High reprint orders in medical journals and pharmaceutical…


High reprint orders in medical journals and pharmaceutical industry funding: case-control study :

“Reprints of published articles are a potential valuable means of disseminating information. Many individuals and organisations may request reprints, including the authors of the articles themselves, other members of the scientific community, study sponsors, and pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical industry is thought to be the largest purchaser of reprints. After gifts and drug samples, reprints are the most common form of promotional material circulated among doctors by pharmaceutical companies.

Because pharmaceutical companies may buy from journals copies of articles they have funded, reprints of published articles have been suggested as a possible source of conflict of interest that could lead to publication bias. Orders can be worth large sums of money and could potentially influence the chance of a paper being accepted, especially with the current organisational framework, under which editors can be responsible for the journal’s content and its finances. Studies sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry are also more likely to be published in higher impact factor journals than are studies without industry funding.

Data on the numbers of reprints ordered are scarce. One study examined the characteristics of articles published in the Lancet in 1998 in the top 21 of reprint orders and compared these with a set of control articles from the same journal. Reprint orders were not reported in detail, but less than 25% were stated to concern over 100 000 copies. Studies sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry were marginally significantly over-represented in the high reprint group compared with the control articles. Using more recent data we report the number of reprints ordered for the top articles by reprint order in medical journals, identify the sponsors and designs of these studies, and quantify the possible financial implications for journals.”

URL : http://www.bmj.com/content/344/bmj.e4212

Information research an internatinal electronic journal a bibliometric…


Information research : an internatinal electronic journal : a bibliometric study :

“At present bibliometric study is an interacting research topic in the field of library and information science. Library and information science professionals are doing bibliometric study in various fields for the collection development of different subject in their libraries. This paper examines that the Bibliometric Analysis of the Information Research: an International Electronic Journal (IRIEJ). Which is included the study of form of documents, authorship pattern, ranking of authors, year wise distribution of references and articles, ranking of cited journals, cited publishers and research contributors of IRIEJ.”

URL : http://www.ijodls.in/1.html

Open Access Key a new system for managing…


Open Access Key: a new system for managing author publication payments :

“With the establishment of the ‘author pays’ scholarly publishing model and the increasing trend for open access mandates from research funders, have infrastructure and resources developed sufficiently to support the additional financial and time pressures that participants now face? Individual researchers, their universities and research funders, and the publishers themselves, all have a part to play in processing and managing individual fees. It appears there is a need from all participants in the industry to make provision to encompass the administration of the publication charges required by many open access publishers. Open Access Key (OAK) is a new global company with an innovative and cost-effective solution which could provide value to all parties involved in these transactions.”

URL : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/alpsp/lp/2012/00000025/00000003/art00004

Evaluation of a Web Portal for Improving Public Access to Evidence-Based Health Information and Health Literacy Skills: A Pragmatic Trial


Background :
Using the conceptual framework of shared decision-making and evidence-based practice, a web portal was developed to serve as a generic (non disease-specific) tailored intervention to improve the lay public’s health literacy skills.

Objective : To evaluate the effects of the web portal compared to no intervention in a real-life setting.

Methods: A pragmatic randomised controlled parallel trial using simple randomisation of 96 parents who had children aged

Results : Use of the web portal was found to improve attitudes towards searching for health information. This variable was identified as the most important predictor of intention to search in both samples. Participants considered the web portal to have good usability, usefulness, and credibility. The intervention group showed slight increases in the use of evidence-based information, critical appraisal skills, and participation compared to the group receiving no intervention, but these differences were not statistically significant.

Conclusion : Despite the fact that the study was underpowered, we found that the web portal may have a positive effect on attitudes towards searching for health information. Furthermore, participants considered the web portal to be a relevant tool. It is important to continue experimenting with web-based resources in order to increase user participation in health care decision-making.”

URL : http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0037715

Electronic resources usage by postgraduates at the University of Colombo: Identifying the critical success factors


“E-resources have exploded in popularity and usage by helping users in retrieving accurate, relevant and timelyinformation as and when required for their learning and research needs. This case study was carried out at the University of Colombo to investigate the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) on e-resources usage of postgraduates. A questionnaire basedsurvey was carried out using 302 postgraduates belonging to seven faculties. Exploratory factor analysis with Verimaxrotation was employed to identify the CSFs on e-resource usage and multiple regression analysis was carried out todetermine the relationship of those identified factors with overall e-resource usage. Factor analysis identified nine factorswhich affect on e-resources usage. Among the nine factors, postgraduates identified “Technology” as the most critical factorin using e-resources. Library support, information literacy, computer competency, usefulness and user attitudes areidentified as other CSFs for using e-resources for their learning activities.”

URL : http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/31

Setting up an open access digital repository A…


Setting up an open access digital repository: A case study :

“Setting up of institutional repositories has been gathering momentum in India and many academic and R&D establishments have made it mandatory to set up institutional repositories. This paper briefly details the work that has goneinto setting up and configuring the digital repository of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES). The repository has been setup using the free and open source software, GNU Eprints.org (http://eprints.org). Such a repository will not only help in thewider dissemination of the publications that emerge from the projects and programmes supported by the MOES, but it willalso serve as an information management system for the ministry.”

URL : http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/77

Open access central funds in UK universities …

Open access central funds in UK universities :

“This paper reports on the extent to which higher education institutions in the UK have set up central funds and similar institutionally co-ordinated approaches to the payment of open access article-processing charges. It presents data demonstrating that central funds have only been set up by a minority of institutions and that the number of institutions has not changed significantly between 2009 and 2011. It then explores the barriers to the establishment of such funds and discusses recent developments that might lower these barriers. Finally, it provides a case study of the development of the central fund at the University of Nottingham in the UK and considers the sustainability of such an approach.”

URL : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/alpsp/lp/2012/00000025/00000002/art00005
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1087/20120205