Education, Research and Open Access in Norway


“Norway is a small country with a quite centralised research infrastructure. Building good services for Open Access infrastructure is simplified by having one major research funder, one national CRIS and one key provider of repository services. Politically the Government has expressed in a White paper its commitment to making Norwegian research results openly available. Despite Norwegian research institutions focus on Open Access, institutional policies tend to be vage and based on good intentions. The need for alignment and policy reinforsment is therefor evident, and the PASTEUR4OA project provides a great opportunity for this.”

URL : Education, Research and Open Access in Norway

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UK Open Access Policy Landscape


“Recent Open Access (OA) policy developments in the United Kingdom (UK) have caused stakeholders such as universities and academic libraries to have to consider how to adapt to distinct funders OA policies and to ensure compliance with those policies. Following an independent study on ‘how to expand access to research publications’, also referred to as the Finch Report, the UK Government adopted a new OA policy and the Research Councils UK (RCUK) revised their OA policy. The newly adopted OA policies require research findings to be made OA through publication in open access or hybrid journals (Gold OA). More recently, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) announced that its OA policy for the next Research Evaluation Framework (REF) – the system that assesses UK universities research – will require the deposit of research findings in institutional or subject repositories (Green OA). By and large, the two distinct paths being currently promoted by the UK Government and RCUK (Gold OA) and the Funding Councils (Green OA) require that continued efforts be made to ensure that advice and support are provided to universities, academic libraries and researchers. They also require that coordinated efforts endure so that progress towards making research findings freely available online continues. Despite the distinct OA policies adopted by policymakers and national research funders, the UK’s movement towards OA has been a result of stakeholders coordinated efforts and is considered a case of good practice.”

URL : UK Open Access Policy Landscape

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Portugal Open Access Policy Landscape


“This case study includes a brief description of the Portuguese higher education and research systems, followed by a short history of the development of Open Access policies in the country, including all aspects of implementation and supported infrastructures. It concludes listing some challenges and ongoing developments.

In Portugal, the development of a solid and mature repository infrastructure, providing a range of relevant services and supporting an active OA community, around the Scientific Open Access Repository of Portugal – RCAAP – offered a solid basis to the definition and implementation of Open Access policies within research performing institutions and research funders. The majority of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions have an institutional repository as the main access point to their scientific output, and most of them also have defined Open Access policies requiring deposit into their institutional repositories.

Currently, there are strong and effective policies in Portugal, like the mandates from Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) and University of Minho, which link repository deposition with the institutional processes of reporting and evaluation. Over the last few years, and taking advantage of the participation in EC’s funded projects, OpenAIRE, MedOANet and PASTEUR4OA projects, an effort has been made to homogenise the OA policies in Portugal and align them all with the EC recommendations.

Other factors which contributed for the success of the infrastructure and policy initiatives were the strong advocacy strategy implemented in the RCAAP context, the focus on promoting interoperability, the adoption of DRIVER Guidelines, the use of the validator to periodically verify the repository compliance, and a helpdesk service to help institutions when needed. Finally, the Open Access mandate of the major public funder launched in May this year reinforced the idea that there remains room for development and improvement of Open Access issues in Portugal.”

URL : Portugal Open Access Policy L andscape

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Building a model plan for knowledge sharing among the library and information science professionals in the selected public and private university libraries of Bangladesh: A Study


“The main purpose of the study is to formulate a model plan for KS among the LIS professionals in the selected public and private university libraries of Bangladesh. In accomplishing this purpose, the study advanced by generating three precise objectives and three research questions (RQs) on the basis of the literature reviewed. It also tested several hypotheses to find the answers to the RQs. In conducting this study; survey, quantitative, comparative and exploratory approaches were adopted. A pre-coded questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the sample drawn from the LIS professionals of the selected public and private university libraries through personal visit. The collected data were analyzed by applying frequency distribution, cross tabulation and descriptive statistical tools while the hypotheses were tested by applying Chi-square test and Mann Whitney U test based on the scale of measurement. The major findings of the study were the perceptions of the LIS professionals from the selected university libraries about the prerequisites for KS (intellectual capital, factors influencing KS, and KS skills); facilitators (KS process, KS methods, KS techniques, and KS tools) and barriers to KS; and consequences of KS (influences of KS on learning, feedback, and transferring knowledge after KS). In fact, this study proposed a model plan for KS among the LIS professionals in the selected university libraries of Bangladesh. The study has the potentiality for implementation in the practical field to introduce and/or transform the conventional and unorganized KS practices by a systematic and organized KS culture. The major limitations of the study are the selection of the university libraries situated only in Dhaka city, excluding the university library users from the population and not justifying the proposed model plan. Therefore the study suggested future research by selecting university libraries from different part of the country, including the user category in the population and attempting to justify the model plan.”


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Open Science and peer-review in the humanities


“The purpose of this paper is to consider alternatives to the traditional system of peer review. I will argue that new methods of review should be more in accordance with the principles of Open Science. Current modes of carrying out peer review are functioning as barriers against more transparent ways of doing research. I will focus on peer reviewing as it is done in the humanities. These sciences seem to be clinging particularly tight to traditional ways of publishing and doing peer review. After looking at traditional peer review and the troubles related to it, I will discuss alternative ways of reviewing scholarly material. The anonymity of reviewers and authors, the appropriate time to make papers public, and how to reward reviewers are topics that are of importance in this context.”


Open Access: pour une meilleure visibilité de la production scientifique médicale au Maroc


“Les bases de données internationales de l’Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) sont des outils incontournables mais incomplets pour évaluer la performance de la recherche et fournir des indicateurs statistiques sur le volume de la production scientifique d’un pays. Dans ce contexte, nous présenterons les résultats d’une étude bibliométrique de la production scientifique issue de la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie-Casablanca. Nous mettrons l’accent sur les possibilités offertes par l’open access (la voie verte et la voie dorée) pour augmenter la visibilité de la production locale.”


Les couleurs de la publication scientifique – Mutations dans la sous-filière de la revue scientifique STM, analysées par les industries culturelles

“La diffusion de la revue scientifique dans les domaines STM s’inscrit aujourd’hui dans un contexte où cohabitent quatre modèles représentés par des couleurs : le « Blanc » pour le payant, le « Vert » pour les archives ouvertes, le « Doré » pour les revues en libre accès et enfin le « Gris » pour les données de la recherche. Ce « tableau en couleurs » est le résultat, encore mouvant de mutations qui opèrent au sein de l’édition de la revue scientifique STM et qui intègre les acteurs du Web et de la communication.

Ces couleurs interviennent dans les tensions qui régissent les relations et les stratégies entre anciens et nouveaux acteurs. L’objet de cet article est double. Il rend compte des logiques socio-économiques qui construisent les stratégies et positionnements des acteurs pour renouveler la sous-filière de l’édition de la revue scientifique. Dans le même temps, il propose le cadre d’analyse des industries culturelles, capable de prendre en charge l’intelligibilité des mouvements qui opèrent entre industries de l’information scientifique, industries de la communication et médias sociaux.”