Licensing Revisited Open Access Clauses in Practice …


Licensing Revisited: Open Access Clauses in Practice :

“Open access increases the visibility and use of research outputs and promises to maximize the return on our public investment in research. However, only a minority of researchers will “spontaneously” deposit their articles into an open access repository. Even with the growing number of institutional and funding agency mandates requiring the deposit of papers into the university repository, deposit rates have remained stubbornly low. As a result, the responsibility for populating repositories often falls onto the shoulders of library staff and/or repository managers. Populating repositories in this way – which involves obtaining the articles, checking the rights, and depositing articles into the repository – is time consuming and resource intensive work.

The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), a global association of repository initiatives and networks, is promoting a new strategy for addressing some of the barriers to populating repositories, involving the use of open access archiving clauses in publisher licenses. These types of clauses are being considered by consortia and licensing agencies around the world as a way of ensuring that all the papers published by a given publisher are cleared for deposit into the institutional repository. This paper presents some use cases of open access archiving clauses, discusses the major barriers to implementing archiving language into licenses, and describes some strategies that organizations can adopt in order to include such clauses into publisher licenses.”


Publisher Library Partnership for Accessibility A Case Study…


Publisher-Library Partnership for Accessibility: A Case Study of Scholarly Publishing for Public Audiences :

“Public outreach and access are becoming more and more important across institutions of higher education. Sustainable information technology approaches are necessary to communicate and preserve public education materials generated as part of this new era of “outreach and engagement.” This paper describes the partnership between Oregon State University’s Extension Service publishing arm and the Oregon State University Libraries to make Oregon State University the first land-grant institution to systematically publish outreach materials using the university’s institutional repository. This partnership models how institutional repositories can be used to publish outreach products developed through faculty scholarship; the university’s outreach materials are thus simultaneously digitally preserved and made discoverable and accessible to a wide public audience. Intra-institutional partnerships, such as the one described in the case study, can be mutually beneficial in the current environment of limited resources and desire for cross-disciplinary collaboration.”


Repositories in Google Scholar Metrics or what is…


Repositories in Google Scholar Metrics or what is this document type doing in a place as such? :

“The present paper analyzes GS Metrics, Google’s newest product aiming at ranking journals according to their H-Index. Specifically, we analyze GS Metrics’ decision of considering journals and repositories as equal and therefore, including them in the product. In this sense, the authors position themselves against this decision and provide several arguments of different nature warning against the shortcomings this product has. The first one is of a conceptual nature and is related to the definition of journal and repository. Secondly, they refer at the methodological issues mixing repositories and journals can bring out. Then, they deepen on many other flaws GS Metrics presents. Finally, GS Metrics and its possible use as an evaluation tool are discussed and possible solutions to its shortcomings are provided.”


Jarrow Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Software Collecting…


Jarrow, Electronic Thesis, and Dissertation Software :

“Collecting and disseminating theses and dissertations electronically is not a new concept. Tools and platforms have emerged to handle various components of the submission and distribution process. However, there is not a tool that handles the entirety of the process from the moment the student begins work on their thesis to the dissemination of the final thesis. The authors have created such a tool which they have called Jarrow. After reviewing available open-source software for theses submission and open-source institutional repository software this paper discusses why and how Jarrow was created and how it works. Jarrow can be downloaded and the project followed at .”


Open Access Repositories in Asia From SAARC to…


Open Access Repositories in Asia: From SAARC to Asian Tigers :

“This paper provides an overview of Open Access Repository (OAR) initiatives taken in Asian Countries with special reference to SAARC Countries. The purpose of this study is to take a broad look at the current state of deployment of OARs in the Asian countries. It also compares selected OARs against a set of carefully crafted criteria. Key findings have been highlighted along with suggestions for further development of OARs in global context.”


New Roles New Responsibilities Examining Training Needs of…


New Roles, New Responsibilities: Examining Training Needs of Repository Staff:

INTRODUCTION : Institutional repositories play a critical role in the research lifecycle. Funding agencies are increasingly seeking an improved return on their investment in research. Repositories facilitate this process by providing storage of, and access to, institutional research outputs and, more recently, research data. While repositories are generally managed within the academic library, repository staff require different skills and knowledge compared with traditional library roles. This study reports on a survey of Australasian institutional repository staff to identify skills and knowledge sets.

METHODS :Institutional repository staff working at universities in Australia and New Zealand were invited to participate in an online survey which incorporated both open and closed-ended question types.

RESULTS :The survey found significant gaps in the current provision of formal training and coursework related to institutional repositories, which echoed findings in the United Kingdom, Italy, and the United States.

DISCUSSION :There is clearly a need for more and varied training opportunities for repository professionals. Repository work requires a specific set of skills that can be difficult to find and institutions will benefit from investing in training and ongoing development opportunities for repository staff.

CONCLUSION :The data from this study could be used to facilitate staff recruitment, development, training, and retention strategies.”


Supporting Open Access nationwide To support Croatian…


Supporting Open Access nationwide :

“To support Croatian scholarly publishing environment, and inspired by global open access movement, the portal of Croatian scientific journals HRČAK ( was introduced in 2006 offering an open access publishing platform for Croatian journals. Today, HRČAK gathers about 290 scholarly and professional Croatian journals. This paper is focused on the currency and visibility of the journals included in HRČAK, giving accurate statistical data about HRČAK repository, its growth and development. Collaboration with Croatian publishers, namely those are mainly academic and research institutions or professional societies, on the continuous work of raising the quality of Croatian scientific journals is presented in this paper. HRČAK journals are available for harvesting using OAI-PMH protocol and papers are distributed through many different repositories, archives, databases and search engines. The future plans include work on full-text documents, inclusion of the additional types of publications and formats, harvesting process improvements, additional functionalities and standardization.”