Electronic resources usage by postgraduates at the University of Colombo: Identifying the critical success factors


“E-resources have exploded in popularity and usage by helping users in retrieving accurate, relevant and timelyinformation as and when required for their learning and research needs. This case study was carried out at the University of Colombo to investigate the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) on e-resources usage of postgraduates. A questionnaire basedsurvey was carried out using 302 postgraduates belonging to seven faculties. Exploratory factor analysis with Verimaxrotation was employed to identify the CSFs on e-resource usage and multiple regression analysis was carried out todetermine the relationship of those identified factors with overall e-resource usage. Factor analysis identified nine factorswhich affect on e-resources usage. Among the nine factors, postgraduates identified “Technology” as the most critical factorin using e-resources. Library support, information literacy, computer competency, usefulness and user attitudes areidentified as other CSFs for using e-resources for their learning activities.”

URL : http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/31

Setting up an open access digital repository A…


Setting up an open access digital repository: A case study :

“Setting up of institutional repositories has been gathering momentum in India and many academic and R&D establishments have made it mandatory to set up institutional repositories. This paper briefly details the work that has goneinto setting up and configuring the digital repository of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES). The repository has been setup using the free and open source software, GNU Eprints.org (http://eprints.org). Such a repository will not only help in thewider dissemination of the publications that emerge from the projects and programmes supported by the MOES, but it willalso serve as an information management system for the ministry.”

URL : http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/77

A citation analysis of top research papers of…


A citation analysis of top research papers of computer science :

“The study intends to evaluate the top papers of Computer Science as reflected in Science Direct. Moreover, it aims to find out authorship pattern, ranking of authors, ranking of country productivity, ranking of journals, and highly cited papers of Computer Science. The citations data have been collected from the quarterly list of hottest 25 research articles in the subject field of Computer Science from Science Direct database. In the present study, 20 issues of the alert service beginning from January/March 2005 to October/December 2010 containing a total number of 495 articles in Computer Science have been taken up for analysis. The study reveals that out of 495 top papers; three-authored articles are little ahead than two authored articles followed by four-authored articles and the country productivity of USA is at the top followed by UK, Taiwan, Chaina, and Canada. Moreover, it finds that European Journal of Operational Research occupies the top position followed by Computers in Human Behavior, and Pattern Recognition.”

URL : http://hdl.handle.net/10760/16859

Status of Institutional Repositories in Asian Countries A…


Status of Institutional Repositories in Asian Countries: A Quantitative Study :

“ICT and availability of open sources software packages has enabled most of the institutions to maintain institutional repository or archive to collect, preserve, and make accessible the intellectual output created by their scholarly communities. There are more than 1800 Institutional Repositories (IRs) world wide of which more than 50% are in USA, UK, Germany and Spain. There has been relatively little systematic examination of the actual state of deployment of IRs in Asian countries. This study attempts to identify the present status of IRs in the countries of Asia. Data of repositories was collected from various directories of IRs. Data is analyzed in terms of quantity of IRs increased during last five years, country-wise IRs and number of objects, types of materials archived, subject coverage, software used, language of interface, host domains, and policy maaters. The results of the study suggest healthy growth in terms of quantity of IRs in Asian countries. The subject analysis of the IRs indicates that the institutes in the field of sciences and technology are more interested to create IRs than social sciences, arts and humanities. Currently the IRs mostly housed traditional (print-oriented) scholarly publications and grey literature, using DSpace software and most of these materials were of English language. However, the policy of content inclusion, submission and preservation is yet to be well defined in IRs.”

URL : http://hdl.handle.net/10760/16854

Open access journals and institutional repositories practical need…


Open access journals and institutional repositories: practical need and present trends in India :

“Trends in open access publishing in India are discussed. Data was collected from directories of open access journals and institutional repositories. The URL of each institutional repository and open access journals publisher was visited to collect relevant data and information including from earlier studies. Case study method was used to know the trends of open access publishing in India. Data is analyzed based on certain parameters, such as number of institutional repositories and open access journals, number of documents, software used, types of documents, etc. Among the top 25 open access publishing countries, India ranks 12th for the overall number of journals, but drops to 18th for journals with online content. However, its position in the list of open access journals is fifth. At present India ranks 12th in the list of countries with registered interoperable archives in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).”

URL : http://hdl.handle.net/10760/16852

A Tale of Two Blogospheres Discursive Practices on…


A Tale of Two Blogospheres : Discursive Practices on the Left and Right :

“In this article, the authors compare the practices of discursive production among top U.S. political blogs on the left and right during summer 2008. An examination of the top 155 political blogs reveals significant cross-ideological variations along several dimensions. Notably, the authors find evidence of an association between ideological affiliation and the technologies, institutions, and practices of participation. Blogs on the left adopt different, and more participatory, technical platforms, comprise significantly fewer sole-authored sites, include user blogs, maintain more fluid boundaries between secondary and primary content, include longer narrative and discussion posts, and (among the top half of the blogs in the sample) more often use blogs as platforms for mobilization. The findings suggest that the attenuation of the news producer-consumer dichotomy is more pronounced on the left wing of the political blogosphere than on the right. The practices of the left are more consistent with the prediction that the networked public sphere offers new pathways for discursive participation by a wider array of individuals, whereas the practices of the right suggest that a small group of elites may retain more exclusive agenda-setting authority online. The cross-ideological divergence in the findings illustrates that the Internet can be adopted equally to undermine or to replicate the traditional distinction between the production and consumption of political information. The authors conclude that these findings have significant implications for the study of prosumption and for the mechanisms by which the networked public sphere may or may not alter democratic participation relative to the mass mediated public sphere.”

URL : http://abs.sagepub.com/content/56/4/459.abstract
doi: 10.1177/0002764211433793