It Takes More than a Mandate: Factors that Contribute to Increased Rates of Article Deposit to an Institutional Repository



Many institutions have open access (OA) policies that require faculty members to deposit their articles in an institutional repository (IR). A clear motivation is that a policy will result in increased self-archiving. The purpose of this longitudinal study is to compare the impact of a campus-wide OA policy and mediated solicitation of author manuscripts, using quantitative analysis to determine the rate of article deposits over time.


Metadata for faculty articles published by authors at Oregon State University between 2011 and 2014 was produced by integrating citation metadata from a bibliographic database and the IR. Author names, affiliations, and other metadata were parsed and matched to compare rates of deposit for three separate time periods relating to different OA promotional strategies.

RESULTS Direct solicitation of author manuscripts is more successful in facilitating OA than an OA policy—by number of articles deposited as well as the number of unique authors participating. Author affiliation and research areas also have an impact on faculty participation in OA.

DISCUSSION Outreach to colleges and departments has had a positive effect on rate of deposit for those communities of scholars. Additionally, disciplinary practice may have more influence on its members’ participation in OA.

CONCLUSION Until more federal policies require open access to articles funded by grants, or institutional policies are in place that require article deposit for promotion and tenure, policies will only be as effective as the library mediated processes that are put in place to identify and solicit articles from faculty.”

URL : It Takes More than a Mandate: Factors that Contribute to Increased Rates of Article Deposit to an Institutional Repository


Les archives ouvertes institutionnelles universitaires : les professionnels de l’information et de la documentation à l’épreuve de la globalisation de l’Enseignement supérieur


“Plus de vingt ans après le lancement de la première archive ouverte thématique ArXiv, il était nécessaire de replacer ce type de dispositif dans le contexte actuel de globalisation de l’Enseignement supérieur, afin de voir comment la voie verte de l’open access pouvait aujourd’hui s’inscrire dans les logiques institutionnelles et améliorer les stratégies de valorisation et de pilotage des universités françaises. A travers l’observation et l’étude du paysage des archives ouvertes institutionnelles universitaires, le présent travail se propose de montrer comment les missions traditionnelles des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation s’articulent avec ces enjeux stratégiques, au cours des projets menant à l’ouverture d’une plate-forme institutionnelle en libre accès. D’activités initialement basées sur la redistribution de ressources externes à l’institution vers l’intérieur de cette dernière, les professionnels de l’information-documentation sont amenés – sous l’impulsion du numérique et des outils qui en découlent, à l’image des archives ouvertes – à reconsidérer le versant communicationnel de leurs métiers et à pleinement participer à la diffusion des résultats de la recherche locale vers le reste de la communauté scientifique. Entre alternative au circuit éditorial scientifique, vitrine institutionnelle pour la recherche et outil de pilotage pour les gouvernances universitaires, les archives ouvertes placent aujourd’hui les professionnels de l’information et de la documentation au centre d’enjeux nouveaux, dépassant le cadre de leurs missions habituellement fondées sur l’accès aux documents.”

“More than twenty years after the launch of the first thematic open archive ArXiv, that was necessary to situate this kind of device in the current background of Higher education’s globalization, to see how the green road of open access could participate in the institutional logic and improve the strategies of valorisation and monitoring of the french universities. Through the observation and the study of the academic institutional repositories landscape, this work intends to show how the traditional missions of the information-documentation professionals are coordonate with this strategic issues during the projects driving to the launch of an institutional platform in open access. From activities based on the redistribution of external resources to the inside of the institution, the information-documentation professionals are brought – spurred on by the digital technologies and tools as the open archives – to reconsider the communication part of their professions and to take part of the diffusion of the local research findings to the rest of the scientific community. Between an alternative to the scientific editorial system, an institutional showcase for the research and a monitoring tool for the academic governances, the open archives put the information-documentation professionals at the centre of new issues, that go beyond the framework of their missions, usually found on the access to the documents.”

URL : Les archives ouvertes institutionnelles universitaires

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Availability and accessibility in an open access institutional repository: a case study


Introduction. This study explores the extent to which an institutional repository (IR) makes papers available and accessible on the open web by using 170 journal articles housed in DigiNole Commons, the IR at Florida State University.

Method. To analyze the IR’s impact on availability and accessibility, we conducted independent known-item title searches on both Google and Google Scholar (GS) to search for faculty publications housed in DigiNole Commons.

Analysis. The extent to which the IR makes articles available and accessible was measured quantitatively, and the findings that cannot be summarized with numbers were analyzed qualitatively.

Results. Google and GS searches provided links to DigiNole metadata for a total of 145 (85.3%) of 170 items, and to full texts for 96 (96%) of 100 items. With one exception, access to either metadata or full text required no more than three clicks.

Conclusions. Overall, the results confirm the contribution of the IR in making papers available and accessible. The results also reveal some impediments to the success of OA: including impediments linked to contractual arrangements between authors and publishers, impediments linked to policies, practices, and technologies governing the IR itself, and the low level of faculty participation in the IR.”


Performance of Mandated Institutional Repositories


“More and more Institutional Repositories are developed to promote the Green Open Access of research output (especially peer-reviewed journal articles). Since 2001, some institutions became adopting mandate policies aiming to mandate self-archiving by authors affiliated to these institutions This study was conducted in April, 2014 based on institutional mandates indexed by ROARMAP (the Registry of Open Access Repositories’ Mandatory Archiving Policies). A robot was developed to harvest IRs and check the status of articles (Open Access, Restricted Access or Metadata Only) and to extract the deposit date of article full-texts in IR. This study aims to analyse the performance of mandated institutional repositories from all over the world, especially in terms of deposit rates and deposit latency (difference between date of deposit and date of publication).”


The Development of Open Access Repositories in the Asia-Oceania Region: A Case Study of Three Institutions


“In recent years, open access models of publishing have transcended traditional modes thus enabling freer access to research. This paper takes a trans-regional approach to examining open access publishing in the Asia and Oceania region focussing on three institutions– Charles Darwin University in Australia, University of Hong Kong, and University of Malaya in Malaysia – reflecting on how each is rising, in its own individual way, to meet the range of challenges that its research communities are facing. Specifically, it focuses on open access and institutional repository development, and traces their development at each of the aforementioned institutions. The study is based on interviews conducted with staff involved with the development of each repository, and the open access collection in particular, at each of the three institutions. The findings reveal that each of the three institutions is at a different stage of development, with the University of Hong Kong repository ranked at the top within Asia; each has used a slightly different approach toward open access, and used different software to develop their repository. The authors collate the overall experiences of each institution in open access publishing and repository development, and highlight the successes and failures that each has experienced in reaching the level that they are at today. A series of guidelines, which will be of value to institutions in the region at various levels of development, are presented.”

URL : The Development of Open Access Repositories in the Asia-Oceania Region

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A Current Snapshot of Institutional Repositories: Growth Rate, Disciplinary Content and Faculty Contributions


INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to examine current institutional repository (IR) content in order to assess the growth and breadth of content as it reflects faculty participation, and to identify successful strategies for increasing that participation. Previous studies have shown that faculty-initiated submissions to IRs, no matter the platform, are uncommon. Repository managers employ a variety of methods to solicit and facilitate faculty participation, including a variety of print marketing tools, presentations, and one-on-one consultations.

METHODS This mixed method study examined faculty content in IRs through both a quantitative analysis of repository content and growth rate and a qualitative survey of repository administrators. Repositories using the Digital Commons repository platform, hosted by Berkeley Electronic Press, were examined in the fall and winter of 2013-2014 to assess the disciplinary scope of faculty content (n=107) and to measure the growth rate of IR content (n=203). Repository administrators at 205 institutions were surveyed to investigate what methods they used to facilitate faculty participation and their perceptions about the effectiveness of these methods.

RESULTS Mean and median growth rates of IRs have increased since measured in 2007, with variance depending upon size and type of academic institution and age of the IR. Disciplinary content in IRs is unevenly distributed, with the Sciences predominantly represented. IR administrators remain actively involved in the submission process and in the promotion of their IRs. Personal contact with individuals or groups of faculty is the most used and successful interaction method.

CONCLUSION Though IR growth rate has increased, the growth is not consistent across all IRs and does not yet pose a challenge to traditional models of scholarly publication. The rising amount of faculty content in IRs indicates faculty are increasingly willing to participate in the IR movement. However, faculty involvement may be more passive than active.”

URL : A Current Snapshot of Institutional Repositories: Growth Rate, Disciplinary Content and Faculty Contributions

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From Freshman to Graduate: Making the Case for Student-Centric Institutional Repositories


INTRODUCTION Institutional repositories provide an opportunity to enhance the undergraduate education experience by developing student-centric collections. This article highlights five IR collections focusing on undergraduate student work at a medium size university.

LITERATURE REVIEW Students benefit when they actively participate in undergraduate research activities that are tied to high-impact educational practices. However, there are limited options for undergraduate students to publish and share their work. Academic librarians are well-positioned to develop a student-centric institutional repository supporting undergraduate student research while working at instilling better information literacy standards and practices.

DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Western Oregon University’s Hamersly Library developed an institutional repository with an initial collection development strategy around undergraduate student collections based on the university’s strong identity and emphasis on undergraduate education. While traditional academic publishing opportunities are represented, there is also space and encouragement for publication of other types of student created material including presentations and creative works. There is an emphasis on representing student work from all grade levels. By connecting the student scholarship collections to high-impact educational practices, the library can advocate and demonstrate additional types of value that resonate with faculty and university administrators.

NEXT STEPS The library will explore student publishing opportunities that originate in existing classes and new courses taught by librarians. Library faculty will continue to educate university administration and faculty on scholarly communication initiatives and their concerns of plagiarism and quality of work.”

URL : From Freshman to Graduate: Making the Case for Student-Centric Institutional Repositories

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