. Les valeurs et les pratiques du Libre ont pourtant gagné d’autres domaines, dessinant peu à peu une véritable « utopie concrète ». Celle-ci a fait sienne plusieurs exigences : bricoler nos technologies au lieu d’en être les consommateurs sidérés, défendre la circulation de l’information contre l’extension des droits de propriété intellectuelle, lier travail et réalisation de soi en minimisant les hiérarchies. De GNU/Linux à Wikipédia, de la licence GPL aux Creative Commons, des ordinateurs aux imprimantes 3D, ces aspirations se sont concrétisées dans des objets techniques, des outils juridiques et des formes originales de collaboration qui nourrissent aujourd’hui une sphère des communs propre à encourager l’inventivité collective. On peut être tenté de voir là un projet de substitution au modèle néolibéral. Pourtant, dans sa relation à l’économie d’Internet, ses enthousiasmes technophiles ou ses ambiguïtés politiques, le Libre soulève aussi nombre de questions. Sébastien Broca fait ressortir celles-ci, en racontant une histoire dans laquelle les hackers inspirent la pensée critique (d’André Gorz aux animateurs de la revue Multitudes) et les entrepreneurs open source côtoient les défenseurs des biens communs. À travers ce bouillonnement de pratiques, de luttes et de théories, l’esprit du Libre émerge néanmoins comme un déjà là où s’ébauchent les contours d’une réinvention sociale.”


OERs in Context – Case Study of Innovation…

OERs in Context – Case Study of Innovation and Sustainability of Educational Practices at the University of Mauritius :

“Over the recent years, there has been a growing interest in Open Educational Resources (OER). A similar trend was observed about a decade ago in the concept of Learning Objects, which inevitably faded without really making an impact in real-world educational contexts. A number of repositories were created that contain thousands of learning objects. However, on the consumption side, very little is known in terms of their implementations and impacts on teaching and learning. The same phenomenon is observed with Open Education Educational resources which are by definition learning objects but they are freely available resources available for educators and practitioners to use, reuse, remix and re-contextualise in local contexts. While the use of OER is widespread among educators (similarly to learning objects), however they often happen in discretion, isolation and not really in well-established frameworks (pedagogical, economical and institutional). This paper presents a case study of how OERs have been included in a sustainable and innovative teaching and learning model in three online courses at Diploma, Bachelor and Masters Level. It shows how the inclusion of OERs helped maintain a good quality level, sustain a viable economic model with reduction of tuition fees for learners, increase access and achieve the intended learning outcomes without any negative impact on the learners’ experience.”