Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les…

Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentation. Le cas de :

“Comment les ressources en libre accès sont-elles traitées par les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentations ? Entre les deux voies ” or ” et ” verte ” du libre accès, les bibliothèques se sont logiquement investies davantage dans le mouvement des archives ouvertes plutôt que dans le développement de revues électroniques en libre accès. La question qui se pose est celle de la prise en compte de ces dernières par les bibliothèques. Une enquête effectuée en 2009 tente d’y répondre en évaluant la visibilité des revues en libre accès diffusées par le portail dans une vingtaine d’établissements de la région parisienne. A partir de résultats contrastés, il est possible d’analyser les points de blocage et les leviers qui permettraient d’améliorer la prise en compte de ce type de ressources par les bibliothèques.”

“How are open access resources treated by libraries and documentation services? Between the two tracks “gold”and “green” open access, libraries have consistently invested more in the open archives movement rather than the development of electronic journals for free access. The question that arises is the inclusion of the latter by libraries. A survey conducted in 2009 tries to answer by evaluating the visibility of OA journals published by the portal in twenty universities in the Paris area. From contrasting results, it is possible to analyze the bottlenecks and levers for improving the inclusion of such resources by libraries.”


The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal…

The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal Clubs :

“An increasing number of references to journal clubs in library literature, and the recent creation of clubs at the authors’ institutions, sparked curiosity about how widespread journal clubs are in academic libraries. An online survey announced on library listservs assessed their prevalence and practices. Library journal clubs seem to be a relatively recent phenomenon, and are more widespread than previously thought, though not pervasive. Library journal clubs promote current awareness, analysis skills, group cohesion, and intra-library knowledge, and offer a low-cost professional development opportunity in times of budget difficulties. Practices that sustain journal clubs can maintain these benefits.”


Enriching the Academic Experience: The L…

Enriching the Academic Experience: The Library and Experiential Learning :

“This article will describe how academic libraries can (and should) be involved in experiential learning. The authors detail the impact experiential learning can have on the relevance of aca-demic libraries to their universities. They discuss the benefits to libraries as well as students. In particular, the authors describe experiential learning at the James E. Walker Library and the part-nerships formed, projects completed, lessons learned, and the benefits realized.”


Fair Use Challenges in Academic and Rese…

Fair Use Challenges in Academic and Research Libraries :

“This report summarizes research into the current application of fair use to meet the missions of U.S. academic and research libraries. Sixty-five librarians were interviewed
confidentially by telephone for around one hour each. They were asked about their employment of fair use in five key areas of practice: support for teaching and learning, support for scholarship, preservation, exhibition and public outreach, and serving disabled communities. Interviewees reported a strong commitment to obeying copyright law; rarely concerned about their own liability, librarians primarily felt
responsible for ensuring their institutions were in compliance with the law. Practice varied considerably, from a rigid permissions culture to ample employment of fair use.”


Librarians’ role as change agents for i…

Librarians’ role as change agents for institutional repositories: A case of Malaysian academic libra :

“The primary reason for establishing an institutional repository is to increase the visibility of the institution’s research output by making it Open Access. Academic libraries are becoming very involved in managing electronic scholarly products and participating in the evolving scholarly communication process through institutional repositories. Although institutional repositories can make room for easier access to universities’ research output, unfortunately it is not fully developed in some academic institutions. The origin of this problem is that there are known instances where librarians in-charge of institutional repository are unaware of their roles, and are unskilled in implementing the institutional repository. This paper describes a study conducted on the roles of librarians in the deployment and content recruitment of institutional repositories in eight (8) universities in Malaysia. Sample for this study are librarians who are involved with the development and implementation of institutional repository in their respective universities. The study reveals that the act of collecting materials for depositing is mainly done by librarians rather than the authors and researchers. Providing training sessions, holding meetings in departments and faculties, and also linking of the institutional repository website from the university and faculties’ website have the highest rank in librarians’ approach to promote the institutional repository. The paper also discusses the process of depositing, motivation factors, roles, marketing and benefits of institutional repository that will have reference value for the librarians who desire to embark on an institutional repository.”


Free/Libre Open Source Software, Liberal…

Free/Libre Open Source Software, Liberalism, Conviviality and Private Property. An anthropological view of Zotero advocates :

“This study examines Free/Libre Open Source Software and its inherent
problematisation of property rights. An ethnographic study of a network of FLOSS advocates based in academic libraries supporting the use of bibliographical management tool Zotero is used as a way of teasing out themes of community, conviviality, liberalism and definitions of ‘free’ to examine how property rights around ideas formed into software question commercial proprietary forms of commoditisation.”


Digital Scholarly Publishing and Archiving Services by Academic Libraries: Case Study of the University of Patras

“During the last years, dramatic changes in the electronic publishing landscape have created new roles and changed the traditional ones. Presently, some libraries have capitalised on their experience and knowledge in information technology and electronic publishing to undertake such activities, while at the same time they spearhead the campaign for Open Access spreading within academic communities.

The Library & Information Centre (LIC) of the University of Patras (UoP), Greece, has been playing an active role in promoting Open Access (OA) in Greece. Since 2007, LIC has been experimenting with OA publishing practices and tools within the framework of various R&D projects. Two of the major results of these efforts are the ‘Pasithee’ e-publishing platform and the ‘Dexamene’ digital archive for Greek scholarly journals. Both platforms are based on OJS-Open Journal Systems e-publishing software. The two facilities were appropriately modified to meet the LIC’s publishing and archiving requirements respectively. Currently two journals are being hosted on each platform and all four are from the Humanities. The LIC is negotiating with more publishers and editorial teams to host their journals.
In this article we focus on:
1. technical and managerial key issues of the development and operation phases,
2. services and procedures,
3. the business model,
4. technological, procedural and legal issues and problems that were encountered when working together with publishers, editors and authors, and
5. future plans for improving and upgrading our e-publishing services into an integrated institutional platform to cover all kinds of publications and data types (monographs, conference proceedings, teaching material, bulletins, magazines etc.).

The article concludes with a succinct presentation of the Directory of Greek Digital Resources, a pilot infrastructure developed by the LIC which indexes and presents digital publishing initiatives in Greece and aims to become a formal registry of Greek scholarly resources in digital format.”

URL : Digital Scholarly Publishing and Archiving Services by Academic Libraries: Case Study of the University of Patras

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