PEER Behavioural Research Authors and Users vis à…

PEER Behavioural Research: Authors and Users vis-à-vis Journals and Repositories (final report) :

“The Behavioural research project is one of three independent research projects commissioned and managed by PEER as part of the PEER Observatory. The aim of the Behavioural research
project was to address the role of stage-two manuscript repositories in the scholarly and scientific communication system by exploring perceptions, motivations and behaviours of authors and readers. The research was carried out between April 2009 and August 2011 by the Department of Information Science and LISU at Loughborough University, UK.”


Difficile convergence des archives ouvertes en SIC

L’article rend compte d’un test de moissonnage pour quatre archives ouvertes sélectionnées afin de déterminer la faisabilité et les limites de leur interconnexion pour un domaine scientifique particulier: le champ des SIC. Les problèmes rencontrés d’interopérabilité organisationnelle, technique et sémantique sont détaillés et contextualisés à un état de l’art sur la question. La question de la difficile représentation sémantique commune pour ce champ scientifique, manifeste dès l’étape de repérage et d’identification des archives ouvertes SIC sur le répertoire international OpenDOAR, est ensuite approfondie à partir de l’étude détaillée du champ ” subject “.

L’article conclut à la nécessité de repenser à la source les modes de production de ces dispositifs selon des procédures partagées au sein de la communauté scientifique et entre gestionnaires de ces archives.


Building an Open Data Repository: Lessons and Challenge

Author : Limor Peer

The Internet has transformed scholarly research in many ways. Open access to data and other research output has been touted as a crucial step toward transparency and quality in science. This paper takes a critical look at what it takes to share social science research data, from the perspective of a small data repository at Yale University’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies.

The ISPS Data Archive was built to create an open access digital collection of social science experimental data, metadata, and associated files produced by ISPS researchers, for the purpose of replication of research findings, further analysis, and teaching.

This paper describes the development of the ISPS Data Archive and discusses the inter-related challenges of replication, integration, and stewardship. It argues that open data requires effort, investment of resources, and planning. By itself, it does not enhance knowledge.


Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus…

Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus :

“Marketing is an activity that is integral to the growth and use of a campus
institutional repository (IR). But what kinds of marketing activities do libraries engage in to advertise the new services associated with an IR? This chapter summarizes basic marketing principles and describes
the application of those principles as they relate to marketing an institutional repository within a higher education setting.”


Asking for Permission: A Survey of Copyright Workflows for Institutional Repositories

An online survey of institutional repository (IR) managers identified copyright clearance trends in staffing and workflows. The majority of respondents followed a mediated deposit model, and reported that library personnel, instead of authors, engaged in copyright clearance activities for IRs.

The most common “information gaps” pertained to the breadth of information in copyright directories like SHERPA/RoMEO. To fill these gaps, most respondents directly contacted publishers for permissions.

Respondents typically did not share publisher responses with other IRs, citing barriers such as time, expertise, staffing, and the need for improved methods for sharing data with copyright directories.


It was twenty years ago today To…

It was twenty years ago today . . . :

“To mark the 20th anniversary of the commencement of (now, I’ve adapted this article from one that first appeared in Physics World ( and was later reprinted (Learned Publishing, Vol. 22, No. 2, Apr 2009, p. 95; (with permission) in Learned Publishing. This version is closer to my original draft, with some updates for this occasion, plus an astounding 25 added footnotes.”


Development of institutional repositories in Chinese Universities and…

Development of institutional repositories in Chinese Universities and the open access movement in China :

“The number of research articles about Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) has grown quickly in recent years, while Chinese universities move slower than their western counterparts. There are only a few experimental institutional repositories (IRs) now, and no explicit campus-wide policies towards open access have been proclaimed. This paper will describe the status of the OA movement in China, and mainly focus on institutional repositories in Chinese Universities. Factors that hinder the development of OA will be discussed; meanwhile we will give some suggestions for constructing IRs in Chinese Universities.”