Calenge par Bertrand, parcours de lecture dans le Carnet d’un bibliothécaire : Du blog au book

Auteur/Author : Jérôme pouchol

Nous sommes tous redevables à Bertrand Calenge, bibliothécaire de renom, théoricien et praticien des bibliothèques, disparu en 2016.

Un collectif de bibliothécaires fait revivre cet auteur, en proposant un parcours de lecture à travers son blog Carnet de notes.

Ces parcours thématiques et transversaux recontextualisent les billets selon les principaux sujets traités par l’auteur – collections, médiation, évaluation, métier, numérique, etc. – autant dire toutes les questions vives des bibliothèques.

Ce livre expérimente une mise en book du blog d’un professionnel, pour nous inviter, comme l’écrit Martine Poulain dans sa préface, « à penser, échanger, proposer ».

URL : Calenge par Bertrand, parcours de lecture dans le Carnet d’un bibliothécaire : Du blog au book

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Quelle place pour le prêt d’objets en bibliothèque ?

Auteur/Author : Justine Le Montagner

En France, les bibliothèques, territoriales comme universitaires, sont de plus en plus nombreuses à proposer des services de prêt d’objets, qui peuvent se définir, en opposition aux livres et aux documents audio-visuels, par leur valeur d’usage.

Ces services innovants, encore souvent expérimentaux, interrogent l’identité d’une institution en crise, et participent à la définition de la bibliothèque comme un lieu de vie et de création.

En légitimant le prêt d’objets qui favorisent l’accès des citoyens à des pratiques et à des savoirs et savoir-faire, la bibliothèque fait évoluer son image et poursuit des enjeux sociétaux, renforçant ainsi sa place au sein d’une communauté.

URL : Quelle place pour le prêt d’objets en bibliothèque ?

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Les coopérations entre chercheurs et bibliothécaires dans le cadre des projets de numérisation de corpus documentaires

Auteur/Author : Graziella Pastore

Depuis quelques années, le milieu de la recherche, des bibliothèques et des institutions culturelles porte une attention de plus en plus marquée à l’étude de corpus documentaires, à leur numérisation et à leur exploitation.

Les projets de numérisation de corpus reposent sur l’établissement de partenariats, de collaborations ou de contacts plus ou moins étroits entre institutions patrimoniales et de recherche (laboratoires de recherche, archives, bibliothèques, musées, maisons de sciences de l’homme, etc.) et s’adressent à un public varié (chercheurs, étudiants, “grand public”).

S’appuyant sur un état des lieux préliminaire et sur les résultats d’une double enquête menée auprès des bibliothécaires et des chercheurs, ce travail souhaite examiner cette situation composite, présenter comment ces projets se construisent et évoluent, les possibles coopérations entre chercheurs et professionnels des bibliothèques, ainsi que le point de vue des chercheurs et des bibliothécaires, afin de repérer les bonnes pratiques à encourager ou à développer, mais aussi les pièges à éviter.

URL : Les coopérations entre chercheurs et bibliothécaires dans le cadre des projets de numérisation de corpus documentaires

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La participation en bibliothèque

Auteur/Author : Manon Couëffé

La participation en bibliothèque est un enjeu majeur du métier de bibliothécaire. La participation est une pratique des usagers qui reste à définir, elle partage les opinions des professionnels et intrigue encore les publics.

Il est nécessaire de l’intégrer à l’institution car elle permet de rendre légitime un établissement dont l’influence diminue. La participation permet de co-construire les communs dont fait partie le patrimoine futur de l’humanité, qu’il soit numérique ou matériel.

De nombreux outils s’offrent au bibliothécaire pour encourager la démarche participative, que ce soit par des échanges, par l’aménagement des espaces ou par la création d’un réseau de participants.

La démarche participative, inscrite dans les missions du bibliothécaire, permet de développer le lien social sur un territoire. Les bibliothèques ont donc tout intérêt à cultiver la participation si elles veulent conserver leur position privilégiée dans la collectivité.

URL : La participation en bibliothèque

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Health sciences libraries’ subscriptions to journals: expectations of general practice departments and collection-based analysis

Authors : David Barreau, Céline Bouton, Vincent Renard, Jean-Pascal Fournier


The aims of this study were to (i) assess the expectations of general practice departments regarding health sciences libraries’ subscriptions to journals and (ii) describe the current general practice journal collections of health sciences libraries.


A cross-sectional survey was distributed electronically to the thirty-five university general practice departments in France. General practice departments were asked to list ten journals to which they expected access via the subscriptions of their health sciences libraries.

A ranked reference list of journals was then developed. Access to these journals was assessed through a survey sent to all health sciences libraries in France. Adequacy ratios (access/need) were calculated for each journal.


All general practice departments completed the survey. The total reference list included 44 journals. This list was heterogeneous in terms of indexation/impact factor, language of publication, and scope (e.g., patient care, research, or medical education).

Among the first 10 journals listed, La Revue Prescrire (96.6%), La Revue du Praticien–Médecine Générale (90.9%), the British Medical Journal (85.0%), Pédagogie Médicale (70.0%), Exercer (69.7%), and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (62.5%) had the highest adequacy ratios, whereas Family Practice (4.2%), the British Journal of General Practice (16.7%), Médecine (29.4%), and theEuropean Journal of General Practice (33.3%) had the lowest adequacy ratios.


General practice departments have heterogeneous expectations in terms of health sciences libraries’ subscriptions to journals. It is important for librarians to understand the heterogeneity of these expectations, as well as local priorities, so that journal access meets users’ needs.

URL : Health sciences libraries’ subscriptions to journals: expectations of general practice departments and collection-based analysis


Documentation and Dissemination of Indigenous Knowledge by Library Personnel in Selected Research Institutes in Nigeria

Authors : Adebola Aderemi Adeyemo, John Oluwaseye Adebayo

Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and practices are usually unwritten; relying on oral transmission and human memory. As a result, this study investigated the documentation and dissemination of Indigenous Knowledge by library personnel at five selected research institutes in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Using the descriptive survey design, six (6) questions raised to achieve the stated objectives. Structured questionnaire and interview were used for data collection. The population comprised of professionals and para-professionals library staff at Nigeria Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Institute of African Studies (IFRA), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

Purposive sampling method was used to select samples considering the resources to be expended and time involved for the study. Data were analyzed with the use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 16) while simple frequency count of percentage distribution was used to present the results of findings in table.

Some of the findings of the study revealed that Indigenous Knowledge documented at the research institutes were on: Agriculture; kingship system in different towns; traditional medicine; general traditional culture; as well as traditional politics and governance. In addition, Indigenous

Knowledge practices were documented with recordings and visual documentation among other methods, and these are being done by all the library personnel. Meanwhile, Indigenous Knowledge practices are being disseminated through: video, library website, print media, direct mail, public lectures, exhibitions and displays, and exchange. Certain recommendations were made based on the findings of this study.


Exploring the feasibility of applying data mining for library reference service improvement : a case study of Turku Main Library

Author : Ming Zhan

Data mining, as a heatedly discussed term, has been studied in various fields. Its possibilities in refining the decision-making process, realizing potential patterns and creating valuable knowledge have won attention of scholars and practitioners. However, there are less studies intending to combine data mining and libraries where data generation occurs all the time.

Therefore, this thesis plans to fill such a gap. Meanwhile, potential opportunities created by data mining are explored to enhance one of the most important elements of libraries: reference service. In order to thoroughly demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of data mining, literature is reviewed to establish a critical understanding of data mining in libraries and attain the current status of library reference service.

The result of the literature review indicates that free online data resources other than data generated on social media are rarely considered to be applied in current library data mining mandates. Therefore, the result of the literature review motivates the presented study to utilize online free resources. Furthermore, the natural match between data mining and libraries is established.

The natural match is explained by emphasizing the data richness reality and considering data mining as one kind of knowledge, an easy choice for libraries, and a wise method to overcome reference service challenges. The natural match, especially the aspect that data mining could be helpful for library reference service, lays the main theoretical foundation for the empirical work in this study.

Turku Main Library was selected as the case to answer the research question: whether data mining is feasible and applicable for reference service improvement. In this case, the daily visit from 2009 to 2015 in Turku Main Library is considered as the resource for data mining.

In addition, corresponding weather conditions are collected from Weather Underground, which is totally free online. Before officially being analyzed, the collected dataset is cleansed and preprocessed in order to ensure the quality of data mining.

Multiple regression analysis is employed to mine the final dataset. Hourly visits are the independent variable and weather conditions, Discomfort Index and seven days in a week are dependent variables. In the end, four models in different seasons are established to predict visiting situations in each season.

Patterns are realized in different seasons and implications are created based on the discovered patterns. In addition, library-climate points are generated by a clustering method, which simplifies the process for librarians using weather data to forecast library visiting situation. Then the data mining result is interpreted from the perspective of improving reference service.

After this data mining work, the result of the case study is presented to librarians so as to collect professional opinions regarding the possibility of employing data mining to improve reference services. In the end, positive opinions are collected, which implies that it is feasible to utilizing data mining as a tool to enhance library reference service.