Characteristics of Education Doctoral Dissertation References An Inter…

Characteristics of Education Doctoral Dissertation References: An Inter-Institutional Analysis of Review of Literature Citations :

“This study had two purposes: to examine the expertise of doctoral students in their use of the scholarly literature and to investigate the use of citation analysis as a tool for collection development. Analysis of 1,842 coded citations gleaned from 30 education dissertations awarded in 2000 from 3 institutions in the United States revealed that journal articles, at 45%, were cited most frequently, followed by monographs (33.9%) and “other” (18.3%), with magazines and Web sites contributing less than 2% each of the total material types cited. The study examined 858 journal and magazine citations, which were found in 239 unique titles. A relatively small number of journals contained a high percentage of the references found in the dissertations analyzed. Based on a design by D. Kohl and L. Wilson (1986), dissertation citations were also scored for scholarliness, currency, and appropriateness of format, and scores on the three criteria were averaged to arrive at a quality rating. Results of interinstitutional comparisons revealed a significant amount of variation and were considered in conjunction with institutional characteristics and published criteria for quality bibliographies. The data suggest that the assumption of doctoral student expertise in their use of the scholarly literature may be overstated and should be examined in relation to their preparation for professional status. For purposes of developing a library’s research collection, a core list of titles, generated on the basis of multiple, rather than single, institutional analysis is indicated. (Contains 8 figures, 11 tables, and 28 references.)”


Les nouvelles formes d’évaluation scientifique : quelles évolutions en sciences, technique et médecine ?

Dès 1960, l’Institute for Scientific Information (I.S.I.) de Philadelphie, sous l’impulsion d’Eugen Garfield, a mis en œuvre le Science Citation Index (S.C.I) pour l’évaluation des auteurs, suivi en 1975 par le Journal Citation Reports (J.C.R.) pour celle des revues.

Au terme d’une analyse critique de ce modèle, nous envisagerons de nouvelles approches : l’algorithme mis au point sur le site Citebase par les équipes de S.Harnad à Southampton (G.-B.) et T.Brody à Cornell (Ithaca, N.-Y.) sur le miroir britannique d’ (l’un des plus importants sites mondiaux d’archives ouvertes scientifiques) Scholar Google, avatar du moteur généraliste standard lancé sur le Net en novembre 2004 deux alternatives récentes à la définition d’un facteur d’impact proposées par J.E. Hirsch (facteur h lié à la production individuelle d’un chercheur) et l’équipe de J. Bollen (Journal Status) ; donc sur les Auteurs d’une part et les Sources de l’autre le modèle du ” collectif ” Faculty of 1000 dans les domaines biomédicaux.

Son originalité par rapport aux précédents réside dans le primat de l’évaluation “humaine” qualitative sur le principe statistique de la citation. Après un essai de typologie des comités de lecture et des usages en cours dans les différentes disciplines scientifiques, on conclura sur la nécessité d’explorer rapidement la voie d’un nouvel outil d’évaluation libre d’accès, dont les règles seraient clairement définies, tant au niveau de la couverture qu’à celui des critères d’analyse qualitative et statistique.


Author Co Citation Analysis ACA a powerful tool…

Author Co-Citation Analysis (ACA): a powerful tool for representing implicit knowledge of scholar knowledge workers :

“In the last decade, knowledge has emerged as one of the most important and valuable organizational assets. Gradually this importance caused to emergence of new discipline entitled ―knowledge management‖. However one of the major challenges of knowledge management is conversion implicit or tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. Thus Making knowledge visible so that it can be better accessed, discussed, valued or generally managed is a long-standing objective in knowledge management. Accordingly in this paper author co- citation analysis (ACA) will be proposed as an efficient technique of knowledge visualization in academia (Scholar knowledge workers).”


Measuring the visibility of the universi…

Measuring the visibility of the universities’ scientific production using scientometric methods :
Paper presents scientometry as a science and a fundamental instrument for determining the
international value of an university as well as for the statistical evaluation of scientific research results.
The impact of the research measurable through scientometric indicators is analyzed. Promoting the
scientific production of universities through institutional digital repositories deals with the concept of
scientific production of the university and the development of scientific research in information
society. These concepts are approached through the prism of marketing methods and techniques. The
digital repository is analyzed as a PRODUCT, destined for promoting, archieving and preserving
scientific production.


The Open Access citation advantage: Studies and results to date

Author : Alma Swan

This paper presents a summary of reported studies on the Open Access citation advantage. There is a brief introduction to the main issues involved in carrying out such studies, both methodological and interpretive.

The study listing provides some details of the coverage, methodological approach and main conclusions of each study.