A Case Study of Scholars’ Open and Sharing Practices


Although the open scholarship movement has successfully captured the attention and interest of higher education stakeholders, researchers currently lack an understanding of the degree to which open scholarship is enacted in institutions that lack institutional support for openness. I help fill this gap in the literature by presenting a descriptive case study that illustrates the variety of open and sharing practices enacted by faculty members at a North American university. Open and sharing practices enacted at this institution revolve around publishing manuscripts in open ways, participating on social media, creating and using open educational resources, and engaging with open teaching.

This examination finds that certain open practices are favored over others. Results also show that even though faculty members often share scholarly materials online for free, they frequently do so without associated open licenses (i.e. without engaging in open practices). These findings suggest that individual motivators may significantly affect the practice of openness, but that environmental factors (e.g., institutional contexts) and technological elements (e.g., YouTube’s default settings) may also shape open practices in unanticipated ways.

URL : A Case Study of Scholars’ Open and Sharing Practices

Related URL : http://openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/206

In abundance: Networked participatory practices as scholarship


“In an era of knowledge abundance, scholars have the capacity to distribute and share ideas and artifacts via digital networks, yet networked scholarship often remains unrecognized within institutional spheres of influence. Using ethnographic methods including participant observation, interviews, and document analysis, this study investigates networks as sites of scholarship. Its purpose is to situate networked practices within Boyer’s (1990) four components of scholarship – discovery, integration, application, and teaching – and to explore them as a techno-cultural system of scholarship suited to an era of knowledge abundance.

Not only does the paper find that networked engagement both aligns with and exceeds Boyer’s model for scholarship, it suggests that networked scholarship may enact Boyer’s initial aim of broadening scholarship itself through fostering extensive cross-disciplinary, public ties and rewarding connection, collaboration, and curation between individuals rather than roles or institutions.”

URL : In abundance: Networked participatory practices as scholarship

Related URL : http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/2158

Building a model plan for knowledge sharing among the library and information science professionals in the selected public and private university libraries of Bangladesh: A Study


“The main purpose of the study is to formulate a model plan for KS among the LIS professionals in the selected public and private university libraries of Bangladesh. In accomplishing this purpose, the study advanced by generating three precise objectives and three research questions (RQs) on the basis of the literature reviewed. It also tested several hypotheses to find the answers to the RQs. In conducting this study; survey, quantitative, comparative and exploratory approaches were adopted. A pre-coded questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the sample drawn from the LIS professionals of the selected public and private university libraries through personal visit. The collected data were analyzed by applying frequency distribution, cross tabulation and descriptive statistical tools while the hypotheses were tested by applying Chi-square test and Mann Whitney U test based on the scale of measurement. The major findings of the study were the perceptions of the LIS professionals from the selected university libraries about the prerequisites for KS (intellectual capital, factors influencing KS, and KS skills); facilitators (KS process, KS methods, KS techniques, and KS tools) and barriers to KS; and consequences of KS (influences of KS on learning, feedback, and transferring knowledge after KS). In fact, this study proposed a model plan for KS among the LIS professionals in the selected university libraries of Bangladesh. The study has the potentiality for implementation in the practical field to introduce and/or transform the conventional and unorganized KS practices by a systematic and organized KS culture. The major limitations of the study are the selection of the university libraries situated only in Dhaka city, excluding the university library users from the population and not justifying the proposed model plan. Therefore the study suggested future research by selecting university libraries from different part of the country, including the user category in the population and attempting to justify the model plan.”

URL : https://microblogging.infodocs.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/rajibs_thesis.pdf

Alternative URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/24147/

The role of motivators in improving knowledge sharing…


The role of motivators in improving knowledge-sharing among academics :

Introduction. This research addresses a primary issue that involves motivating academics to share knowledge. Adapting the theory of reasoned action, this study examines the role of motivation that consists of intrinsic motivators (commitment; enjoyment in helping others) and extrinsic motivators (reputation; organizational rewards) to determine and explain the behaviour of Malaysian academics in sharing knowledge.

Method. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed using a non-probability sampling technique. A total of 373 completed responses were collected with a total response rate of 38.2%.

Analysis. The partial least squares analysis was used to analyse the data.

Results. The results indicated that all five of the hypotheses were supported. Analysis of data from the five higher learning institutions in Malaysia found that commitment and enjoyment in helping others (i.e., intrinsic motivators) and reputation and organizational rewards (i.e., extrinsic motivators) have a positive and significant relationship with attitude towards knowledge-sharing. In addition, the findings revealed that intrinsic motivators are more influential than extrinsic motivators. This suggests that academics are influenced more by intrinsic motivators than by extrinsic motivators.

Conclusions. The findings provided an indication of the determinants in enhancing knowledge-sharing intention among academics in higher education institutions through extrinsic and intrinsic motivators.”

URL : http://www.informationr.net/ir/19-1/paper606.html

Opening Science : The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing


“Modern information and communication technologies, together with a cultural upheaval within the research community, have profoundly changed research in nearly every aspect. Ranging from sharing and discussing ideas in social networks for scientists to new collaborative environments and novel publication formats, knowledge creation and dissemination as we know it is experiencing a vigorous shift towards increased transparency, collaboration and accessibility. Many assume that research workflows will change more in the next 20 years than they have in the last 200. This book provides researchers, decision makers, and other scientific stakeholders with a snapshot of the basics, the tools, and the underlying visions that drive the current scientific (r)evolution, often called ‘Open Science.’”

URL : https://microblogging.infodocs.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/opening_science.pdf

Related URL : http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-00026-8

A practice theoretical exploration of information sharing and trust in a dispersed community of design scholars


This paper presents an exploration of information sharing and trust in a geographically dispersed network of design scholars.


The study used a practice theory approach to identify aspects of trust in relation to information sharing. The empirical material consists of 15 in-depth interviews with design scholars from four Nordic countries and field notes from workplace visits.


The interview transcripts and field notes were categorised in accordance with three themes derived in synergy from practice theory and the empirical material.


A number of strategies for assessing and creating trust in relation to information sharing were identified. Depending on the dimension of practice in analytical focus, different aspects of trust emerge.


Trust issues connected to information sharing appear in relation to the information to be shared, the people involved, the tools used for sharing, and the place where information sharing occurs.

The practice-theoretical perspective has proven effective in order to identify and capture the elusive phenomenon of trust in connection to information sharing.

URL : http://www.informationr.net/ir/18-4/paper595.html#.Uq2L36HYWuI

Knowledge sharing behaviour influences : A study of Information Science and Library Management faculties in Bangladesh

The prime focus of this study is to measure knowledge sharing behaviour of Information Science and Library Management (ISLM) faculties in Bangladesh. Determining factors that may influence knowledge sharing behaviour constitutes an important area of research.

A survey questionnaire was developed and used to collect data on faculties’ demographic and academic information, perception, attitude, intention and intrinsic motivation to share knowledge. In order to analyze the influence of faculties’ demographic and individual characteristics on their attitude, intention and intrinsic motivation, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out.

Results showed that no significant difference was found between knowledge sharing behaviour of LIS educators with different Major Research Questions (MRQs). The researchers found a significant relationship 0.000 (p-value<0.05) between attitude of educators toward knowledge sharing and their intention to share knowledge.

It is believed that the findings will assist knowledge managers charged with the design of flexible knowledge sharing system.

This is the first time an effort has been made to assess faculties’ perception, attitude, intention and intrinsic motivation to share knowledge of ISLM faculties in Bangladesh.

The authors feel that this study may encourage more such research on knowledge sharing behaviour in Bangladesh and further.”

URL : http://ifl.sagepub.com/content/39/3/221.abstract