L’accessibilité numérique, une approche éthique en bibliothèque ? Une responsabilité à interroger : Enjeux, effets et intérêts pour les professionnels et les institutions

Autrice/Author : Elisabeth Von Samson

L’accessibilité numérique (AN), norme obligatoire, depuis 2009, pour les bibliothèques modifie la conception des interfaces des espaces documentaires numériques. Les institutions des bibliothèques tentent de réfléchir aux évolutions à apporter dans le parcours des usagers.

La mission d’« égalité d’accès pour tous » des bibliothèques , conduit à questionner la dimension éthique qu’engage l’AN — recherche du bien-être d’autrui — pour les bibliothécaires (leurs manières d’agir). L’article cherche à étudier ce qui donne du sens à la mise en place de cette norme.

Il est question d’interroger l’éthique de l’AN des espaces documentaires, ses enjeux définitionnels, ses effets auprès des professionnels et ses intérêts pour l’institution.

URL : L’accessibilité numérique, une approche éthique en bibliothèque ? Une responsabilité à interroger : Enjeux, effets et intérêts pour les professionnels et les institutions

DOI : https://doi.org/10.25965/interfaces-numeriques.5274

Can Accessibility Liberate The “Lost Ark” of Scholarly Work?: University Library Institutional Repositories Are “Places of Public Accommodation”

Authors : Raizel Liebler, Gregory Cunningham

For any body of knowledge – an ark of power or a corpus of scholarship – to be studied and used by people, it needs to be accessible to those seeking information. Universities, through their libraries, now aim to make more of the scholarship produced available for free to all through institutional repositories.

However, the goal of being truly open for an institutional repository is more than the traditional definition of open access. It also means openness in a more general sense. Creating a scholarship-based online space also needs to take into consideration potential barriers for people with disabilities.

This article addresses the interaction between the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and university academic library based institutional repositories. This article concludes that institutional repositories have an obligation to comply with the ADA to make scholarly works available to potential users with disabilities.

For managers of institutional repositories, following the law is an opportunity to make scholarship even more widely available. University open access institutional repositories need to be accessible to existing and potential disabled users. However, there are no specific rules that university institutional repositories must follow to be compliant with the ADA’s “public accommodation” standard.

Accessibility is a changeable, moveable wall, consistently and constantly needing to be additionally inclusive of more – more technology and more users, regardless of disability or limitations.

Institutional repositories should not become the crated Ark of the Covenant with their secrets locked inside; instead, they should be as open as possible to all, sharing the scholarship inside.

URL : https://repository.jmls.edu/lawreview/vol52/iss2/2/

Digital Curiosities Resource Creation Via Amateur Digitisation …

Digital Curiosities: Resource Creation Via Amateur Digitisation :

“Most memory institutions are now engaging with digitising holdings to provide online access. Although recent developments in technology have allowed users to create high quality digital resources out with institutional boundaries, little consideration has been given to the potential contribution that the general public can make to digitising our cultural heritage. This paper seeks to scope the growing trend of the creation of amateur online museums, archives, and collections, and demonstrates that the best examples of this endeavour can teach best practice to traditional memory institutions in how to make their collections useful, interesting, and used by online communities.”

URL : http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/171071/

The Historical and Legal Underpinnings o…

The Historical and Legal Underpinnings of Access to Public Documents :

“Identifying and limiting access to public documents in a world of instant transmission has created new problems for government and citizens alike. This article reviews
the historical uses and value of public documents in order to aid those responsible for describing which government documents can be confidently migrated to digital form.”

URL : http://www.aallnet.org/products/pub_llj_v102n04/2010-35.pdf

Digital accessibility within the Brazili…

Digital accessibility within the Brazilian context :

“Accessibility has been inserted into the public policy agenda of several governments, including Brazil. Therewith, the Secretary of Logistics and Information Technology (SLTI) of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management of the Brazilian Government designed the Electronic Government Accessibility model (e-Mag). Thus, this paper is intended to present a brief history of Brazilian initiatives in digital accessibility; the e-Mag and its recommendations; the ASES (Site Accessibility Evaluator and Simulator) software to facilitate the accessibility process; the virtual learning course and technical lectures to disseminate the model and further steps to improve and establish it.”

URL : http://www.epractice.eu/files/European%20Journal%20epractice%20Volume%2010.5_4.pdf