Panton Principles : Principles for Open Data in Science
Le Bureau de l’UNESCO à Bangkok lance un…
Le Bureau de l’UNESCO à Bangkok lance un nouveau projet de TIC dans l’éducation financé par la Corée :
Avec le soutien du fonds en dépôt coréen, le projet de trois ans portant sur l’intégration de la pédagogie et des TIC a pour objet d’améliorer la collaboration entre les instituts de formation des enseignants et le réseau des écoles primaires et secondaires. Ce projet permettra aux futurs enseignants de se familiariser avec le milieu scolaire et aux enseignants en activité de se former aux nouvelles méthodes faisant appel aux TIC.
Sweden’s 2nd Green OA Mandate, World’s…
Sweden’s 2nd Green OA Mandate, World’s 146th :,-Worlds-146th.html
Portugal rejoint SCOAP3
Portugal rejoint SCOAP3
Open government data in Norway: mounting…
Open government data in Norway: mounting interest but no breakthrough yet :
Open Access Mandates and the “Fair Dealing” Button
“We describe the “Fair Dealing Button,” a feature designed for authors who have deposited their papers in an Open Access Institutional Repository but have deposited them as “Closed Access” (meaning only the metadata are visible and retrievable, not the full eprint) rather than Open Access. The Button allows individual users to request and authors to provide a single eprint via semi-automated email. The purpose of the Button is to tide over research usage needs during any publisher embargo on Open Access and, more importantly, to make it possible for institutions to adopt the “Immediate-Deposit/Optional-Access” Mandate, without exceptions or opt-outs, instead of a mandate that allows delayed deposit or deposit waivers, depending on publisher permissions or embargoes (or no mandate at all). This is only “Almost-Open Access,” but in facilitating exception-free immediate-deposit mandates it will accelerate the advent of universal Open Access.”
Poland’s 1st Green OA Self-Archiving Ma…
Poland’s 1st Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate, Planet’s 145th :,-Planets-145th.html