Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus…

Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus :

“Marketing is an activity that is integral to the growth and use of a campus
institutional repository (IR). But what kinds of marketing activities do libraries engage in to advertise the new services associated with an IR? This chapter summarizes basic marketing principles and describes the application of those principles as they relate to marketing an institutional repository within a higher education setting.”


Co-occurrence Analysis of Access Log of Institutional Repository

Institutional repository is playing an important role to guarantee open access to research outputs by self archiving. However, the number of the items in most institutional repositories is extremely fewer than that of the total research outputs produced in the institute. One of the reasons is that most researchers have no incentive to register their research outputs, simply because the e ffectiveness of registration to institutional repository is not clear.
The authors are constructing a feedback system for researchers who register their research outputs to institutional repository. In this paper, they focus on access log analysis to discover meaningful knowledge on when, how, and why the items are accessed. The knowledge from the access log can utilized also for recommendation of items forusers (readers) of the institutional repository.
This paper shows some results of co-occurrence analysis for access log of the institutional repository of Kyushu University, and shows some ideas of advanced analysis to obtain meaningful knowledge.


A Feedback System on Institutional Repos…

A Feedback System on Institutional Repository :

“Repositories are playing an important role in the idea of open access to scholarly information. To increase the number of repositories and the contents in each repository, the effectoveness of repositories should be clear for researchers, that is, providers of the contents. This paper proposes a system which analyzes the access log to the contents in an institutional repository and returns the result to the authors as a feedback from readers. However, the results of detailed analyses with respect to a particular researcher tend to include individual data, therefore the accesses to the results must be controlled. The proposed system solves the problem by connecting with the researcher database in the institution.”


Repurposing MARC Metadata for an Institu…

Repurposing MARC Metadata for an Institutional Repository: Working with Special Collections and University Press Monographs :

“This paper describes the processes and workflows that transform Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) records found in The Ohio State’s University’s library catalog into Dublin Core records for digital resources batch loaded into the Knowledge Bank, The Ohio State University’s institutional repository. Two projects are described to illustrate the processes and workflows: the open access monographs of The Ohio State University Press and the oral history collections of The Ohio State University Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program.”


A Study of Institutional Repository Serv…

A Study of Institutional Repository Service Quality and Users’ Loyalty to College Libraries in Taiwan: The Mediating & Moderating Effects :

“The evolution of information technologies has produced changes in learning, creating ubiquitous learning. This paper presents a case study on institutional repository service quality and users’ loyalty to College Libraries in Taiwan. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. (1) Institutional repository service quality has a direct positive prediction on users’ loyalty. (2) Institutional repository service quality has an indirect positive prediction, through the mediation effects of user satisfaction on user loyalty. (3) Users’ perceived value has a moderating effect between user satisfaction and user loyalty”


Ktisis: Building an Open Access Institut…

Ktisis: Building an Open Access Institutional and Cultural Repository :

“The unique value of cultural heritage has long been recognized together with the need for accurate and detailed information in order to preserve and manage cultural heritage material. Any organization whose mission includes promoting access to information is aware of the value of digital collections. For the last few years, digital technology has become very familiar in cultural organizations, providing enhanced access to the content. This paper gives information about Ktisis (, the institutional repository of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). Ktisis was developed by the Library and Information Services of CUT. The paper reflects on the technical issues that the Library had to face in the preparation of this project and the strategy that had to be defined in order to tackle them. Such issues, among others, include the file and metadata format, the design and implementation software, etc.”