Awareness and Use of Open Access Scholarly Publications…

Awareness and Use of Open Access Scholarly Publications by LIS Lecturers in Southern Nigeria :

“The study examined the awareness and use of open access scholarly publications by Library and Information Science (LIS) lecturers in southern Nigeria. Based on this, three (3) objectives were set out for the study. The descriptive survey design was employed and the questionnaire entitled “Awareness and Use of Open Access to Scholarly Publications Questionnaire” (AUOASPQ) was administered on the entire population of 141 LIS lecturers from which 114 responses were successfully collected. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and regression analysis. The study revealed a high level of usage of open access publications by both senior and junior LIS lecturers and that the awareness of open access concepts accounts for the tendency of LIS lecturers in southern Nigeria to use open access publications. The study recommends that efforts should be geared towards inculcating the awareness and use of open access especially through enabling infrastructure and enacting policies such as mandatory deposit of scholarly works in open access archives.”


Search engine user behaviour How can users be…

Search engine user behaviour: How can users be guided to quality content? :

“The typical behaviour of the Web search engine user is widely known: a user only types in one or a few keywords and expects the search engine to produce relevant results in an instant. Search engines not only adapt to this behaviour. On the contrary, they are often faced with criticism that they themselves created this kind of behaviour. As search engines are trendsetters for the whole information world, it is important to know how they cope with their users’ behaviour. Recent developments show that search engines try to integrate results from different collections into their results lists and to guide their users to the right results. These results should not only be relevant in general, but also be pertinent in the sense of being relevant to the user in his current situation and in accordance to his background. The article focuses on the problems of guiding the user from his initial query to these results. It shows how the general users are searching and how the intents behind their queries can be used to deliver the right results. It will be shown that search engines try to give some good results for everyone instead of focusing on complete result sets for a specific user type. If the user wishes, he can follow the paths laid out by the engines to narrow the results to a result set suitable to him.”


Persuading Collaboration: Analysing Part…

Persuading Collaboration: Analysing Participation in Online Collaboration Projects :

“The growth of worldwide internet usage has given rise to the phenomenon of ‘open movements’. These are communities that evolve based around the collaborative production of common resources, to which free access is typically provided to all who choose to use it. Such communities and the resources they create have developed rapidly over the past 10-20 years and are the cause for major scholarly interest. This study takes the step of applying the lens of Persuasive Design to the study of open movements in order to show how site design can play a role in increasing participant activity and longevity. For this purpose it looks at two ‘open movement’ resources, the collaboratively edited map OpenStreetMap and The Pirate Bay, a tracker for torrents uploaded by the le-sharing community. The analysis is two-fold: first, it uses quantitative data of user participation in the systems, derived from downloads of system-generated user-histories to generate an overall picture of user-participation in each of the systems. Second, it applies a set of heuristics to evaluate the persuasive design of the systems in question. It then connects the results of the quantitative analysis with the heuristic analysis in order to see how the persuasive design of the systems impact on user participation. This thesis will primarily be of value to researchers of online collaboration, although it may also be of interest to researchers in the field of Persuasive Design.”