From Stacks to the Web the Transformation of…

From Stacks to the Web: the Transformation of Academic Library Collecting :

“The existence of a ubiquitous and cheap worldwide communication’s network that increasingly makes documents easily and freely available will require a transformation of academic library collecting practice. It will be driven by a number of specific developments including: the digitization of content; the development of print repositories; the development of e-readers and print-on-demand publishing; the growth of open access; challenges to establish academic publishing organizations; and the growth of new forms of scholarship based on openness and social productivity. If academic libraries are to be successful, they will need to: deconstruct legacy print collections; move from item-by-item book selection to purchase-on-demand and subscriptions; manage the transition to open access journals; focus on curating unique items; and develop new mechanisms for funding national infrastructure”


How Users Search the Library from a Single…

How Users Search the Library from a Single Search Box :

“Academic libraries are turning increasingly to unified search solutions to simplify search and discovery of library resources. Unfortunately, very little research has been published on library user search behavior in single search box environments. This study examines how users search a large public university library using a prominent, single search box on the library website. The article examines two semesters of real-world data, totaling nearly 1.4 million transactions. Findings include that unified library search is about more than the catalog and articles, though these predominate. Additionally, a small number of the most popular search queries accounts for a disproportionate amount of the overall queries. Also discussed are the merits of ongoing evaluation of library user search behavior”


The Evolution of E books and Interlibrary Loan…

The Evolution of E-books and Interlibrary Loan in Academic Libraries :

“As academic libraries add electronic monographs (e-books) to their collections in increasing numbers, they are frequently losing the ability to lend this portion of their collections via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) due to licensing restrictions. Recently, new options have emerged as alternatives to traditional ILL for e-books. These options introduce new opportunities for collaboration across library departments and within consortia. This article discusses the changing nature of resource sharing as related to e-books, examines e-book lending capabilities as they currently exist, and presents alternative models to traditional ILL, including short-term lending, purchase on demand and print on demand.”


Improving Open Access Week Events Through Existing Partnerships…

Improving Open Access Week Events Through Existing Partnerships :

“Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries participated in Open Access (OA) Week in 2009 and 2010. In order to expand the range of events offered, the committee members assigned to program planning looked for opportunities to work with partners beyond the library. The collaborative activities developed through these partnerships created settings for in-depth conversations among librarians, faculty, and students about scholarly communication issues. Subject librarians’ relationships with their departments provided opportunities to host events in venues other than the library, which helped, facilitate access to a diverse audience. An established cooperative relationship with the University of Oregon made it possible to provide additional presentations to the OSU community. An evaluation of the quantity and quality of contacts made during OA Week suggests the collaborative activities enriched these outreach activities and that participation in OA Week is worthwhile for OSU Libraries to continue.”


Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success Research Report Version 1.0

Over the past five years, libraries have begun to expand their role in the scholarly publishing value chain by offering a greater range of pre-publication and editorial support services. Given the rapid evolution of these services, there is a clear community need for practical guidance concerning the challenges and opportunities facing library-based publishing programs.

Recognizing that library publishing services represent one part of a complex ecology of scholarly communication, Purdue University Libraries, in collaboration with the Libraries of Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Utah, secured an IMLS National Leadership Grant under the title “Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success.” The project, conducted between October 2010 and September 2011, seeks to advance the professionalism of library-based publishing by identifying successful library publishing strategies and services, highlighting best practices, and recommending priorities for building capacity.

The project has four components: 1) a survey of librarians designed to provide an overview of current practice for library publishing programs (led by consultant October Ivins); 2) a report presenting best practice case studies of the publishing programs at the partner institutions (written by consultant Raym Crow); 3) a series of workshops held at each participating institution to present and discuss the findings of the survey and case studies; and 4) a review of the existing literature on library publishing services. The results of these research threads are pulled together in this project white paper.


Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les…

Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentation. Le cas de :

“Comment les ressources en libre accès sont-elles traitées par les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentations ? Entre les deux voies ” or ” et ” verte ” du libre accès, les bibliothèques se sont logiquement investies davantage dans le mouvement des archives ouvertes plutôt que dans le développement de revues électroniques en libre accès. La question qui se pose est celle de la prise en compte de ces dernières par les bibliothèques. Une enquête effectuée en 2009 tente d’y répondre en évaluant la visibilité des revues en libre accès diffusées par le portail dans une vingtaine d’établissements de la région parisienne. A partir de résultats contrastés, il est possible d’analyser les points de blocage et les leviers qui permettraient d’améliorer la prise en compte de ce type de ressources par les bibliothèques.”

“How are open access resources treated by libraries and documentation services? Between the two tracks “gold”and “green” open access, libraries have consistently invested more in the open archives movement rather than the development of electronic journals for free access. The question that arises is the inclusion of the latter by libraries. A survey conducted in 2009 tries to answer by evaluating the visibility of OA journals published by the portal in twenty universities in the Paris area. From contrasting results, it is possible to analyze the bottlenecks and levers for improving the inclusion of such resources by libraries.”


The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal…

The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal Clubs :

“An increasing number of references to journal clubs in library literature, and the recent creation of clubs at the authors’ institutions, sparked curiosity about how widespread journal clubs are in academic libraries. An online survey announced on library listservs assessed their prevalence and practices. Library journal clubs seem to be a relatively recent phenomenon, and are more widespread than previously thought, though not pervasive. Library journal clubs promote current awareness, analysis skills, group cohesion, and intra-library knowledge, and offer a low-cost professional development opportunity in times of budget difficulties. Practices that sustain journal clubs can maintain these benefits.”