Pour une cohabitation profitable : problématiques et enjeux des liens entre missions archives et SCD au sein de l’université

Auteur/Author : Antoine Boustany

Ce mémoire porte sur les liens entre les services communs de la documentation et les services d’archives des universités. Bibliothécaires et archivistes se côtoient depuis quelques années dans la majorité des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, et la nature de leurs relations varie de manière importante d’une institution à l’autre.

Aujourd’hui se développent de nouveaux domaines de travail pour ces professionnels de la documentation, notamment dans le domaine des services aux chercheurs, ainsi que de la gestion et de la valorisation des données de la recherche. Peut-on concevoir des modalités concrètes de collaboration entre l’archiviste et le bibliothécaire, en s’appuyant sur les réflexions au sujet de la convergence des deux métiers, mais aussi sur les réalités du travail en université ?

Après avoir présenté les grands enjeux liés à l’archivage en université, on cherchera à présenter des points de convergence spécifiques entre les deux professions, pour dégager des axes de travail en commun.

URL : Pour une cohabitation profitable : problématiques et enjeux des liens entre missions archives et SCD au sein de l’université

Original location : https://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque-numerique/notices/70131-pour-une-cohabitation-profitable-problematiques-et-enjeux-des-liens-entre-missions-archives-et-scd-au-sein-de-l-universite

Representation of Women Among Editors in Chief of Leading Medical Journals

Authors : Ana-Catarina Pinho-Gomes, Amy Vassallo, Kelly Thompson, Kate Womersley, Robyn Norton, Mark Woodward


Women remain underrepresented among editors of scientific journals, particularly in senior positions. However, to what extent this applies to medical journals of different specialties remains unclear.


To investigate the gender distribution of the editors in chief at leading medical journals.

Design, Setting, and Participants

Cross-sectional study of the editors in chief at the top 10 international medical journals of 41 categories related to the medical specialties of the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Journal Citation Reports in 2019.

Main Outcomes and Measures

Proportion of women as editors in chief.


This study found that, overall, women represented 21% (94 of 44) of the editors in chief, with wide variation across medical specialties from 0% to 82%. There were 5 categories for which none of the editors in chief were women (dentistry, oral surgery and medicine; allergy; psychiatry; anesthesiology; and ophthalmology) and only 3 categories for which women outnumbered men as editors in chief (primary health care, microbiology, and genetics and heredity).

In 27 of the 41 categories, women represented less than a third of the editors in chief (eg, 1 of 10 for critical care medicine, 2 of 10 for gastroenterology and hepatology, and 3 of 10 for endocrinology and metabolism).

Conclusions and Relevance

This study found that women are underrepresented among editors in chief of leading medical journals. For the benefit of medical research, a joint effort from editorial boards, publishers, authors, and academic institutions is required to address this gender gap.

URL : Representation of Women Among Editors in Chief of Leading Medical Journals

DOI :10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.23026

Évaluation de la production des laboratoires de recherche en SIC dans l’environnement de la science ouverte : analyse bibliométrique des publications sur HAL

Auteur/Author : Arezki Achouri

Cette étude fournit une première approche d’évaluation de la production scientifique des laboratoires de recherche en Sciences de l’information et de la communication (SIC) sur la plateforme d’archives ouvertes HAL.

Elle porte sur les publications de 36 laboratoires de recherche en SIC dans HAL et présente les résultats d’une analyse bibliométrique réalisée à partir des données extraites via HAL. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser la présence des laboratoires de recherche en SIC sur HAL en fonction d’un certain nombre de variables : le nombre de dépôts, la langue de publication, la typologie des documents et la part des documents en libre accès.

Les résultats de l’étude ont montré une présence importante des laboratoires en SIC sur HAL, mais nous avons également constaté des différences entre les laboratoires de recherche concernant leur nombre dépôts, leur ouverture en termes de libre accès ainsi que l’internationalisation de leurs collections. Chaque laboratoire a sa propre politique de publication sur HAL.

URL : https://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr/dumas-03344887

Development and implementation of research integrity guidance documents: Explorative interviews with research integrity experts

Authors : Rea Roje, Vicko Tomić, Ivan Buljan, Ana Marušić

Research integrity (RI) guidance documents often lack sufficient details on handling specific RI issues causing the lack of harmonized approaches to RI and opening the way to research misconduct and other detrimental research practices.

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are developed and implemented by organizations for ensuring the uniformity and quality of performed actions. This study aimed to explore stakeholders’ opinions on SOPs for RI, factors influencing the implementation of RI guidance documents and practices, and ideas for improvements in the RI field.

We conducted semi-structured interviews with stakeholders from different groups. Data were analyzed using the reflexive thematic analysis approach, and three themes were developed. The first theme addressed participants’ knowledge and perceptions on SOPs for RI and their impact on RI promotion and implementation.

The second theme described different factors that have a positive or negative impact on the implementation of RI and RI guidance documents and practices, while the third theme addressed needed changes and ideas for improvements in the RI field.

Participants considered SOPs valuable for RI promotion. SOPs should be developed based on and consistent with more general and aspirational guidance and through the dialogue with researchers and other stakeholders, to ensure their relevancy.

URL : Development and implementation of research integrity guidance documents: Explorative interviews with research integrity experts

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2021.1989676

Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam

Authors : Huyen Thanh T. Nguyen, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le, Manh-Toan Ho, Quan-Hoang Vuong

Open access (OA) publishing is beneficial for researchers to improve recognition, representation, and visibility in academia. However, few studies have been conducted for studying the association between gender and OA publishing likelihood.

Therefore, the current study explores the impacts of gender-based authorship structures on OA publishing in Vietnamese social sciences and humanities. Bayesian analysis was performed on a dataset of 3122 publications in social sciences and humanities.

We found that publications with mixed-gender authorship were most likely to be published under Gold Access terms (26.31–31.65%). In contrast, the likelihood of publications with the solely male or female author(s) was lower.

It is also notable that if female researcher(s) held the first-author position in an article of mixed-gender authorship, the publication would be less likely to be published under Gold Access terms (26.31% compared to 31.65% of male-first-author structure).

In addition, publications written by a solo female author (14.19%) or a group of female authors (10.72%) had lower OA publishing probabilities than those written by a solely male author(s) (17.14%).

These findings hint at the possible advantage of gender diversity and the disadvantage of gender homophily (especially female-only authorship) on OA publishing likelihood. Moreover, they show there might be some negative impacts of gender inequality on OA publishing.

As a result, the notion of gender diversity, financial and policy supports are recommended to promote the open science movement.

URL : Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam

DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/publications9040045

Growth rates of modern science: a latent piecewise growth curve approach to model publication numbers from established and new literature databases

Authors : Lutz Bornmann, Robin Haunschild, Rüdiger Mutz

Growth of science is a prevalent issue in science of science studies. In recent years, two new bibliographic databases have been introduced, which can be used to study growth processes in science from centuries back: Dimensions from Digital Science and Microsoft Academic.

In this study, we used publication data from these new databases and added publication data from two established databases (Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics and Scopus from Elsevier) to investigate scientific growth processes from the beginning of the modern science system until today.

We estimated regression models that included simultaneously the publication counts from the four databases. The results of the unrestricted growth of science calculations show that the overall growth rate amounts to 4.10% with a doubling time of 17.3 years. As the comparison of various segmented regression models in the current study revealed, models with four or five segments fit the publication data best.

We demonstrated that these segments with different growth rates can be interpreted very well, since they are related to either phases of economic (e.g., industrialization) and/or political developments (e.g., Second World War).

In this study, we additionally analyzed scientific growth in two broad fields (Physical and Technical Sciences as well as Life Sciences) and the relationship of scientific and economic growth in UK.

The comparison between the two fields revealed only slight differences. The comparison of the British economic and scientific growth rates showed that the economic growth rate is slightly lower than the scientific growth rate.

URL : Growth rates of modern science: a latent piecewise growth curve approach to model publication numbers from established and new literature databases

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00903-w