University journals. Consolidating institutional repositories in a digital, free, open access publication platform for all scholarly output

Authors : Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer, Eva Méndez Rodríguez, Jeroen Sondervan, Frans J. Oort

Funders increasingly mandate researchers to publish their scientific articles in open access and to retain their copyright. Universities all over the world have set up institutional repositories and use repositories for the preservation and dissemination of academic production of their institutions, including scientific articles, reports, datasets, and other research outputs.

However, in general, authors do not find institutional repositories very attractive and accessible as an open access publication platform since repositories and open access are not part of the rewarding system.

We expect that researchers are more likely to publish and deposit their scientific papers in a repository, once they have the appearance, recognition and dissemination of a scientific journal.

That is why we took the initiative to set up a repository based journal ‘University Journals’ in which universities collaborate. The paper will explain the University Journals project and how the involved universities want to facilitate a valuable alternative publication platform that complies with Plan S principles and enables publication and dissemination of all research outcomes.

By establishing University Journals as a publication platform, university libraries are instrumental (and crucial) in achieving the ambitions of Open Science, and universities gain control over the publication process.

URL : University journals. Consolidating institutional repositories in a digital, free, open access publication platform for all scholarly output


Playing the Bullshit Game: How Empty and Misleading Communication Takes Over Organizations

Author : André Spicer

Why is bullshit so common in some organizations? Existing explanations focus on the characteristics of bullshitters, the nature of the audience, and social structural factors which encourage bullshitting.

In this paper, I offer an alternative explanation: bullshitting is a social practice that organizational members engage with to become part of a speech community, to get things done in that community, and to reinforce their identity.

When the practice of bullshitting works, it can gradually expand from a small group to take over an entire organization and industry. When bullshitting backfires, previously sacred concepts can become seen as empty and misleading talk.

URL : Playing the Bullshit Game: How Empty and Misleading Communication Takes Over Organizations


Les bibliothèques universitaires et les enjeux de l’open access

Auteur/Author : Anne Paris

À l’heure où la transition vers l’accès ouvert aux résultats de la recherche connaît une nouvelle impulsion, politique, à l’échelle nationale, européenne et internationale, notre étude s’attachera à en présenter les principes et les enjeux (économiques, éditoriaux, scientifiques, sociaux), les questions en débat (modèles économiques, adhésion de la communauté scientifique, évaluation de la recherche) et interrogera le rôle actif que les bibliothèques assurent pour promouvoir et développer une communication scientifique sans barrière.

URL : Les bibliothèques universitaires et les enjeux de l’open access

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On the Potential of Preprints in Geochemistry: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Authors : Olivier Pourret, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Jonathan P. Tennant

In recent years, the pace of the dissemination of scientific information has increased. In this context, the possibility and value of sharing open access (OA) online manuscripts in their preprint form seem to be growing in many scientific fields. More and more platforms are especially dedicated to free preprint publishing.

They are published, non-peer-reviewed scholarly papers that typically precede publication in a peer-reviewed journal. They have been a part of science since at least the 1960s.

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web to help researchers share knowledge easily. A few months later, in August 1991, as a centralized web-based network, arXiv was created. arXiv is arguably the most influential preprint platform and has supported the fields of physics, mathematics and computer science for over 30 years.

Since, preprint platforms have become popular in many disciplines (e.g., bioRxiv for biological sciences) due to the increasing drive towards OA publishing, and can be publisher- or community-driven, profit or not for profit, and based on proprietary or free and open source software. A range of discipline-specific or cross-domain platforms now exist, with exponential growth these last five years.

While preprints as a whole still represent only a small proportion of scholarly publishing, a strong community of early adopters is already beginning to experiment with such value-enhancing tools in many more disciplines than before.

The two main options for geochemists are EarthArXiv and ESSOAr. A “one size fits all” model for preprints would never work across the entire scientific community. The geochemistry community needs to develop and sustain their own model.

URL : On the Potential of Preprints in Geochemistry: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


The growth of open access publishing in geochemistry

Authors : Olivier Pourret, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Jonathan P. Tennant, Andrew Hursthouse, Eric D. van Hullebusch

In this communication, we look at Open Access (OA) publishing practices in geochemistry.

We examine a list of 56 journals and assess whether Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Journal Impact Factors (JIFs) appear to influence publication or not. More than 40% of articles in 2018-2019 were published OA, and about 70% of that portion in fully OA journals.

These had a mean APC of US$ 900, whereas the remaining were published in hybrid journals with a higher mean APC of more than $US 1,800. A moderate and positive correlation is found between the number of OA articles published in hybrids journals and their JIF, whereas there is a stronger positive relationship between the number of OA articles published in fully OA journals and the APC.

For OA articles published in hybrid journals, it seems that the proportion of OA articles tends to increase in journals with higher JIF.


Contribuer à la diffusion du patrimoine documentaire sur Wikipédia : pratiques et enjeux pour les institutions culturelles

Auteurs/Authors : Jessica de Bideran, Romain Wenz

Pour les institutions patrimoniales, la participation à des initiatives ouvertes telles que Wikipédia est un changement de paradigme. Sur la base d’une expérience d’enseignement de plusieurs années en lien avec des structures culturelles conservant du patrimoine documentaire, l’article permet de confronter les réflexions théoriques contemporaines sur la dissémination des connaissances à la réalité des institutions administratives.

L’enjeu pour les acteurs est de concilier les besoins et principes d’une encyclopédie généraliste et mondiale avec les attentes d’institutions historiquement centrées sur la présentation de collections à des visiteurs physiques.

Toutefois, vouloir être présent sur Wikipédia implique pour l’institution culturelle de repenser sa posture vis-à-vis de publics virtuels et non moins collectivement organisés et engagés.


Stratégies éditoriales des musées. Une approche de la médiation par l’accès ouvert aux données numérisées

Auteurs/Authors : Brigitte Juanals, Jean-Luc Minel

Les politiques d’accès ouvert aux données culturelles des musées concernent désormais la mission de diffusion et de partage des collections et des connaissances.

Cet article étudie les régimes d’accès et de circulation médiatique du patrimoine numérisé mis à disposition sous la forme de données culturelles en privilégiant une entrée par la médiation.

Le terrain d’enquête est constitué par une sélection de vingt-et-un musées états-uniens ayant mis à disposition leurs données culturelles. Il apparaît que le choix d’une stratégie de diffusion des données culturelles ouvertes, en articulation avec un dispositif sociotechnique, implique, à une échelle transnationale, un débat sur le modèle de gouvernance permettant leur gestion pérenne.

Ces données appartiennent au patrimoine culturel des institutions patrimoniales et des États qui les détiennent, ainsi qu’aux différentes catégories de publics qui en sont les usagers.