The dynamic nature of conflict in Wikipedia


“The voluntary process of Wikipedia edition provides an environment where the outcome is clearly a collective product of interactions involving a large number of people. We propose a simple agent-based model, developed from real data, to reproduce the collaborative process of Wikipedia edition. With a small number of simple ingredients, our model mimics several interesting features of real human behaviour, namely in the context of edit wars. We show that the level of conflict is determined by a tolerance parameter, which measures the editors’ capability to accept different opinions and to change their own opinion. We propose to measure conflict with a parameter based on mutual reverts, which increases only in contentious situations. Using this parameter, we find a distribution for the inter-peace periods that is heavy-tailed. The effects of wiki-robots in the conflict levels and in the edition patterns are also studied. Our findings are compared with previous parameters used to measure conflicts in edit wars.”


Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership


“Hundreds of scholarly studies have investigated various aspects of the immensely popular Wikipedia. Although a number of literature reviews have provided overviews of this vast body of research, none of them has specifically focused on the readers of Wikipedia and issues concerning its readership. In this systematic literature review, we review 99 studies to synthesize current knowledge regarding the readership of Wikipedia and also provide an analysis of research methods employed. The scholarly research has found that Wikipedia is popular not only for lighter topics such as entertainment, but also for more serious topics such as health information and legal background. Scholars, librarians and students are common users of Wikipedia, and it provides a unique opportunity for educating students in digital literacy. We conclude with a summary of key findings, implications for researchers, and implications for the Wikipedia community.”


Why and where Wikipedia is cited in journal articles?


“The aim of this research was to identify the motivations for citation to Wikipedia in scientific papers. Also, the number of citation to Wikipedia, location of citation, type of citing papers, subject of citing and cited articles were determined and compared in different subject fields. From all English articles indexed in Scopus in 2007 and 2012 that have cited Wikipedia, 602 articles were selected using stratified random sampling. Content analysis and bibliometric methods were used to carry out the research. Results showed that there are 20 motivations for citing Wikipedia and the most frequent of them are providing general information and definition, facts and figures. Citations to Wikipedia often were in the introduction and introductory sections of papers. Computer sciences, internet and chemistry were the most cited subjects. The use of Wikipedia in articles is increasing both in terms of quantity and diversity. However, there are disciplinary differences both in the amount and the nature of use of Wikipedia.”


Evaluer Wikipédia de l’expertise du produit éditorial à…


Evaluer Wikipédia : de l’expertise du produit éditorial à l’analyse des règles et pratiques citationnelles :

“L’originalité du mode d’élaboration de Wikipédia a suscité de nombreuses recherches relatives à la qualité de l’information disponible dans cette source. Leur synthèse, présentée ici, ne prétend pas à l’exhaustivité mais vise plutôt à les catégoriser. Nous différencions ainsi trois approches de l’évaluation de cette encyclopédie collaborative que nous désignons sous les termes d’ “expertise informationnelle”, de “processus éditorial-produit ” et de “point de vue interne”. En lien avec cette dernière approche, nous exposons les enjeux et questions de recherche à propos d’un objet d’étude spécifique : les règles et pratiques citationnelles au sein de Wikipédia.”


Comparing the usage of global and local Wikipedias…


Comparing the usage of global and local Wikipedias with focus on Swedish Wikipedia :

“This report summarizes the results of a short-term student research project focused on the usage of Swedish Wikipedia. It is trying to answer the following question: To what extent (and why) do people from non-English language communities use the English Wikipedia instead of the one in their local language? Article access time series and article edit time series from major Wikipedias including Swedish Wikipedia are analyzed with various tools.”


Using Wikipedia to Enhance the Visibility of Digitized Archival Assets

As an increasing number of archival repositories, libraries, and cultural institutions build significant freely accessible digital collections, archivists and digital librarians must continue to develop digital outreach strategies that reflect the nature of searching and discovery in today’s information economy.

This case study examines the use of Wikipedia by the Ball State University Libraries as an opportunity to raise the visibility of digitized historic sheet music assets made available in the university’s Digital Media Repository. By adding links to specific items in this collection to relevant, existing Wikipedia articles, Ball State successfully and efficiently expanded the user base of this collection in the Digital Media Repository by vastly enhancing the discoverability of the collection’s assets.


Wikipédia Une somme originale de copies Comment…


Wikipédia. Une somme originale de copies :

“Comment Wikipédia peut être le reflet du savoir d’une époque en rejetant la copie. La question de la copie vis-à-vis de Wikipédia est abordée à trois niveaux : 1/Wikipédia est une synthèse de la connaissance mais sa licence l’oblige à être foncièrement originale 2/Wikipédia comme copie des encyclopédies ou nouveau modèle 3/Wikipédia, source de textes prêts à être recopiés.”