Le mouvement Open Data dans la…

Le mouvement ” Open Data ” dans la grande transformation des intelligences collectives et face à la question des écritures, du web sémantique et des ontologies :

“Le capitalisme cognitif a deux caractéristiques principales, l’intelligence collective et l’utilisation intensive des technologies de l’information, fondées sur la numérisation du contenu, des procédures et des écritures. Dans cet article, nous essayons d’examiner le mouvement Open Data face à la transformation des intelligences collectives et analysons ce processus dans le cadre de l’action publique, de la science, de l’intelligence logicielle, de la stratégie. Nous montrons comment ce mouvement s’articule avec la question du web sémantique, des ontologies, avec la montée de l’algorithmique. Dans ce cadre, l’émergence du ” data mining” se présente comme “récit impérial”, comme le récit des sociétés performatives. S’ouvre également la possibilité de nouveaux modes de gouvernance, l’émergence de nouvelles façons de penser le politique et l’espace public.”

“Cognitive capitalism has two main characteristics, collective intelligence and the intensive use of information technology, based on the digitization of content, procedures and writings. In this paper, we try to examine the Open Data movement faced with the transformation of collective intelligence. We analyze this process in the context of public policy, science, intelligence software. We show how this movement articulates with the issue of semantic web ontologies and with the rise of algorithmic. We emphasize, indirectly but strong, on the emergence of “data mining” as “imperial narrative,” as the story of performative societies in the context of anthropological stratum Internet. We outline the possibility of new modes of governance and the emergence of new ways of thinking about politics and public space. The future of democratic societies is partly at stake.”

URL : http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00759618

Effective Enabling of Sharing and Reuse of Knowledge…

Effective Enabling of Sharing and Reuse of Knowledge On Semantic Web by Ontology in Date Fruit Model :

“Since Organizations have recognized that knowledge constitutes a valuable intangible asset for creating and sustaining competitive advantages, knowledge sharing has a vital role in present society. It is an activity through which information is exchanged among people through different media. Many problems face the area of knowledge sharing and knowledge reuse. Currently, knowledge sharing between entities is achieved in a very ad-hoc fashion, lacking proper understanding of the meaning of the data. Ontologies can potentially solve these problems by facilitating knowledge sharing and reuse through formal and real-world semantics. Ontologies, through formal semantics, are machine-understandable. A computer can process data, annotated with references to ontologies, and through the knowledge encapsulated in the ontology, deduce facts from the original data. The date fruit is the most enduring symbol of the Sultanate’s rich heritage. Creating ontology for dates will enrich the farming group and research scholars in the agro farm area.”

URL : http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.2232

The Role of an Entity Registry in Schola…

The Role of an Entity Registry in Scholarly Communication: Exploring Creative Uses of Research Activity Data :

“The Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) is the University’s open access repository for research outputs. To simplify deposit in ORA, a registry has been created containing data harvested from existing sources to be used as repository metadata. The registry stores publicly available research activity data, that is, data about research including people, projects, and funders. Data held in the registry are available for purposes beyond the repository, particularly as the registry uses semantic web technologies which expedite data sharing. Value is added by aggregating disparate data for discovery, by making creative use of data such as revealing connections between entities and recording data provenance. This article describes the entity registry, its role within ORA, and as a tool to support scholarly communication. The advantages of storing data as entities and gathering, aggregating, and displaying research activity data to assist dissemination of research are explained. Examples of use of the registry and its data are provided that enable easy discovery of researchers and their activities and reveals hidden connections between them, thereby, encouraging communication and collaboration between different subject areas. Development of the registry and examples has been underpinned by extensive stakeholder analysis and user testing.”

URL : http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a928391042~frm=titlelink

The Semantic Web, Linked and Open Data :…

The Semantic Web, Linked and Open Data :
“The development of the Semantic Web has been a long running project championed by the inventor of the
web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It is built around his concept of the ‘Web of data’ which means moving on from
the existing document centric view of the Web to a data centric one. In this vision of the Web, data and the relationships between data are key. Coupled with these ongoing Semantic Web developments there has also been growing interest in the related areas of linked and open data.
Between 2009 and 2010 both the UK and US governments launched high profile projects to release a wide range of publicly funded government information as open data sets. There is considerable potential for the education sector to use and contribute to these data sets as they become available. There are also potential benefits for institutions in using the principles of open and linked data in a number
of key areas such as institutional administration, teaching, learning and research. However, there is still a degree of confusion regarding the key concepts of the Semantic Web and linked and open data, as well as a range of views on approaches to implementation. This briefing paper will provide a high level overview of key concepts relating to the Semantic Web, semantic technologies, linked and open data; along with references to relevant examples and standards.
The briefing is intended to provide a starting point for those within the teaching and learning community who may have come across the concept of semantic technologies and the Semantic Web but who do not regard themselves as experts and wish to learn more. The examples and links are intended as starting points for further exploration.”
URL : http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/images/1/1a/The_Semantic_Web.pdf