Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Inf…

Using a CRIS for E-Infrastructure: E-Infrastructure for Scholarly Publications :
Scholarly publications are a major part of the research infrastructure. One way to make output available is to store the publications in Open Access Repositories (OAR). A Current Research Information System (CRIS) that conforms to the standard CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) could be a key component in the e-infrastructure. A CRIS provides the structure and makes it possible to interoperate the CRIS metadata at every stage of the research cycle. The international DRIVER projects are creating a European repository infrastructure. Knowledge Exchange has launched a project to develop a metadata exchange format for publications between CRIS and OAR systems.

Lancement de WIPO GOLD : WIPO GOLD est u…

Lancement de WIPO GOLD :
WIPO GOLD est une ressource publique gratuite permettant d’accéder directement aux collections mondiales de données relatives à la propriété intellectuelle de l’OMPI. Elle vise à faciliter l’accès universel à l’information en matière de propriété intellectuelle

Creating an Institutional Repository for…

Creating an Institutional Repository for State Government Digital Publications :
In 2008, the Library of Virginia (LVA) selected the digital asset management system DigiTool to host a centralized collection of digital state government publications. The Virginia state digital repository targets three primary user groups: state agencies, depository libraries and the general public. DigiTool’s ability to create depositor profiles for individual agencies to submit their publications, its integration with the Aleph ILS, and product support by ExLibris were primary factors in its selection. As a smaller institution, however, LVA lacked the internal resources to take full advantage of DigiTool’s full set of features. The process of cataloging a heterogenous collection of state documents also proved to be a challenge within DigiTool. This article takes a retrospective look at what worked, what did not, and what could have been done to improve the experience.

Challenges in Sustainable Open Source: A…

Challenges in Sustainable Open Source: A Case Study :
The Archivists’ Toolkit is a successful open source software package for archivists, originally developed with grant funding. The author, who formerly worked on the project at a participating institution, examines some of the challenges in making an open source project self-sustaining past grant funding. A consulting group hired by the project recommended that — like many successful open source projects — they rely on a collaborative volunteer community of users and developers. However, the project has had limited success fostering such a community. The author offers specific recommendations for the project going forward to gain market share and develop a collaborative user and development community, with more open governance.

A Principled Approach to Online Publicat…

A Principled Approach to Online Publication Listings and Scientific Resource Sharing :
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics has developed a service to manage and present the scholarly output of their researchers. The PubMan database manages publication metadata and full-texts of publications published by their scholars. All relevant information regarding a researcher’s work is brought together in this database, including supplementary materials and links to the MPI database for primary research data. The PubMan metadata is harvested into the MPI website CMS (Plone). The system developed for the creation of the publication lists, allows the researcher to create a selection of the harvested data in a variety of formats.

Sciences et société en interaction sur Internet. Éléments pour une histoire de l’édition électronique en sciences humaines et sociales

Dans l’histoire des rapports complexes qu’entretiennent sciences et société, le développement des réseaux numériques constitue un moment stratégique, que ce soit au niveau de leur développement technique, ou des modifications que ce développement produit sur les formes de la communication scientifique.

Le cas particulier des sciences humaines et sociales met bien en évidence le rôle de médiation que les TIC jouent dans les relations entre sciences et société.


Feasibility Study on the AfricaConnect I…

Feasibility Study on the AfricaConnect Initiative :
To be able to fulfil their missions, African research and higher education institutions need access to the global research and education network infrastructure. Unlike their peers on other continents, most African institutions do currently not have such an access.
Within the partnership on Science and Technology, the African and European Union Commissions have
given highest priority to the AfricaConnect initiative as an early deliverable with the objective to support the African research and higher education institutions in their effort to get access to this resource, which is a requirement for the development of knowledge societies. An emerging terrestrial broadband communication infrastructure seems to offer opportunities for African institutions to join.
This one-year feasibility study for AfricaConnect, FEAST, was commissioned by EC late 2008 to explore
the feasibility of deploying a regional backbone connecting dedicated National Research and Education
Networks (NRENs) in Africa to each other and to their peers on other continents via GÉANT, the pan-
European research and education network backbone. The study has been carried out by KTH as main
contractor and DANTE and TERENA as subcontractors. The research leading up to the findings has been conducted via physical visits, workshops and email discussions involving policy makers, regulators, communication operators, infrastructure owners as well as faculty members, students and research and education network communities in about 30 African countries. Many of the contacts come from long-standing institutional and individual cooperation in the areas of research and education.