Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Inf…

Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Infrastructure for Scholarly Publications :
Scholarly publications are a major part of the research infrastructure. One way to make output available is to store the publications in Open Access Repositories (OAR). A Current Research Information System (CRIS) that conforms to the standard CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) could be a key component in the e-infrastructure. A CRIS provides the structure and makes it possible to interoperate the CRIS metadata at every stage of the research cycle. The international DRIVER projects are creating a European repository infrastructure. Knowledge Exchange has launched a project to develop a metadata exchange format for publications between CRIS and OAR systems.

Sciences et société en interaction sur Internet. Éléments pour une histoire de l’édition électronique en sciences humaines et sociales

Dans l’histoire des rapports complexes qu’entretiennent sciences et société, le développement des réseaux numériques constitue un moment stratégique, que ce soit au niveau de leur développement technique, ou des modifications que ce développement produit sur les formes de la communication scientifique.

Le cas particulier des sciences humaines et sociales met bien en évidence le rôle de médiation que les TIC jouent dans les relations entre sciences et société.



OA-Fachrepositorien ist ein von der DFG gefördertes Projekt der Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz. Ziel ist eine Förderung der Sichtbarkeit und Nutzung der in institutionellen Repositorien zahlreich vorhandenen Dokumente durch eine an den Bedürfnissen der Wissenschaftler orientierte geeignete Einbindung in fachliche Repositorien und andere Zielsysteme, v.a. Fachdatenbanken, die von Fachwissenschaftlern als primäre Sucheinstiege verwendet werden.


Evaluation Insights to Key Processes of …

Evaluation Insights to Key Processes of Digital Repositories :
Digital repositories are considered essential information tools for scholarly communication. Their acceptability and extensive use by communities and institutions, as well as the users’ commitment in self-archiving, highlight the need for developing alternative channels of communication to expose scholarly productivity. Furthermore, the digital repositories community is interested into transforming them into viable, reliable and useful systems. This interest is primarily expressed by intense research activity, including – among the others – the evaluation and the usability of the technological solutions that support these services. On an institutional level, digital repositories are systems supported by physical organizations, such as libraries, which undertake many tasks in order to enable a variety of processes associated with these systems, such as submission, editing and access. In this paper, we present a multifaceted evaluation initiative that aimed at the redesign of University of Patras’ institutional repository, namely ‘Nemertes’. ‘Nemertes’ is operating on a DSpace installation and the ‘Theses and Dissertations’ collection was placed at the center of evaluation as the most important collection accommodated in the service. Emphasis was given to key processes held inside the repository by conducting surveys and interviews with typical classes of users. In order to collect data from these sources three different studies were held. First the quality of Submission process inside the physical and the digital space was evaluated through a questionnaire survey, which was addressed to people who had earlier submitted in the ‘Theses and Dissertation’ collection. Secondly, the information retrieval processes and the interface were evaluated by Human-Computer Interaction savvy students using the usability heuristics principles. Finally, the Editing processes and the quality of the delivery of services were assessed through interviews with the librarians that support the service. The findings of these studies point to areas that the system can be improved and help to eliminate the barriers that prohibit the service to be upgraded and host new collections. The areas identified concern both the way of delivering the service and the operation of the system. While the contextual parameters make the generalization of the findings about the service more ambiguous, the findings concerning the system performance and the interface intuitiveness validate the results of previous studies, such as the case of terminology, the affordances and the effectiveness of search interfaces. It is anticipated that the findings of the study can be further exploited by organizations with similar repository services and technological infrastructures.

Institutional Repositories Movement in I…

Institutional Repositories Movement in India: Tips & Strategies for Success in the Challenging Times :
The paper highlights the institutional repositories (IRs) movement in India updated till Nov 2009. The paper attempts to identify and evaluate institutional repositories in India with special reference to initiatives taken by twelve DRDO laboratories/establishments including DESIDOC. This paper gives a comprehensive listing of workshops conducted in India to promote development of IRs and also lists institutional repositories developed in India, most of which are available in the public domain. The IRs are identified through a study of the literature, as well as internet searching and browsing. A questionnaire based survey followed by select telephonic interviews were conducted to examine the number of DRDO labs/estts, who have already hosted IRs, and those who intend to do so in the near future. Use of open source software, especially DSpace, is found to be most commonly used for the creation of IRs in India. The collection size in most of the IRs of India is in few hundred records only. IRs face a seemingly endless set of interrelated challenges. Most pertinent questions are: How can we attract content? And how can we integrate IRs into the Institutions landscape? The paper highlights the Indian initiatives in the field of IRs. It provides an overview of the 69 institutional repositories of Indian institutions in a range of subject disciplines. This article highlights software requirements for setting up IRs and the current trends in India. The paper conducts a literature review and questionnaire survey on IRs already established and those planned in near future among DRDO Labs/Estt and to incorporate it with the authors’ own experiences. The authors believe that institutional repositories will help in the sharing of institutional intellectual output and will increase article citations and the impact factors of Indian publications. The LIS professionals should play a proactive role in the growth of e-resources in institutional repositories to enable IRs to become sustainable in the future also. This paper explores some of the challenges and benefits to libraries operating an IR. Lastly, this paper will examine the future of IR’s as it relates to issues in sustainability and viability for institutional repositories.

Les statistiques d’utilisation d’archi…

Les statistiques d’utilisation d’archives ouvertes – Etat de l’art :
Cette communication présente les premiers résultats d’une étude sur les archives ouvertes en France à partir d’informations trouvées dans des publications ou sur les sites web propres aux archives. L’objectif de cette étude est de faire un bilan des résultats de la politique en faveur des archives ouvertes en France en termes de typologie, contenu, taille, développement et utilisation. Dans un 2e temps nous ferons l’état de l’art de la question des statistiques d’utilisation des archives ouvertes, avec quelques recommandations pour leur normalisation.

OpenETD: Open Source Electronic Theses a…

OpenETD: Open Source Electronic Theses and Dissertations Managment Software :
OpenETD is an open source, web-based software application for managing the submission, approval, and distribution of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). OpenETD can be used as either a standalone submission system, or it can be implemented as a component of an institutional repository by using its METS/XML export functionality. It provides functions for three different user types: Student, Graduate School Reviewer, and System Administrator.
Using the METS/XML export funationality, native to OpenETD, implementers can export acquired ETDs to their local institutional repositories for preservation and presentation purposes.