Open Is Not Enough : Grey Literature in Institutional Repositories


“The paper contributes to the discussion on the place of grey literature in institutional repositories and, vice versa, on the relevance of open archives for grey literature. Even in an open environment, grey literature needs specific attention and curation. Institutional repositories don’t automatically provide a solution to all problems of grey literature.

Our paper shows some scenarios of what could or should be done. The focus is on academic libraries. The paper is based on a review of international studies on grey literature in open archives. Empirical evidence is drawn from an audit of the French repository IRIS from the University of Lille 1 and from ongoing work on the development of this site.

The study includes a strategic analysis in a SWOT format with four scenarios. Based on this analysis, the paper provides a set of minimum requirements for grey items in institutional repositories concerning metadata, selection procedure, quality, collection management and deposit policy.

The communication is meant to be helpful for the further development of institutional repositories and for special acquisition and deposit policies of academic libraries.”


Access to European Grey Literature Collecting grey…

Access to European Grey Literature:

“Collecting grey literature remains a challenge to library and information science (LIS) professionals. Grey items such as reports, proceedings, or working papers cannot be purchased or bought like journals and books. There is no special agency or supplier for grey materials. Buying information is part of the traditional library role, together with gateway and archive functions. In line with the economic definition of grey literature, “material that usually is available through specialized channels and may not enter normal channels (…) of (…) distribution”, one comes to understand that a systematic collection of grey literature calls on specific attention, competency, and procedures.”


Googling the Grey: Open Data, Web Servic…

Googling the Grey: Open Data, Web Services, and Semantics :

“Primary data, though an essential resource for supporting authoritative archaeological narratives, rarely enters the public record. Lack of primary data publication is also a major obstacle to cultural heritage preservation and the goals of cultural resource management (CRM). Moreover, access to primary data is key to contesting claims about the past and to the formulation of credible alternative interpretations. In response to these concerns, experimental systems have implemented a variety of strategies to support online publication of primary data. Online data dissemination can be a powerful tool to meet the needs of CRM professionals, establish better communication and collaborative ties with colleagues in academic settings, and encourage public engagement with the documented record of the past. This paper introduces the ArchaeoML standard and its implementation in the Open Context system. As will be discussed, the integration and online dissemination of primary data offer great opportunities for making archaeological knowledge creation more participatory and transparent. However, different strategies in this area involve important trade-offs, and all face complex conceptual, ethical, legal, and professional challenges.”