Status of peer review guidelines in international surgical journals: A cross-sectional survey

Authors : Min DongWenjing WangXuemei LiuFang LeiYunmei Luo


To gain insight into the current status of peer review guidelines in international surgical journals and to offer guidance for the development of peer review guidelines for surgical journals.


We selected the top 100 journals in the category of ‘Surgery’ according to the Journal Citation Report 2021. We conducted a search of the websites of these journals, and Web of Science, PubMed, other databases, in order to gather the peer review guidelines published by these top 100 journals up until June 30, 2022. Additionally, we analysed the contents of these peer review guidelines.


Only 52% (52/100) of journals provided guidelines for reviewers. Sixteen peer review guidelines which were published by these 52 surgical journals were included in this study. The contents of these peer review guidelines were classified into 33 items. The most common item was research methodology, which was mentioned by 13 journals (25%, 13/52). Other important items include statistical methodology, mentioned by 11 journals (21.2%), the rationality of figures, tables, and data, mentioned by 11 journals (21.2%), innovation of research, mentioned by nine journals (17.3%), and language expression, readability of papers, ethical review, references, and so forth, mentioned by eight journals (15.4%).

Two journals described items for quality assessment of peer review. Forty-three journals offered a checklist to guide reviewers on how to write a review report. Some surgical journals developed peer review guidelines for reviewers with different academic levels, such as professional reviewers and patient/public reviewers. Additionally, some surgical journals provided specific items for different types of papers, such as original articles, reviews, surgical videos, surgical database research, surgery-related outcome measurements, and case reports in their peer review guidelines.


Key contents of peer review guidelines for the reviewers of surgical journals not only include items relating to reviewing research methodology, statistical methods, figures, tables and data, research innovation, ethical review, but also cover items concerning reviewing surgical videos, surgical database research, surgery-related outcome measurements, instructions on how to write a review report, and guidelines on how to assess quality of peer review.

URL : Status of peer review guidelines in international surgical journals: A cross-sectional survey


Is open access disrupting the journal business? A perspective from comparing full adopters, partial adopters, and non-adopters

Author : Xijie Zhang

Two decades after the inception of open access publishing (OA), its impact has remained a focal point in academic discourse. This study adopted a disruptive innovation framework to examine OA’s influence on the traditional subscription market. It assesses the market power of gold journals (OA full adopters) in comparison with hybrid journals and closed-access journals (partial adopters and non-adopters). Additionally, it contrasts the market power between hybrid journals (partial adopters) and closed-access journals (non-adopters).

Using the Lerner index to measure market power through price elasticity of demand, this study employs difference tests and multiple regressions. These findings indicate that OA full adopters disrupt the market power of non-adopting incumbents. However, by integrating the OA option into their business models, partial adopters can effectively mitigate this disruption and expand their influence from the traditional subscription market to the emerging OA paradigm.

URL : Is open access disrupting the journal business? A perspective from comparing full adopters, partial adopters, and non-adopters


“Academic Publishing is a Business Interest”: Reconciling Faculty Serials Needs and Economic Realities at a Carnegie R2 University

Authors : Rachel E. Scott, Anne Shelley, Chad E. Buckley, Cassie Thayer-Styes, Julie A. Murphy


This article explores faculty conceptions of academic publishers, their willingness to circumvent paywalls and share content, and their understanding of who holds the responsibility to pay for this body of scholarly work to which they all contribute.


The authors conducted semi-structured interviews with 25 faculty at their Carnegie R2 university to explore scholars’ perspectives with respect to the costs of serials and the responsibilities of the University and library in support of scholarly publishing.


Participants reported a broad spectrum of perspectives with respect to circumventing publisher paywalls and offered nuanced practices for interacting with paywalled content. They explained which library services work well and offered suggestions on how best to support faculty needs for serial literature. Although most participants agree that the University has the responsibility of making academic literature available to the community, they differ in their conceptions of academic publishers as good-faith partners in the knowledge enterprise.


The results suggest a great deal of ambiguity and diversity of beliefs among faculty: some would support boycotting all commercial publishers; some understand academic publishers to be integral to the dissemination of their work, not to mention tenure and promotion processes; and many acknowledge a variety of tensions in what feels to them an exploitative and fraught relationship.

These findings have implications for library services in acquisitions, collection management, scholarly communication, discovery, and access.


The data provide insight into the nuanced perceptions that faculty members at a Carnegie R2 hold concerning the costs of scholarly publishing and the role of academic publishers within scholarly communication.

URL : “Academic Publishing is a Business Interest”: Reconciling Faculty Serials Needs and Economic Realities at a Carnegie R2 University


The role of non-scientific factors vis-à-vis the quality of publications in determining their scholarly impact

Authors : Giovanni Abramo, Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo, Leonardo Grilli

In the evaluation of scientific publications’ impact, the interplay between intrinsic quality and non-scientific factors remains a subject of debate. While peer review traditionally assesses quality, bibliometric techniques gauge scholarly impact.

This study investigates the role of non-scientific attributes alongside quality scores from peer review in determining scholarly impact. Leveraging data from the first Italian Research Assessment Exercise (VTR 2001–2003) and Web of Science citations, we analyse the relationship between quality scores, non-scientific factors, and publication short- and long-term impact.

Our findings shed light on the significance of non-scientific elements overlooked in peer review, offering policymakers and research management insights in choosing evaluation methodologies. Sections delve into the debate, identify non-scientific influences, detail methodologies, present results, and discuss implications.

URL : The role of non-scientific factors vis-à-vis the quality of publications in determining their scholarly impact


Practices and Attitudes of the Research and Teaching Staff at the University of Split about the Online Encyclopedia Wikipedia

Author : Mirko Duić

The goal of this study was to investigate the practices and attitudes of the research and teaching staff at the University of Split (Croatia) about the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The method of a questionnaire-based survey was used to gain insights related to this topic. During February 2024, the survey was completed by 226 respondents.

The results show that almost all respondents read Wikipedia articles and believe that the level of their accuracy is quite high. Almost half of the respondents strongly agree with the statement that it would be desirable for faculty staff to write Wikipedia articles with the aim of spreading knowledge about topics from their professional fields.

However, a very small number of respondents participated in writing articles for Wikipedia. Also, the respondents answered that to them, the greatest motivations to write articles on Wikipedia would be if this activity were evaluated for the advancement to a higher work position and the correction of errors in Wikipedia articles.

It was also found that most respondents are not very familiar with how Wikipedia works or how to add new content to it. These and other insights from this study can be used to conceive and initiate various activities that can contribute to greater participation of scientific and teaching staff of higher education institutions in writing quality content on Wikipedia, as well as activities that can contribute to a better familiarization with the principles and procedures to write and enhance its content.

Other research methods, such as interviews with scientific and teaching staff of higher education institutions, could be used to acquire further, more detailed answers related to this topic.

URL : Practices and Attitudes of the Research and Teaching Staff at the University of Split about the Online Encyclopedia Wikipedia

Original location :

The promotion and implementation of open science measures among high-performing journals from Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain

Authors : Chris Fradkin, Rogério Mugnaini

This study empirically examined the promotion and implementation of open science measures among high-performing journals of Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. Journal policy related to data sharing, materials sharing, preregistration, open peer review, and consideration of preprints and replication studies was gathered from the websites of the journals.

Four hundred articles were coded for the inclusion of data availability statements, conflict of interest disclosures, funding disclosures, DOI, ORCID, and continuous publishing. Analyses found a higher promotion of open science measures among Brazilian journals than their Portuguese counterparts, and higher promotion of open science measures among international journals than their domestic counterparts.

Analyses found higher implementation of open science measures among Brazilian journals than their Portuguese and Mexican counterparts. One journal out of 40 encouraged preregistration of studies; none encouraged replication studies and none had implemented open peer review.

These findings reveal reasonably strong implementation of secondary open science measures (e.g., DOI, ORCID, conflict of interest and funding source disclosure) among the sample, but weaker implementation of primary measures (e.g., open data, open materials, replication studies and open peer review).

The implications of these findings are considered and suggestions are made to bolster the adoption of open science measures among Ibero-American scientific journals.

URL : The promotion and implementation of open science measures among high-performing journals from Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain

Stratégies et comportements de communication scientifique de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales face à l’évaluation de la recherche publique

Auteur/Author : Cheikh Ndiaye

Cette thèse se penche sur les enjeux de la communication et de l’évaluation dans le domaine de la recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication. Partant du principe que la science contribue au progrès d’une société en lui permettant de répondre à ses préoccupations (santé, économie, etc.), divers pays industrialisés comme la France investissent des sommes importantes pour son essor. Ces investissements suscitant, à leur tour, des prescrits afin d’en assurer une gestion efficiente et un impact en adéquation avec les objectifs de développement. Ainsi ont été institutionnalisées l’évaluation de la recherche publique et sa valorisation.

Leur montée en puissance a eu des effets bouleversants sur le paysage scientifique, notamment la gouvernance des universités, leurs missions et rapports au monde économique ou encore la production des connaissances. Au cœur de ses changements, l’évaluation impacte les orientations politiques autour de la recherche, en particulier le choix des priorités thématiques et la distribution des financements. Elle induit un besoin de valorisation individuelle qui semble obliger les chercheurs à intégrer davantage dans leurs activités la quête construite d’autorité, donc de reconnaissance scientifique.Ayant toujours été un régulateur de la compétition entre savants et un vecteur de diffusion de leurs connaissances produites, la communication scientifique est-elle devenue un outil de stratégie ?

Le but de cette recherche est de répondre à cette interrogation. En se fondant sur un modèle psychosociologique, la théorie du comportement planifié, il s’agit d’examiner la construction de ce changement comportemental éventuel, à partir de la motivation, de l’attitude, des perceptions des normes sociales et de la capacité à conduire le changement et l’intention comportementale. Il s’agit également de voir les liens existant entre ces variables et l’intention de s’adapter à l’évaluation, voire le comportement final adopté.

La première partie de l’étude pose les bases conceptuelles de la thèse en examinant les relations entre les Sciences Humaines et Sociales, l’espace scientifique, l’économie et les politiques publiques. Elle explore la dualité entre les SHS et les sciences exactes, ainsi que l’impact du numérique sur la recherche.

La deuxième partie se concentre sur le chercheur en tant que communicateur et objet d’évaluation. Elle aborde les différents moyens de communication scientifique, y compris les publications, les médias sociaux, et les médias alternatifs, ainsi que les enjeux sociaux de la communication dans le domaine académique.

La troisième et dernière partie examine le chercheur en tant qu’acteur central de la recherche. D’une part, elle se penche sur les aspects de l’évaluation de la recherche, notamment la bibliométrie et les classements universitaires. De l’autre, elle expose les théories du comportement humain, le modèle théorique et la méthodologie de la recherche. Ce qui permet de présenter les résultats de l’enquête par un questionnaire auprès des chercheurs.

En conclusion, l’étude met en évidence une perception contraignante de l’évaluation scientifique au-delà d’une incitation à publier. Elle apparaît, en effet, comme une obligation professionnelle dont l’inexécution peut avoir des effets néfastes sur la carrière.

Son attitude est plutôt favorable au changement, et les normes sociales perçues l’y poussent alors qu’il a confiance en ses capacités à intégrer les prescriptions dans sa stratégie de communication. De ce fait, le chercheur en SHS à l’intention de s’adapter en construisant une communication adaptative, en sélectionnant les prescrits lui convenant.

Au final, son comportement adopté consiste à élaborer une stratégie au cas par cas, basée sur la publication évaluée par les pairs afin d’obtenir divers bénéfices : visibilité et reconnaissance scientifiques, intégration sociale, accès aux médias et autorités politiques, responsabilités administratives ou scientifiques.