Open Licenses and Radical Shift in Digit…

Open Licenses and Radical Shift in Digital Content Distribution. :

“World Wide Web is becoming the most preferred location for academic community, librarians and other professionals for communication, content generation and transfer. They are extensively making use of web services such as blogs, podcast, wiki’s, digital libraries and institutional repositories for the transfer and access of information content in digital format. Text, images, audio and video in digitized format facilitate easy creation, transfer and duplication of information throughout networks. Reckless use and transfer of digital content through Internet invokes threats to copyright claims of commercial content creators. This situation force commercial publishers to make use of technology and law to ensure security and prevent unauthorized access of digital content.”


Open Licenses and Radical Shift in Digit…

Open Licenses and Radical Shift in Digital Content Distribution :

“World Wide Web is becoming the most preferred location for academic community, librarians and other professionals for communication, content generation and transfer. They are extensively making use of web services such as blogs, podcast, wiki’s, digital libraries and institutional repositories for the transfer and access of information content in digital format. Text, images, audio and video in digitized format facilitate easy creation, transfer and duplication of information throughout networks. Reckless use and transfer of digital content through Internet invokes threats to copyright claims of commercial content creators. This situation force commercial publishers to make use of technology and law to ensure security and prevent unauthorized access of digital content.”


Google Book Search, Creative Commons und…

Google Book Search, Creative Commons und Open Access – Neue Formen der Wissensvermittlung in der digitalen Welt? :

“Google betreibt seit 2004 flächendeckend die Retrodigitalisierung von Büchern. Kreative Köpfe entwickeln ein vereinfachtes Lizenzmodell, um eine größere Verbreitung
ihrer Werke im Internet durch teilweisen Verzicht auf strikte Eigentumsstrukturen zu erreichen. Zugleich gewinnt in den letzten Jahren eine breite Diskussion um die freie Verfügbarkeit von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen an Fahrt. Diesen Themen gemeinsam ist, dass erst das Internet die technische Voraussetzung für ubiquitären Zugang bei minimalen Transaktionskosten und damit die Grundlage für derart dynamische Prozesse geliefert hat. Andererseits unterscheiden sich die Phänomene deutlich im Hinblick auf das Zusammenwirken der Akteure: Während Google nicht nach dem Einverständnis der betroffenen Autoren und Verlage fragt und sich dadurch weithin den Vorwurf des Kulturimperialismus gefallen lassen muss, geht die Creative Commons-Bewegung von der freiwilligen Zusammenarbeit der Beteiligten aus; dazwischen steht der Open Access-Ansatz, dessen Verfechter nicht
nur auf unverbindliche Appelle setzen, sondern unterschiedliche wirtschaftliche wie rechtliche Hebel ansetzen möchten, um Autoren und Verlage zur Kooperation zu bewegen. Die gemeinsame Klammer dieser Formen der Wissensvermittlung im digitalen Zeitalter ist das Urheberrecht. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die verschiedenen Initiativen vor und versucht Querverbindungen und Unterschiede aufzuzeigen.”


Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic imp…

Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic implications for National Libraries :
“Of all the legal issues related to open access, copyright is probably the most pressing. This paper aims to analyze this aspect from the perspective of National Libraries, with a particular emphasis on the model proposed by Creative Commons Licenses. We explore the underlying assumptions behind this global and standardized licensing solution in order to assist National Libraries in understanding open access.”

New Zealand Government Open Access and L…

New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework :
“The New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework (NZGOAL) was approved by Cabinet on 5 July 2010 as government guidance for State Services agencies to follow when releasing copyright works and non-copyright material for re-use by third parties. It standardises the licensing of government copyright works for re-use using Creative Commons licences and recommends the use of ‘no-known rights’ statements for non-copyright material. It is widely recognised that re-use of this material by individuals and organisations may have significant creative and economic benefit for New Zealand.”

The ADMIRAL Project: A Data Management Infrastructure for Research Across the Life sciences

ADMIRAL is a project of the Image Bioinformatics Research Group and is funded by the JISC. The purpose of the ADMIRAL Project is to create a two-tier federated data management infrastructure for use by life science researchers, that will provide services (a) to meet their local data management needs for the collection, digital organization, metadata annotation and controlled sharing of biological datasets; and (b) to provide an easy and secure route for archiving annotated datasets to an institutional repository, The Oxford University Data Store, for long-term preservation and access, complete with assigned Digital Object Identifiers and Creative Commons open access licences.