The need for accelerated change in diversity, equity and inclusion in publishing and learned societies

Author : Jonathan Roscoe

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) is a key priority for many organizations and institutions, including learned societies. With diversity at universities, both in the UK and around the world, being reported as low, it was decided to make DE&I one of the main areas of enquiry for the seventh Wiley Society Member Survey, conducted in May 2021.

We found that satisfaction with levels of representation for gender, race and ethnicity was falling and that the impact of the coronavirus pandemic had disproportionately affected those already most disadvantaged within the academic hierarchy.

In order to fully understand the current status of DE&I in academia, and within societies in particular, this paper also draws on other research undertaken or supported by Wiley, including a survey of journal editors and the Brave New World study, as well as further research in which Wiley was not involved.

What it shows is that academic research, learned societies and publishing all have their own DE&I issues that need to be addressed, but that through improved DE&I can come better research.

URL : The need for accelerated change in diversity, equity and inclusion in publishing and learned societies


La voie de l’inclusion par la médiation au musée des beaux-arts : des publics fragilisés au public universel

Auteur/Author : Muriel Molinier

Dans ma thèse, j’étudie les médiations à destination des publics fragilisés par des problématiques médicales, sociales ou médico-sociales. Dans une perspective  d’inclusion et d’accueil de tous les publics fragilisés sans aucune discrimination au sein du musée, je propose la constitution d’un public universel : un public enrichi de la prise en compte de toutes ces problématiques, qui aboutit à une optimisation sociale anticipant les fragilités de chacun.

De plus, au-delà de la co-construction, je questionne la fusion du partenariat médiateur / éducateur spécialisé à travers un nouvel acteur hybride musée-santé : le remédiateur.