Utopia documents: linking scholarly lite…

Utopia documents: linking scholarly literature with research data :

Motivation: In recent years, the gulf between the mass of accumulating-research data and the massive literature describing and analyzing those data has widened. The need for intelligent tools to bridge this gap, to rescue the knowledge being systematically isolated in literature and data silos, is now widely acknowledged.

Results: To this end, we have developed Utopia Documents, a novel PDF reader that semantically integrates visualization and data-analysis tools with published research articles. In a successful pilot with editors of the Biochemical Journal (BJ), the system has been used to transform static document features into objects that can be linked, annotated, visualized and analyzed interactively (http://www.biochemj.org/bj/424/3/). Utopia Documents is now used routinely by BJ editors to mark up article content prior to publication. Recent additions include integration of various text-mining and biodatabase plugins, demonstrating the system’s ability to seamlessly integrate on-line content with PDF articles.”

URL : http://www.bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/18/i568.full

Representation and Recognition of Subject Repositories

Subject repositories are under-studied and under-represented in library science literature and in the scholarly communication and digital library fields.

A study of practical literature on subject repositories reveals a relatively small proportion of practical articles to total articles found that discuss subject repositories in some way — where practical refers to articles that would help inform decisions on repository development and management.

In addition to the lack of practical literature on subject repositories, registries, software, publishers, and database thesauri do not define subject repositories consistently, do not recognize subject repositories as distinct from other types of repositories, or do not recognize subject repositories at all.

At the same time, subject repositories are frequently cited as highly successful scholarly communication initiatives, especially in relation to institutional repositories.

The lack of subject repository recognition within the literature and among commonly used repository tools may be attributed to the isolated development of the largest subject repositories and a general lack of awareness about small-scale subject repositories.

The authors recommend an increase of literature and research on subject repositories, development of standard language, guidelines, and best practices, and the formation of a community of subject repository professionals.

URL : http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september10/adamick/09adamick.html

Obligation de dépôt de la documentation …

Obligation de dépôt de la documentation Ifremer dans Archimer :
“Le 1° septembre 2010, l’Ifremer a mis en place une obligation de dépôt de sa documentation dans Archimer, son Archive Institutionnelle. Cette obligation concerne sa littérature grise (rapports, compte rendu de campagne, avis…) et ses publications.

Objectifs :
* Assurer la conservation et donc l’accessibilité sur le long terme à la documentation scientifique et technique produite par l’Ifremer,
* Automatiser et fiabiliser le calcul des indicateurs bibliométriques définis entre l’Ifremer et ses ministères de tutelle dans le cadre de son contrat quadriennal, ainsi que l’élaboration des comptes rendus d’activité,
* Faciliter le partage de la documentation interne entre les équipes de l’Ifremer,
* Améliorer la visibilité de la production de l’Ifremer, et notamment de ses publications internationales, en les diffusant gratuitement sur Internet, dans le respect des règles de copyright des éditeurs.”

URL : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/depot.htm

Free exchange of ideas.Experimenting with the open access monograph

Editor’s note: Maria Bonn’s essay, a review of the challenges of applying open access models to monograph publishing, is based on her presentation at the ALA 2010 Midwinter SPARC-ACRL Forum in Boston, MA. The entire Forum, “The ebook transition: Collaborations and innovations behind open-access monographs,” may be viewed online at www.arl.org/sparc/meetings/ala10mw/

URL : http://crln.acrl.org/content/71/8/436.full

Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic imp…

Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic implications for National Libraries :
“Of all the legal issues related to open access, copyright is probably the most pressing. This paper aims to analyze this aspect from the perspective of National Libraries, with a particular emphasis on the model proposed by Creative Commons Licenses. We explore the underlying assumptions behind this global and standardized licensing solution in order to assist National Libraries in understanding open access.”
URL : http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/papers/ifla76/132-charbonneau-en.pdf