Choosing the ‘right’ journal for publication: Perceptions and practices of pandemic-era early career researchers

Authors : David Nicholas, Eti Herman, David Clark, Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Blanca Rodríguez-Bravo, Abdullah Abrizah, Anthony Watkinson, Jie Xu, David Sims, Galina Serbina, Marzena Świgoń, Hamid R. Jamali, Carol Tenopir, Suzie Allard

Presents early data from an investigation of the work lives and scholarly communication practices of 177 early career researchers (ECRs) from eight countries. Utilizing mainly coded and textual data from interviews, the paper reports on the findings that pertain to publishing papers in peer reviewed journals.

We examine which factors are taken into account when choosing the journal to publish their research in, identifying similarities/differences by country, age, academic status and discipline. Also, explored is whether the pandemic has changed decision-making. Main findings are that the aim for ECRs is to publish in the ‘best’ journals, variably measured by prestige, impact factor, standards of peer review and indexation.

Appropriateness of audience is the only factor unrelated to the quality of the journal that figures highly among the factors that guide ECRs in the process of selecting a journal.

The pandemic has made little difference to the majority of ECRs when they decide on a journal for publishing their research. However, there is a greater awareness of the need for a faster turnover rate, brought on by the importance accorded to speedy publication during the pandemic.



Publication practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Expedited publishing or simply an early bird effect?

Authors : Yulia V. Sevryugina, Andrew J. Dicks

This study explores the evolution of publication practices associated with the SARS-CoV-2 research papers, namely, peer-reviewed journal and review articles indexed in PubMed and their associated preprints posted on bioRxiv and medRxiv servers: a total of 4,031 journal article-preprint pairs.

Our assessment of various publication delays during the January 2020 to March 2021 period revealed the early bird effect that lies beyond the involvement of any publisher policy action and is directly linked to the emerging nature of new and ‘hot’ scientific topics.

We found that when the early bird effect and data incompleteness are taken into account, COVID-19 related research papers show only a moderately expedited speed of dissemination as compared with the pre-pandemic era.

Medians for peer-review and production stage delays were 66 and 15 days, respectively, and the entire conversion process from a preprint to its peer-reviewed journal article version took 109.5 days.

The early bird effect produced an ephemeral perception of a global rush in scientific publishing during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. We emphasize the importance of considering the early bird effect in interpreting publication data collected at the outset of a newly emerging event.

URL : Publication practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Expedited publishing or simply an early bird effect?


Les plateformes de dépôt et d’archivage des travaux étudiants

Autrice/Author : Alice Faure

Le développement des archives ouvertes, qu’elles soient institutionnelles ou à vocation nationale comme HAL, a conduit à une évolution en faveur de l’Open access et de l’ouverture toujours plus grande en faveur de travaux toujours plus divers et nombreux.

Dans cette effervescence ont été mises en place des plateformes de dépôt et d’archivage de travaux étudiants, depuis la licence jusqu’au master et aux thèses d’exercice.

Dans cette étude nous dresserons un historique et un état des lieux de cette évolution avant de nous intéresser aux spécificités et aux enjeux attachés à ces plateformes ; nous nous intéresserons également aux fonctionnalités et à leur mise en place sur le plan technique et, enfin, aux perspectives qui s’ouvrent à ces outils non seulement en termes de services aux étudiants et de potentialités pédagogiques, mais aussi selon les utilités que représentent les plateformes pour la communauté universitaire et scientifique dans son ensemble.

URL : Les plateformes de dépôt et d’archivage des travaux étudiants

Original location :

Incentive Policies for Scientific Publications in the State Universities of Chile

Authors : Elizabeth Troncoso, Francisco Ganga-Contreras, Margarita Briceño

Most state universities in Chile (15 out of 18) have monetary incentive policies for scientific publications, but they are based on criteria that do not necessarily aim to improve institutional performance in all disciplines.

This work compares affinities and differences of these policies in three areas: (i) type of publications encouraged, (ii) beneficiaries, and (iii) monetary amounts per type of publication. It was found that the 15 universities encourage publications with WoS indexing, 13 do so for Scopus and SciELO, and 6 are open to other databases.

Only seven institutions encourage the production of books and book chapters. As expected, the 15 universities direct the incentives to their academic staff, although with different requirements, six accept non-academic staff, and only one university considers its student body. In general, the highest monetary amounts are received by WoS publications, with differentiation by quartile or impact factor of the journal.

All in all, there is a clear need to design incentive policies in universities that are more homogeneous and take into account the “quality” and “impact” of the research they publish based on different metrics that tend to provide robust analyses in the different areas of knowledge.


La science est-elle soluble dans des projets techno-industriels ? Querelles autour de la géothermie profonde à l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg (2012-2020)

Auteur.ices : Philippe Chavot, Anne Masseran, Yeny Serrano, Jean Zoungrana

Cet article analyse les désaccords entre mondes industriel et scientifique dans le champ de la géothermie profonde alsacienne des années 2010. Cette querelle où se croisent interprétations scientifiques et intérêts industriels reflète les divergences de vues entre les mondes sociaux en présence sur la façon dont la science et les scientifiques doivent intervenir dans les projets de géothermie.

La notion de paradigme de communication combinée à celle d’ethos discursif permet de saisir les dynamiques qui fondent les discours publics sur la géothermie : du côté des industriels une communication d’acceptabilité insiste sur la maturité du domaine et la maitrise des risques ; du côté des scientifiques, des approches plus pédagogiques pointent les lieux où des travaux sont nécessaires pour optimiser le développement de la géothermie profonde.

Les désaccords apparaissent au grand jour suite aux séismes affectant l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg en 2019 et 2020.


Open access in Angola: a survey among higher education institutions

Authors : Wileidys Artigas, Eurico Wongo Gungula, Mikael Laakso

Open access (OA) to research publications is of global relevance, both in terms of provision and consumption of scholarly content. However, much of the research, practice, and models surrounding OA have been centered around the Global North.

In this study we investigate how and to what degree higher education institutions (HEIs) in Angola interact with the concept of OA to journal publications through their policies and practices, a country where the end of the civil war in 2002 marked a new start for growth in teaching and research.

This study is based on an online survey conducted in 2020 among research management units of Angolan HEIs. 23 valid institutional responses were received of 44 invitations sent (52% response rate).

The results suggest that Angolan HEIs have moderate awareness of OA but practical incorporation into academic processes has remained slow, however, this can be seen to be connected to the overall slow progress in ramping up research intensity in the country.

Seven of the responding institutions reported to be involved in publishing scholarly journals, all of them OA. Overall Angolan HEIs have few institutional repositories, and have so far placed little value on OA in the context of academic career advancement.

URL : Open access in Angola: a survey among higher education institutions


La construction des légitimités d’une expertise scientifique au prisme de sa médiatisation : le cas de la « crise requin » à La Réunion

Autrice : Barbara Losen

Cet article interroge l’évolution des légitimités de l’expertise scientifique qui a eu lieu de 2011 à 2015 dans le cadre de la gestion du risque requin à La Réunion, au prisme de sa construction médiatique.

L’analyse d’articles issus de la presse locale en ligne couplée à celle des discours de journalistes locaux et d’experts scientifiques recueillis en entretiens, révèle la façon dont les contraintes des champs scientifique et journalistique, en termes d’enjeux et de pratiques communicationnelles, participent à la dynamique des représentations du rapport entre légitimité médiatique et sociale des experts scientifiques.