Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era

Authors : Fei Shu, Philippe Mongeon, Stefanie Haustein, Kyle Siler, Juan Pablo Alperin, Vincent Larivière

Commercial scholarly publishers promote and sell bundles of journals—known as big deals—that provide access to entire collections rather than individual journals. Following this new model, size of serial collections in academic libraries increased almost fivefold from 1986 to 2011.

Using data on library subscriptions and references made for a sample of North American universities, this study provides evidence that, while big deal bundles do decrease the mean price per subscribed journal, academic libraries receive less value for their investment.

We find that university researchers cite only a fraction of journals purchased by their libraries, that this fraction is decreasing, and that the cost per cited journal has increased.

These findings reveal how academic publishers use product differentiation and price strategies to increase sales and profits in the digital era, often at the expense of university and scientific stakeholders.

URL : Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era


Digital Publishing: A Home for Faculty in the Library — Exercises in Innovation from Harvard Law School

Authors : Claire DeMarco, Kyle Courtney

This article highlights specific examples of desire by faculty at Harvard Law School to push legal scholarship beyond the constraints of traditional commercial publishing. Harvard Law School Library, like any other academic library, is navigating the expansion of scholarly formats to the digital realm, as well as the demand by faculty to support new, and evolving, approaches to scholarship.

Analysis of these examples will focus on the unique role that the library has in stimulating, supporting, and sustaining, faculty publishing efforts, in addition to the challenges presented by the new, and potentially uncomfortable, proposition of library as a digital publisher.


Edition et publication des contenus : regard transversal sur la transformation des modèles

Auteur/Author : Ghislaine Chartron

L’Internet a installé une transformation profonde des modèles d’édition et de publication des contenus inscrits, jusqu’alors, dans des filières bien identifiées : la presse, la littérature, la musique, l’édition de jeunesse, l’édition de recherche…

Le numérique a brouillé les frontières, déstabilisé les modèles en place, transformé en partie les pratiques des usagers. De multiples projets innovants ont émergé, plus ou moins plébiscités, plus ou moins pérennes notamment par leur modèle économique, une fois passé le temps des subventions.

Dans un premier temps nous rappelons les caractéristiques majeures du contexte au sein duquel évoluent ces offres : économie de l’Internet, évolutivité des technologies associées et des pratiques socio-numériques.

De façon transversale, nous identifierons de nouvelles propositions de valeurs liées au numérique. Nous nous intéresserons aux modalités de remontées des recettes, à leur hybridation, ainsi qu’à la stratégie déployée par les géants du web dans ce secteur et, conjointement, au renouvellement des régulations.

Enfin, au regard de la comparaison transversale engagée, la contribution s’attachera à proposer une typologie revisitée des modèles de publication.


Automating semantic publishing

Author : Silvio Peroni

Semantic Publishing involves the use of Web and Semantic Web technologies and standards for the semantic enhancement of a scholarly work so as to improve its discoverability, interactivity, openness and (re-)usability for both humans and machines.

Recently, people have suggested that the semantic enhancements of a scholarly work should be undertaken by the authors of that scholarly work, and should be considered as integral parts of the contribution subjected to peer review. However, this requires that the authors should spend additional time and effort adding such semantic annotations, time that they usually do not have available.

Thus, the most pragmatic way to facilitate this additional task is to use automated services that create the semantic annotation of authors’ scholarly articles by parsing the content that they have already written, thus reducing the additional time required of the authors to that for checking and validating these semantic annotations.

In this article, I propose a generic approach called compositional and iterative semantic enhancement (CISE) that enables the automatic enhancement of scholarly papers with additional semantic annotations in a way that is independent of the markup used for storing scholarly articles and the natural language used for writing their content.

URL : Automating semantic publishing

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Grey literature publishing in public policy: production and management, costs and benefits

Author : Amanda Lawrence

Public policy and practice, and policy research, relies on diverse forms and types of information and communication, both traditional publications and a myriad of other documents and resources including reports, briefings, legislation, discussion papers, submissions and evaluations and much more.sci

This is sometimes referred to as ‘grey literature’, a collective term for the wide range of publications produced and published directly by organisations, either in print or digitally, outside of the commercial or scholarly publishing industry.

In the digital era grey literature has proliferated, and has become a key tool in influencing public debate and in providing an evidence-base for public policy and practice. Despite its ubiquity and influence, grey literature’s role is often overlooked as a publishing phenomenon, ignored both in scholarly research on media and communications and in the debate on the changing nature of open access and academic publishing.

This paper looks at the production of grey literature for public policy and practice where the changes enabled by computers and the internet are causing a hidden revolution in the dissemination of knowledge and evidence.

It explores the production, dissemination and management of publications by organizations, their nature, purpose and value, and investigates the benefits and the challenges of publishing outside of the commercial or scholarly publishing enterprises.

The paper provides estimates of the economic value of grey literature based on online surveys and valuations and considers the costs and benefits of self-publishing by organisations which provides both a dynamic, flexible and responsive publishing system and one in which link rot, duplication and highly varying standards abound.

The findings are part of a broader research project looking at role and value of grey literature for policy and practice including consumption, production and collection.

It will be of interest to a wide range of policy makers and practitioners as well as academics working in media and communications, public administration and library and information management.

URL : Grey literature publishing in public policy: production and management, costs and benefits

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Web et édition numérique

Auteur/Author : Emmanuelle Usclat

Le livre numérique est un produit hybride issu de l’édition traditionnelle et de l’écosystème du web. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de montrer comment le livre numérique est lié au web et comment se positionnent les professionnels des deux écosystèmes, en donnant d’abord une définition et un historique des deux secteurs, puis en mettant en évidence les liens qui les rattachent, et en finissant par interroger directement les professionnels pour recueillir leur opinion sur le sujet.

URL : Web et édition numérique

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L’édition de livres numériques : un défi technique, économique et culturel

Auteur/Author : Bianca Tangaro

Le livre numérique est un objet-frontière à la double filiation : d’une part celle de la culture de l’édition, et, d’autre part celle de la culture numérique. Le livre numérique défie le monde de l’édition sur le plan technique, économique et culturel à la fois, et trace la voie d’une convergence réelle entre les professionnels du web et ceux de l’édition.

URL : L’édition de livres numériques : un défi technique, économique et culturel

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