Open research data: A case study into institutional and infrastructural arrangements to stimulate open research data sharing and reuse

Authors : Thijmen van Gend, Anneke Zuiderwijk

This study investigates which combination of institutional and infrastructural arrangements positively impact research data sharing and reuse in a specific case. We conducted a qualitative case study of the institutional and infrastructural arrangements implemented at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

In the examined case, it was fundamental to change the mindset of researchers and to make them aware of the benefits of sharing data. Therefore, arrangements should be designed bottom-up and used as a “carrot” rather than as a “stick.” Moreover, support offered to researchers should cover at least legal, financial, administrative, and practical issues of research data management and should be informal in nature.

Previous research describes generic institutional and infrastructural instruments that can stimulate open research data sharing and reuse. This study is among the first to analyze what and how infrastructural and institutional arrangements work in a particular context. It provides the basis for other scholars to study such arrangements in different contexts.

Open data policymakers, universities, and open data infrastructure providers can use our findings to stimulate data sharing and reuse in practice, adapted to the contextual situation. Our study focused on a single case and a particular part of the university.

We recommend repeating this research in other contexts, that is, at other universities, faculties, and involving other research data infrastructure providers.

URL : Open research data: A case study into institutional and infrastructural arrangements to stimulate open research data sharing and reuse


Le positionnement des bibliothèques universitaires et de recherche françaises dans les politiques publiques des données de la recherche

Auteur/Author : Paul Cormier

A l’heure du quatrième paradigme de la science, la science ouverte, et la gestion des données de la recherche en particulier, font désormais l’objet de politiques qui se structurent à différentes échelles (internationale, européenne, nationale et au sein des établissements universitaires et de recherche).

Après une phase initiale d’interrogations, il apparaît désormais que les bibliothèques sont des actrices et des partenaires cruciales tant en ce qui concerne le leadership que les questions techniques dans l’appui à la recherche.

Elles sont aujourd’hui présentes et actives dans la grande majorité des espaces de réflexion autour de ces enjeux. Adossé à la sociologie de l’action publique, ce mémoire entend dépasser la question du « pourquoi » et du questionnement autour de la légitimité des bibliothèques à participer à la gestion des données de la recherche en s’interrogeant sur le « comment ».

Ce travail identifie trois rôles exercés par les bibliothèques dans le cadre leur participation à l’élaboration des politiques des données de la recherche (rôles d’expertes, de conception et d’actrices opérationnelles).

Il montre que c’est d’abord en élargissant les réseaux professionnels français puis en mobilisant et en structurant leur discours à travers leurs organisations professionnelles, par leur capacité à travailler en réseau, leur expertise technique, leur expérience tirée du déploiement de l’open access et leur capacité d’advocacy, que les bibliothèques ont su se placer en actrices incontournables du chantier de la science ouverte.

URL : Le positionnement des bibliothèques universitaires et de recherche françaises dans les politiques publiques des données de la recherche

Original location :

The Role of Data in an Emerging Research Community : Environmental Health Research as an Exemplar

Authors : Danielle Polloc, An Yan, Michelle Parker, Suzie Allard

Open science data benefit society by facilitating convergence across domains that are examining the same scientific problem. While cross-disciplinary data sharing and reuse is essential to the research done by convergent communities, so far little is known about the role data play in how these communities interact.

An understanding of the role of data in these collaborations can help us identify and meet the needs of emerging research communities which may predict the next challenges faced by science. This paper represents an exploratory study of one emerging community, the environmental health community, examining how environmental health research groups form, collaborate, and share data.

Five key insights about the role of data in emerging research communities are identified and suggestions are made for further research.

URL : The Role of Data in an Emerging Research Community : Environmental Health Research as an Exemplar


Globally Accessible Distributed Data Sharing (GADDS): a decentralized FAIR platform to facilitate data sharing in the life sciences

Authors : Pavel Vazquez, Kayoko Hirayama-Shoji, Steffen Novik, Stefan Krauss, Simon Rayner


Technical advances have revolutionized the life sciences and researchers commonly face challenges associated with handling large amounts of heterogeneous digital data. The Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) principles provide a framework to support effective data management.

However, implementing this framework is beyond the means of most researchers in terms of resources and expertise, requiring awareness of metadata, policies, community agreements, and other factors such as vocabularies and ontologies.


We have developed the Globally Accessible Distributed Data Sharing (GADDS) platform to facilitate FAIR-like data-sharing in cross-disciplinary research collaborations. The platform consists of (i) a blockchain based metadata quality control system, (ii) a private cloud-like storage system and (iii) a version control system. GADDS is built with containerized technologies, providing minimal hardware standards and easing scalability, and offers decentralized trust via transparency of metadata, facilitating data exchange and collaboration.

As a use case, we provide an example implementation in engineered living material technology within the Hybrid Technology Hub at the University of Oslo.

URL : Globally Accessible Distributed Data Sharing (GADDS): a decentralized FAIR platform to facilitate data sharing in the life sciences


Open Access in Geochemistry from Preprints to Data Sharing: Past, Present, and Future

Authors : Olivier Pourret, Dasapta Erwin Irawan

In this short communication, we discuss the latest advances regarding Open Access in the earth sciences and geochemistry community from preprints to findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable data following the 14f session held at Goldschmidt conference (4–9 July 2021) dedicated to “Open Access in Earth Sciences”.

URL : Open Access in Geochemistry from Preprints to Data Sharing: Past, Present, and Future


The research data life cycle, legacy data, and dilemmas in research data management

Authors : Jenny Bossaller, Anthony J. Million

This paper presents findings from an interview study of research data managers in academic data archives. Our study examined policies and professional autonomy with a focus on dilemmas encountered in everyday work by data managers.

We found that dilemmas arose at every stage of the research data lifecycle, and legacy data presents particularly vexing challenges. The iFields’ emphasis on knowledge organization and representation provides insight into how data, used by scientists, are used to create knowledge.

The iFields’ disciplinary emphasis also encompasses the sociotechnical complexity of dilemmas that we found arise in research data management. Therefore, we posit that iSchools are positioned to contribute to data science education by teaching about ethics and infrastructure used to collect, organize, and disseminate data through problem-based learning.

URL : The research data life cycle, legacy data, and dilemmas in research data management


Assessing Open Science Practices in Phytolith Research

Author : Emma Karoune

Open science is an integral part of all scientific research, but the extent of open science practices in phytolith research is unknown. Phytolith analysis examines silica bodies that are initially formed within and between plant cells during the life of the plant but become deposited in sediments once the plant dies.

The use of phytoliths in archaeobotanical and palaeoecological studies has been increasing in recent years resulting in an upsurge in publications. The aims of this article are to assess open science practices in phytolith research by reviewing data and metadata sharing, and open access, in a sample of journal articles containing primary phytolith data from 16 prominent archaeological and palaeoecological journals (341 articles).

This study builds on similar studies conducted for zooarchaeology (Kansa et al. 2020) and macro-botanical remains (Lodwick 2019). This study shows that 53% of papers shared data in any format but only 4% of papers contained reusable data, 74% included some pictures of phytolith morphotypes for identification purposes, 69% had a fully described method, 47% used the International code for phytolith nomenclature (ICPN 1.0) and only 13% of articles were open access.

Steps forward are then proposed, including planning for open projects, making more articles openly accessible and implementing the FAIR data principles, to use as a starting point for discussions in the wider phytolith and archaeological communities to develop guidelines for greater integration of open science practices.

URL : Assessing Open Science Practices in Phytolith Research