Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories

Librarians need to be familiar with the evolving aspects of scholarly communication and the changing scholarly record. One component of that is the role of repositories. It’s crucial for anyone working in a research library to understand the repository landscape, both to advise researchers on where to look for information and how to disseminate their own research articles.

Librarians should appreciate the nature of the leading disciplinary repositories and have a sense of their motivations, their scope, and how they operate. Before getting involved with a disciplinary repository, they should be familiar with the risks and opportunities in depending on the repository and, most importantly, they need to know if the repository has a sustainable model.

For a library considering starting a disciplinary repository or taking on the operation of an existing one, these considerations are essential.


Usage and Impact of Controlled Vocabularies in a…

Usage and Impact of Controlled Vocabularies in a Subject Repository for Indexing and Retrieval :

“Since 2009, the German National Library for Economics (ZBW) supports both indexing and retrieval of Open Access scientific publications like working papers, postprint articles and conference papers by means of a terminology web service. This web service is based on concepts organized as a ‘Standard Thesaurus for Economics’ (STW), which is modelled and regularly published as Linked Open Data. Moreover, it is integrated into the institution’s subject repository for automatically suggesting appropriate key words while indexing and retrieving documents, and for automatically expanding search queries on demand to gain better search results. While this approach looks promising to augment ‘off the shelf’ repository software systems in a lightweight manner with a disciplinary profile, there is still significant uncertainty about the effective usage and impact of controlled terms in the realm of these systems. To cope with this, we analyze the repository’s logfiles to get evidence of search behaviour which is potentially influenced by auto suggestion and expansion of scientific terms derived from a discipline’s literature.”


Fostering New Roles for Librarians Skills Set for…

Fostering New Roles for Librarians: Skills Set for Repository Managers — Results of a Survey in Italy :

“The open access movement in scholarly communication has grown considerably over the last ten years and it has driven an increase in the number of institutional repositories (IRs). New professional roles and skills had to be developed to secure effective IR management.

Collection developmente expertise and metadata curation are regarded as strategic roles for repositories and therefore it is only logical for the library and information community to take on the responsibility for managing these digital archives. However, it has become clear that traditional librarian skills do not suffice anymore to run successful repositories. A richer set of skills is needed, including management and communication skills, technical skills, and expertise with regard to access rights and preservation of digital content.

Referring to the work carried out by the SHERPA Project in the UK with regard to the skills set for repository staff, the authors performed a survey among repository managers in Italy to assess the educational and professional background of the repository managers and the skills set required to implement successful institutional repositories.

The survey findings show that the professional profile of the repository manager is a multiform and complex one. It requires cross-functional and highly specialised competencies. Italian repository managers are of the opinion that the skills required to promote the repository within the institution and those required to deal with copyright issues as the most essential skills repository managers should acquire and be trained for. Collection development and metadata expertise, familiarity with project management and expertise in repository workflow design are also highly rated. Technical skills are needed to deal with interoperability standards and protocols.

In Italy academic curricula do not meet the repository managers’ educational needs. Academic programmes should be developed to include communication, project management and team work skills and pay more attention to copyright issues. Until that time repository managers will have to spend a considerable part of their working lives on professional training and self-directed learning.”


Setting up an open access digital repository A…

Setting up an open access digital repository: A case study :

“Setting up of institutional repositories has been gathering momentum in India and many academic and R&D establishments have made it mandatory to set up institutional repositories. This paper briefly details the work that has goneinto setting up and configuring the digital repository of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES). The repository has been setup using the free and open source software, GNU ( Such a repository will not only help in thewider dissemination of the publications that emerge from the projects and programmes supported by the MOES, but it willalso serve as an information management system for the ministry.”


Status of Institutional Repositories in Asian Countries A…

Status of Institutional Repositories in Asian Countries: A Quantitative Study :

“ICT and availability of open sources software packages has enabled most of the institutions to maintain institutional repository or archive to collect, preserve, and make accessible the intellectual output created by their scholarly communities. There are more than 1800 Institutional Repositories (IRs) world wide of which more than 50% are in USA, UK, Germany and Spain. There has been relatively little systematic examination of the actual state of deployment of IRs in Asian countries. This study attempts to identify the present status of IRs in the countries of Asia. Data of repositories was collected from various directories of IRs. Data is analyzed in terms of quantity of IRs increased during last five years, country-wise IRs and number of objects, types of materials archived, subject coverage, software used, language of interface, host domains, and policy maaters. The results of the study suggest healthy growth in terms of quantity of IRs in Asian countries. The subject analysis of the IRs indicates that the institutes in the field of sciences and technology are more interested to create IRs than social sciences, arts and humanities. Currently the IRs mostly housed traditional (print-oriented) scholarly publications and grey literature, using DSpace software and most of these materials were of English language. However, the policy of content inclusion, submission and preservation is yet to be well defined in IRs.”


Open access journals and institutional repositories practical need…

Open access journals and institutional repositories: practical need and present trends in India :

“Trends in open access publishing in India are discussed. Data was collected from directories of open access journals and institutional repositories. The URL of each institutional repository and open access journals publisher was visited to collect relevant data and information including from earlier studies. Case study method was used to know the trends of open access publishing in India. Data is analyzed based on certain parameters, such as number of institutional repositories and open access journals, number of documents, software used, types of documents, etc. Among the top 25 open access publishing countries, India ranks 12th for the overall number of journals, but drops to 18th for journals with online content. However, its position in the list of open access journals is fifth. At present India ranks 12th in the list of countries with registered interoperable archives in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).”


Certificat DINI Services de Dépôts et de Publication…

Certificat DINI. Services de Dépôts et de Publication en Libre Accès 2010 :

“Internet et les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication ont bouleversé le système de la communication scientifique de fond en comble. De nouveaux dispositifs de distribution et de médiation se mettent en place, tel que le mouvement international vers le libre accès, dont l’objectif est la mise en ligne gratuite d’information scientifique.

Beaucoup d’institutions scientifiques se sont déjà investies dans le domaine des services de dépôts et de publication en libre accès. Elles se donnent les moyens de rendre leurs publications disponibles en ligne pour un public international, et de les conserver. En Allemagne, le Conseil Scientifique et la Conférence des Présidents des Universités soutiennent ce développement; le Ministère Fédéral de l’Education et de la Recherche et l’Agence Allemande pour la Recherche (DFG) subventionnent ces projets en priorité.

Ceci étant, les projets doivent s’appuyer sur une technologie confirmée et être compatibles avec des normes internationales pour optimiser la visibilité et l’impact de la production des chercheurs, pour refléter la performance scientifique d’une université ou d’un organisme de recherche.

Pour accompagner les projets et définir un cadre d’infrastructures, le groupe de travail « édition numérique » du DINI s’est saisi assez tôt de cette question et a publié début 2002 des recommandations pour l’édition universitaire1. Par la suite, DINI a formalisé une série de critères dans le certificat DINI Services de Dépôts et de Publication en Libre Accès qui après deux éditions en 2004 et 2007 sort aujourd’hui dans une 3e version (2010); cette dernière version détaille tous les aspects techniques, organisationnels et juridiques nécessaires pour créer et faire fonctionner de tels services dans la durée.”