Extraction and validation of scientific data for the identification of publications in open access journals

Authors : Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias, Gray Farias Moita, Adilson Luiz Pinto

This work aims to identify articles published in open access journals registered in the Lattes Platform curricula. Currently, the curricular data from the Lattes Platform has been the source of several studies that adopt bibliometric metrics to understand scientific evolution in Brazil. However, when registering a publication in a curriculum, only basic information from the magazine is informed.

Therefore, to quantify the publications made in open access journals, a strategy is proposed that uses data from the Directory of Open Access Journals, validating the publications and, thus, obtaining a process that allows identifying which publications were made in this communication format.

Therefore, using the proposed methodology, which has a low computational cost, it was possible to quantify in an unprecedented way the publications of Brazilians in open access journals registered in the curricula of the Lattes Platform.

In addition, having the authors’ data of the publications, it was possible to understand how these authors are geographically distributed in the country, what their areas of operation are and how they have published the results of their research in open access.

It is noteworthy that they are generally published in Portuguese and English. Over the last few years, the representativeness of publications in open access journals has increased.

URL : Extraction and validation of scientific data for the identification of publications in open access journals

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1590/2318-0889202234e210040

De l’intérêt du livre numérique dans le contexte de l’édition scientifique ?

Autrice/Author : Sandrine Chenevez

Partant d’une brève histoire des écrits scientifiques, ce mémoire souligne le rôle croissant d’une diffusion numérique de la recherche. Dans ce contexte, favorisant les formats courts et les images, le livre académique peut-il trouver sa place ?

Ce travail montre les intérêts de son format digital enrichi, ainsi que les évolutions nécessaires à imaginer afin de réinventer des manières de promouvoir les savoirs pluriels et complexes.

URL : De l’intérêt du livre numérique dans le contexte de l’édition scientifique ?

Original location : https://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque-numerique/notices/70353-de-l-interet-du-livre-numerique-dans-le-contexte-de-l-edition-scientifique

L’impact de la crise de la COVID-19 sur les pratiques et usages des prépublications des chercheurs en sciences du vivant et de la médecine : questionner leur légitimité

Autrice/Author : Marie VialBonacci

La COVID-19, pandémie mondiale, apparue dans la ville de Wuhan en Chine en novembre 2019, a engendré un bouleversement sans précédent de la communication scientifique. Cette crise sanitaire a incité les chercheurs à utiliser les serveurs de prépublications afin de communiquer plus rapidement les résultats scientifiques dans l’objectif de faire avancer la science.

Le présent mémoire tentera d’analyser et de mettre en lumière ces changements majeurs à travers une étude des modifications des pratiques et usages des prépublications depuis le début de la pandémie, à l’échelle internationale.

Cette perspective sera également étudiée à l’échelle nationale, à travers une enquête de terrain. Ce travail de recherche sera centré sur le secteur des sciences du vivant et de la médecine, un secteur qui n’utilise que très peu les prépublications mais qui connait une explosion de cette pratique avec la crise sanitaire. Plus encore ce mémoire tentera d’étudier l’évolution de leur légitimité pendant la pandémie.

URL: L’impact de la crise de la COVID-19 sur les pratiques et usages des prépublications des chercheurs en sciences du vivant et de la médecine : questionner leur légitimité

Original location : https://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque-numerique/notices/70354-l-impact-de-la-crise-de-la-covid-19-sur-les-pratiques-et-usages-des-prepublications-des-chercheurs-en-sciences-du-vivant-et-de-la-medecine-questionner-leur-legitimite

What Are the Characteristics of Canadian Independent, Scholarly Journals? Results from a Website Analysis

Authors : Jessica Lange, Sarah Severson

The dominance of commercial publishers (Larivière, Haustein, and Mongeon 2015) has led to a discussion in Canada focusing on alternative models for supporting independent, non-commercial, scholarly journals.

Although small in number, these journals represent an important contribution to Canadian and global scholarship. They also act as a counterbalance to the increasingly for-profit nature of scholarly publishing. Despite their importance, there exists no definitive list of journals of this nature in Canada, making analysis and understanding of their characteristics difficult.

In order to address this gap, the researchers undertook an analysis of the websites of 485 Canadian, independent, scholarly journals. Independent was defined as journals which are not affiliated with a commercial publisher.

The researchers gathered data for each journal on their access type (e.g., closed, open access), subject area, size and composition of the editorial team, and any affiliation(s). This data was then analyzed to create a portrait of these journals with these themes.

The researchers found that most of these journals were affiliated with at least one organization, with over half being associated with two or more. They also discovered that affiliations varied depending on the discipline and that the size of the editorial team was correlated to the access type.

Journals were predominantly in the humanities and social sciences, and the majority were open access (OA) without article processing charges (APCs).

While the focus of this study is on Canadian journals, this article provides a framework for other researchers to examine non-commercial, independent publishing in their own countries.

Its results also provide preliminary data which may inspire future avenues of research, particularly into models for non-APC, open access journals as well as the editorial board structure and size for independent journals.

DOI : https://doi.org/10.3998/jep.153

Reshaping How Universities Can Evaluate the Research Impact of Open Humanities for Societal Benefit

Authors : Paul Longley Arthur, Lydia Hearn

During the twenty-first century, for the first time, the volume of digital data has surpassed the amount of analog data. As academic practices increasingly become digital, opportunities arise to reshape the future of scholarly communication through more accessible, interactive, open, and transparent methods that engage a far broader and more diverse public.

Yet despite these advances, the research performance of universities and public research institutes remains largely evaluated through publication and citation analysis rather than by public engagement and societal impact.

This article reviews how changes to bibliometric evaluations toward greater use of altmetrics, including social media mentions, could enhance uptake of open scholarship in the humanities.

In addition, the article highlights current challenges faced by the open scholarship movement, given the complexity of the humanities in terms of its sources and outputs that include monographs, book chapters, and journals in languages other than English; the use of popular media not considered as scholarly papers; the lack of time and energy to develop digital skills among research staff; problems of authority and trust regarding the scholarly or non-academic nature of social media platforms; the prestige of large academic publishing houses; and limited awareness of and familiarity with advanced digital applications.

While peer review will continue to be a primary method for evaluating research in the humanities, a combination of altmetrics and other assessment of research impact through different data sources may provide a way forward to ensure the increased use, sustainability, and effectiveness of open scholarship in the humanities.

DOI : https://doi.org/10.3998/jep.788

Dialogicity in Individual and Institutional Scientific Blogs

Author : Marina Bondi

The paper focuses on variation across institutional and individual scientific blogs, i.e., blogs that are managed by journals, magazines or associations involved in the dissemination of scientific information and blogs that are managed by individual researchers.

Using comparable corpora of posts from different scientific disciplines, look in particular at markers of dialogicity, i.e., the representation of participants (markers of self-reference, reader-reference, as well as representation of the scientific community and markers of attribution), markers of communicative action (organizational units and metastatements), and evaluative dialogue (evaluative lexis and dialogic contraction or expansion).

Concordance analysis of keywords and key-phrases (as calculated by Wordsmith Tools 8.0) shows that blogs managed by individual scientists emphasize personal voice and interpersonal elements, while institutional blogs are comparatively more informational.

Dialogicity markers are shown to contribute to defining how bloggers manage subjective and intersubjective positioning and construct their credibility, thus defining the nature of their relation to the audience and ultimately the functions of blogging.

URL : Dialogicity in Individual and Institutional Scientific Blogs

DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/publications10010009


To protect and to serve: developing a road map for research data management services

Authors: Andrea Chiarelli, Neil Beagrie, Lotte Boon, Ruth Mallalieu, Rob Johnson, Amy Warner May, Rowan Wilso

Research Data Management (RDM) has become a major issue for universities over the last decade. This case study outlines the review of RDM services carried out at the University of Oxford in partnership with external consultants between November 2019 and November 2020.

It aims to describe and discuss the processes in undertaking a university-wide review of services supporting RDM and developing a future road map for them, with a strong emphasis on the design processes, methodological approaches and infographics used. The future road map developed is a live document, which the consulting team handed over to the University at the end of the consultation process.

It provides a suggested RDM action plan for the University that will continue to evolve and be iterated in the light of additional internal costings, available resources and reprioritization in the budget cycle for each academic year.

It is hoped that the contents of this case study will be useful to other research-intensive universities with an interest in developing and planning RDM services to support their researchers.

URL : To protect and to serve: developing a road map for research data management services

DOI : http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.566