Libre accès et archives ouvertes. Mise e…

Libre accès et archives ouvertes. Mise en oeuvre des projets.
Texte déposé par Pfister Theophil le 19.03.2010 au Conseil national de la Suisse.
Le Conseil fédéral est chargé, dans son rôle de bailleur de fonds, de renforcer son soutien à la réalisation des objectifs du libre accès et des archives ouvertes et de viser la mise en oeuvre systématique de ces projets. Il évaluera les réglementations nécessaires à cet effet et soutiendra activement les décisions prises. La sécurité des données, l’accessibilité et la recherche dans Internet seront réglementées selon les principes régissant les projets de libre accès et d’archives ouvertes.

Research Assessment and a Diverse Role f…

Research Assessment and a Diverse Role for Repositories :
In the decade since the development of the Open Archiving Initiative’s OAI-PMH protocol, repositories have been used to support a growing number of agendas: open access, preservation, open data, open educational resources. As well as these, research assessment has become a major academic preoccupation in a number of countries, leading to enhanced roles for institutional repositories. This presentation focuses on the work of two JISC projects that support different aspects of research assessment, but concludes that the enhanced repository facilities needed for this specific agenda are important for general repositories.

Call to action: Tell Congress you suppor…

Call to action: Tell Congress you support the Federal Research Public Access Act
Yesterday (April 15), Representatives Doyle (D-PA), Waxman (D-CA), Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), Harper (R-MS), Boucher (D-VA) and Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced the Federal Research Public Access Act (HR 5037), a bill that would ensure free, timely, online access to the published results of research funded by eleven U.S. federal agencies.
All supporters of public access – universities and colleges, researchers, libraries, campus administrators, patient advocates, publishers, consumers, individuals, and others – are asked to ACT NOW to support this bill


The Institutional Repository in 2010 ……

The Institutional Repository in 2010 … and beyond :
This paper aims to provide insights and predictions with respect to the short and long
term future of Institutional Repositories, based on the current appraisal and criticism on
today’s results of more than six years of Institutional Repository reality.
While acknowledging that important challenges still lie ahead, this paper states that the
trend towards organizational commitment to the stewardship of digital materials,
essentially at the core of institutional repositories, is still very actual today and will be in
the future.


Open Access to scientific communication …

Open Access to scientific communication :
The purpose of this website is to present, select and organize current information about Open Access.
Open Access is an international movement whose importance is increasing year by year. It is difficult to follow its rapid evolution without getting lost in the vast amount of information available on the subject.
Our goal is to summarize the main current lines of information (in France and abroad) and to report what seems us to be particularly noteworthy .
Hans DILLAERTS and Hélène BOSC


Libre Accès à la communication scientifi…

Libre Accès à la communication scientifique :
Présenter, sélectionner et organiser les informations en rapport avec le libre accès, tels sont les objectifs de ce site.
Le libre accès est un mouvement international dont l’importance s’accroît d’année en année. Il est devenu très difficile de suivre ses évolutions et de ne pas se perdre dans la masse d’informations disponible sur le sujet.
Nous avons voulu faire une synthèse de l’existant (en France comme à l’étranger) et ce site ne recense que ce qui nous semble vraiment marquant.