Trends in E-book Research: Review of Literature Published in 2016

Author : Rajendra Kumbhar

The research intended to identify current trends in research on e-books. Specifically it aimed to know the facets of e-books attended to by the research published during 2016. It also intended to review significant results and their supportive or contradictory nature with reference to each other.

For this review research literature on e-books was searched from LISA, Emerald, Ebsco, Google Scholar and other databases using the statement ‘e-books OR ebooks’. The query was restricted to journal articles published in English language during January to December 2016.

The review finds that the focus of current research on e-books is clearly on usage of e-books. Themes such as e-book collection development and management; search and discovery are also paid more attention to.

Usage of e-books by children is emerging as a prominent area of e-book research. Designing of e-books and e-book reading devices are also topics of interest to e-book researchers. Many non-LIS disciplines and professions have interest in researching e-books.

URL : Trends in E-book Research: Review of Literature Published in 2016

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La lecture : marqueur identitaire chez les adolescents ?

Auteur/Author : Florence Rio

Cet article s’intéresse à la capacité de l’adolescent à se projeter (ou non) dans une identité de lecteur et propose une forme de typologie des identités du lectorat adolescent en considérant leur appréhension de la lecture hybride (papier+écran) au regard des injonctions sociales existantes.


Culture imprimée et culture numérique : au-delà de Gutenberg, les enjeux du “texte livresque”

Auteur/Author : Marc Jahjah

L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre pourquoi l’héritage de Gutenberg et de la culture imprimée fait l’objet de tensions au sein de l’édition numérique, entendue dans un sens large – éditeurs, diffuseurs, fabricants de tablettes, journaux, etc.


Worth the Wait? Using Past Patterns to Determine Wait Periods for E-Books Released After Print

Author : Karen Kohn

This paper asks if there is an optimal wait period for e-books that balances libraries’ desire to acquire books soon after their publication with the frequent desire to purchase books electronically whenever feasible.

Analyzing 13,043 titles that Temple University Libraries received on its e-preferred approval plan in 2014–15, the author looks at the delays from the publication of print books to publication of their electronic versions. The analysis finds that most books on the approval plan are published electronically within a week of the print. Recommended wait periods are provided for different subjects.

URL : Worth the Wait? Using Past Patterns to Determine Wait Periods for E-Books Released After Print


Web et édition numérique

Auteur/Author : Emmanuelle Usclat

Le livre numérique est un produit hybride issu de l’édition traditionnelle et de l’écosystème du web. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de montrer comment le livre numérique est lié au web et comment se positionnent les professionnels des deux écosystèmes, en donnant d’abord une définition et un historique des deux secteurs, puis en mettant en évidence les liens qui les rattachent, et en finissant par interroger directement les professionnels pour recueillir leur opinion sur le sujet.

URL : Web et édition numérique

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L’édition de livres numériques : un défi technique, économique et culturel

Auteur/Author : Bianca Tangaro

Le livre numérique est un objet-frontière à la double filiation : d’une part celle de la culture de l’édition, et, d’autre part celle de la culture numérique. Le livre numérique défie le monde de l’édition sur le plan technique, économique et culturel à la fois, et trace la voie d’une convergence réelle entre les professionnels du web et ceux de l’édition.

URL : L’édition de livres numériques : un défi technique, économique et culturel

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E-books in academic libraries: results of a survey carried out in Sweden and Lithuania

Authors :  Elena Maceviciute, Tom D. Wilson, Arūnas Gudinavičius, Andrius Šuminas


This paper reports on a study of e-books issues in academic libraries in two European countries representative of small language markets – Sweden and Lithuania.


Questionnaire surveys, using the same instrument, were carried out in Swedish and Lithuanian academic libraries.


Quantitative analysis was performed using the descriptive statistics capability of SurveyMonkey.


The survey’s results reveal some interesting similarities and differences in the two countries. Business models for e-book acquisition in both countries show similarities – the most popular additional model is purchase for perpetual ownership.

One significant difference is that some of the Lithuanian academic librarians appear to have less direct knowledge of e-book acquisition, relying upon the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium to effect licence agreements with publishers and aggregators.

Another significant difference is that academic libraries in Lithuania have a higher degree of access to e-books in the national language than is the case in Sweden.


The findings show that the factors driving adoption of e-books, is composed of somewhat different elements in the two countries. Swedish librarians regard the need to keep up with technology and access and availability as the two main forces driving adoption of e-books in academic libraries.

Lithuanian librarians see economics as the main factor, together with technology and demand from students.