The Age of Open Access: New paradigm for universities and researchers :
Archives des mots-clés : open access
Aspects juridiques de la publication sci…
Aspects juridiques de la publication scientifique. Guide pratique à l’attention des membres de
la communauté universitaire :
Authentication and Authorization: Securi…
Authentication and Authorization: Security Issues for Institutional Digital Repositories :
In this digital age and the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) many organizations have realized the benefits of sharing information within the organization as well within the community and globally. These organizations may be corporate company, research organization or academic institutions. In the academic institutions with the higher education, information capturing, dissemination and sharing is practiced most. In spite of Open Source Drive , in the highly competitive environment, many university or colleges raise a paradox between allowing information and knowledge to flow freely, and the need to keep certain information very secure. In restricted or closed-information environment secured information channel, authorization and authentication of both users and digital contents are a burning issue today. Digital contents are managed and stored in repository to share. Repository of an institution can support research, learning, and administrative processes as well as purposes. Standards are followed for the repositories which ensure that the contents contain is accessible in that and it can be searched and retrieved for later use. A wide variety of contents may be included in the digital repositories for the multiplicity of purposes and users. It is the technical ability and administrative policy decision that what kind of materials goes into a repository (Jones, et al 2006). A proper digital repository not only requires an organized collection of digitized content, it also requires that the content be accessed and distributed as widely as possible to legitimate users around the globe. Access management and control is one of the major concerns for content-providers on the Internet. Without a proper access management mechanism confidentiality and integrity of information cannot be guaranteed. Different conventional methods are practiced by the content-providers but not a single method is sufficient for access management (Ray and Chakraborty, 2006). However, the administrators of the digital content-providers mostly expect their preferences for the technology or the procedure to be available which may be best practiced globally.
CRIS and Institutional Repositories : CR…
CRIS and Institutional Repositories :
CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) provide researchers, research managers, innovators, and others with a view over the research activity of a domain. IRs (institutional repositories) provide a mechanism for an organisation to showcase through OA (open access) its intellectual property. Increasingly, organizations are mandating that their employed researchers deposit peer-reviewed published material in the IR. Research funders are increasingly mandating that publications be deposited in an open access repository: some mandate a central (or subject-based) repository, some an IR. In parallel, publishers are offering OA but replacing subscription-based access with author (or author institution) payment for publishing. However, many OA repositories have metadata based on DC (Dublin Core) which is inadequate; a CERIF (Common-European Research Information Format) CRIS provides metadata describing publications with formal syntax and declared semantics thus facilitating interoperation or homogeneous access over heterogeneous sources. The formality is essential for research output metrics, which are increasingly being used to determine future funding for research organizations.
Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Inf…
Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Infrastructure for Scholarly Publications :
Scholarly publications are a major part of the research infrastructure. One way to make output available is to store the publications in Open Access Repositories (OAR). A Current Research Information System (CRIS) that conforms to the standard CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) could be a key component in the e-infrastructure. A CRIS provides the structure and makes it possible to interoperate the CRIS metadata at every stage of the research cycle. The international DRIVER projects are creating a European repository infrastructure. Knowledge Exchange has launched a project to develop a metadata exchange format for publications between CRIS and OAR systems.
A Principled Approach to Online Publicat…
A Principled Approach to Online Publication Listings and Scientific Resource Sharing :
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics has developed a service to manage and present the scholarly output of their researchers. The PubMan database manages publication metadata and full-texts of publications published by their scholars. All relevant information regarding a researcher’s work is brought together in this database, including supplementary materials and links to the MPI database for primary research data. The PubMan metadata is harvested into the MPI website CMS (Plone). The system developed for the creation of the publication lists, allows the researcher to create a selection of the harvested data in a variety of formats.
Open access journal publishing in Ahmadu…
Open access journal publishing in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria :
Open Access has been identified as an initiative that can improve access and provide global visibility for research work conducted by researchers and scholars. This study examined scholarly publication, particularly open access journals in Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted for this study and purposive sampling technique was adopted to collect data using
questionnaire from twenty-one chief-editors of scholarly journals published in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The study revealed, among others that only 2(9.5%) out of the 21(100%) of scholarly journals published in Ahmadu Bello University are open access journals. Lack of awareness of the potentials of open access journals, and concern over copyright issues are some of the challenges
identified by the study hindering the adoption and transition of closed journals to open access journals by publishers of scholarly journals in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. This study also highlights some of the strategies that can be adopted to promote open access journals amongst publishers of scholarly journals in Ahmadu Bello University and Nigeria at large.