Web Impact Factor WIF and Link Analysis of…

Web Impact Factor (WIF) and Link Analysis of Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs): A Webometric Study :

“This paper examines and explores the web impact factor through a webometric study of the present 16 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) of India. Identifies the domain systems of the websites; analyzes the number of web pages and link pages, and calculates the simple web impact factor (WIF), self link web impact factor and external web impact factor of all the IIT. Also reflects that some IIT have higher number of web pages, but correspondingly their link pages are very small in number and websites fall behind in their simple, self link and external link web impact factor.”

URL : http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/789/

Web Presence of Selected Asian Countries A Webometric…

Web Presence of Selected Asian Countries: A Webometric Study :

“The paper focuses on the Web presence and visibility of websites of Asian countries. The paper tries to highlight the Web presence using some webometric indicators like Internet access, webpages, number of Internet users, and link counts. The study analyzes the web presence using popular search engines like Altavista, Google, Yahoo and MSN. An attempt has also been made to find out the Web Impact Factor (WIF) for selected Asian countries. The result shows that China (43.7%), Japan (16.2%) and India (10.4%) occupy highest web presence amongst Asian countries based on the total number of effective Internet users. China being the second highest number of Internet users having 11.8% after USA (19.7%) followed by India with 4.9% of world Internet Users and Japan is having the highest number of webpages followed by China and South Korea.”

URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/handle/10760/16178