Les modes de communication de la recherche aujourd’hui : quel rôle pour les bibliothécaires ?


“Le modèle des publications scientifiques, historiquement fondé sur l’article, semble être battu en brèche ces dernières années. Les échanges entre les chercheurs passent aujourd’hui par de multiples canaux, carnets de recherche, listes de diffusion, réseaux sociaux dédiés et grand public. L’identité numérique des chercheurs s’affirme d’année en année sur la Toile, générant de nouvelles visibilités hors des circuits de diffusion
traditionnels. Dans ce nouvel environnement réticulaire, tout à la fois laboratoire 2.0 et espace d’actualités et de débats, les bibliothèques pourraient jouer un rôle de premier plan. Sans se défaire de ses missions traditionnelles – archiver, signaler, collecter, elles peuvent les renouveler. Archiver ces nouvelles productions, travailler à leur identification pérenne ainsi qu’à celle de leurs auteurs, former à l’utilisation de ces outils sont autant de tâches pour les bibliothécaires.”

URL : https://microblogging.infodocs.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/arenes2015.pdf

URL alternative : http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque-numerique/documents/65046-les-modes-de-communication-de-la-recherche-aujourd-hui-quel-role-pour-les-bibliothecaires.pdf

MOOCs: The Challenges for Academic Librarians


“Over the next few years, librarians at many Australian universities will participate in the creation of local Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This article aims to prepare librarians for this task. It begins by summarising the development of the MOOC concept and then moves on to review the growing literature on MOOCs and librarians. It concludes by looking at possible developments relating to copyright.”

URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00048623.2013.821048

Knowledge Management and Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Libraries: Perils and Solutions in Indian Perspective


“ICT is a great facilitator for Knowledge Management. ICT enables creation of digital repositories for sharing knowledge transcending many limitations. Digital Repository (DR) is one of the components of KM in Libraries. DR of in-house research is becoming a priority item in universities and research institutions. The paper highlights the major challenges in creating a DR of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) for university/research institution. Discusses the constraints on ETD initiatives and possible solutions. Suggests that LIS professionals should up problem-solving steps based on research in the area of KM in Libraries.”

URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/23162/

Almost Halfway There: an Analysis of the…

Almost Halfway There: an Analysis of the Open Access Behaviors of Academic Librarians :

“Academic librarians are increasingly expected to advocate for scholarly communications reforms such as open access to scholarly publications, yet librarians do not always practice what they preach. Previous research examined librarian attitudes toward open access, whereas this article presents results of a study of open access publishing and self-archiving behaviors of academic librarians. Following an analysis of open access to library and information science literature in
2008, several strategies to encourage academic librarians to continue embrace open access
behaviors are discussed.”

URL : http://crl.acrl.org/content/early/2010/09/14/crl-167.full.pdf