PEER Behavioural Research Authors and Users vis à…

PEER Behavioural Research: Authors and Users vis-à-vis Journals and Repositories (final report) :

“The Behavioural research project is one of three independent research projects commissioned and managed by PEER as part of the PEER Observatory. The aim of the Behavioural research
project was to address the role of stage-two manuscript repositories in the scholarly and scientific communication system by exploring perceptions, motivations and behaviours of authors and readers. The research was carried out between April 2009 and August 2011 by the Department of Information Science and LISU at Loughborough University, UK.”


OAI services in Academicians Looking Forward The…

OAI services in Academicians: Looking Forward :

“The main focus of this paper is to look the forward of Open Access Initiative (OAI) in academicians Were to be tried and perhaps implemented on a global academicians it must made known to the local audience first. This can only be achieved if the OAI services in academicians services such as ‘Information Society’. In the case of the OAI services in academicians used in the study; it has benefits directly or indirectly and eventually become more accepted.”


Diffusion du droit et Internet en Afrique de l’Ouest

L’accès au droit en Afrique de l’Ouest est difficile et restreint, et cela pour de nombreuses raisons. Parmi celles-ci peut être citée la faible diffusion papier des ressources juridiques nationales, qui est en partie due au manque de moyens matériels et financiers. Or, depuis une dizaine d’années, des projets de diffusion des ressources juridiques via Internet se développent, donnant ainsi un accès libre aux informations juridiques publiques. Ce mode de diffusion du droit représente une alternative pour les États africains, leur permettant de bâtir de nouvelles stratégies favorisant l’accès au droit.

Néanmoins, ce nouveau mode de diffusion du droit fait ressurgir une réflexion relative à la nature plurale des droits ouest africains et de la place des droits originellement africains dans ces nouvelles stratégies.La présente analyse montre que l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies, telles qu’Internet, dans des stratégies de diffusion du droit est pertinente, à la condition que les États africains redéfinissent leur culture juridique, en prenant en considération les sources originellement africaines afin qu’elles prennent place dans la diffusion du droit via Internet.

Access to legal information in West Africa is difficult and restricted because of a weak dissemination network. The insufficient publication and distribution of national legal resources can partly be attributed to a lack of financial and material resources. Over the past ten years, legal resource publication projects on the Web have been developed to offer free access to public legal information.

This type of document dissemination model represents an alternative solution for African States by allowing them to elaborate new strategies to increase legal information dissemination. This new law publishing model, however, has brought about the need to reconsider the pluralistic nature of West African laws and the place these originally African laws occupy within the new strategies being put forth.

The following analysis demonstrates how the use of new technologies such as the Internet has proven to be relevant for legal resource publication and distribution insofar as African states always take into consideration originally African sources when redefining their legal cultures through the dissemination of their laws via the Internet.”


Difficile convergence des archives ouvertes en SIC

L’article rend compte d’un test de moissonnage pour quatre archives ouvertes sélectionnées afin de déterminer la faisabilité et les limites de leur interconnexion pour un domaine scientifique particulier: le champ des SIC. Les problèmes rencontrés d’interopérabilité organisationnelle, technique et sémantique sont détaillés et contextualisés à un état de l’art sur la question. La question de la difficile représentation sémantique commune pour ce champ scientifique, manifeste dès l’étape de repérage et d’identification des archives ouvertes SIC sur le répertoire international OpenDOAR, est ensuite approfondie à partir de l’étude détaillée du champ ” subject “.

L’article conclut à la nécessité de repenser à la source les modes de production de ces dispositifs selon des procédures partagées au sein de la communauté scientifique et entre gestionnaires de ces archives.


Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les…

Usages des ressources en libre accès dans les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentation. Le cas de :

“Comment les ressources en libre accès sont-elles traitées par les bibliothèques universitaires et services communs de documentations ? Entre les deux voies ” or ” et ” verte ” du libre accès, les bibliothèques se sont logiquement investies davantage dans le mouvement des archives ouvertes plutôt que dans le développement de revues électroniques en libre accès. La question qui se pose est celle de la prise en compte de ces dernières par les bibliothèques. Une enquête effectuée en 2009 tente d’y répondre en évaluant la visibilité des revues en libre accès diffusées par le portail dans une vingtaine d’établissements de la région parisienne. A partir de résultats contrastés, il est possible d’analyser les points de blocage et les leviers qui permettraient d’améliorer la prise en compte de ce type de ressources par les bibliothèques.”

“How are open access resources treated by libraries and documentation services? Between the two tracks “gold”and “green” open access, libraries have consistently invested more in the open archives movement rather than the development of electronic journals for free access. The question that arises is the inclusion of the latter by libraries. A survey conducted in 2009 tries to answer by evaluating the visibility of OA journals published by the portal in twenty universities in the Paris area. From contrasting results, it is possible to analyze the bottlenecks and levers for improving the inclusion of such resources by libraries.”


The Inevitability of Open Access Open access…

The Inevitability of Open Access :

“Open access (OA) is an alternative business model for the publication of scholarly journals. It makes articles freely available to readers on the Internet and covers the costs associated with publication through means other than subscriptions. This article argues that Gold OA, where all of the articles of a journal are available at the time of publication, is a disruptive innovation as defined by business theorist Clayton Christensen. Using methods described by Christensen we can predict the growth of Gold OA. This analysis suggests that Gold OA could account for 50% of the scholarly journal articles sometime between 2017 and 2021, and 90% of articles as soon as 2020 and more conservatively by 2025.”


Costs risks and benefits in improving access to…

Costs, risks and benefits in improving access to journal articles :

“This paper reports on a study – overseen by representatives of the publishing, library, and research funder communities in the UK – investigating the drivers, costs, and benefits of potential ways to increase access to scholarly journals. It identifies five different but realistic scenarios for moving towards that end over the next five years, including gold and green open access, moves towards national licensing, publisher-led delayed open access, and transactional models. It then compares and evaluates the benefits as well as the costs and risks for the UK. The scenarios, and the modelling on which they are based, amount to a benefit-cost analysis to help in appraising policy options. Our conclusion is that policymakers should encourage the use of existing subject and institutional repositories, but avoid pushing for reductions in embargo periods, which might put at risk the sustainability of the underlying scholarly publishing system. They should also promote and facilitate a transition to gold open access, while seeking to ensure that the average level of publication fees does not exceed c.?2.000; that the rate in the UK of open access publication is broadly in step with the rest of the world; and that total payments to publishers from UK universities do not rise as a consequence.”