Research Data: Who will share what, with…

Research Data: Who will share what, with whom, when, and why? :

“The deluge of scientific research data has excited the general public, as well as the scientific community, with the possibilities for better understanding of scientific problems, from climate to culture. For data to be available, researchers must be willing and able to share them. The policies of governments, funding agencies, journals, and university tenure and promotion committees also influence how, when, and whether research data are shared. Data are complex objects. Their purposes and the methods by which they are produced vary widely across scientific fields, as do the criteria for sharing them. To address these challenges, it is necessary to examine the arguments for sharing data and how those arguments match the motivations and interests of the scientific community and the public. Four arguments are examined: to make the results of publicly funded data available to the public, to enable others to ask new questions of extant data, to advance the state of science, and to reproduce research. Libraries need to consider their role in the face of each of these arguments, and what expertise and systems they require for data curation.”


Transforming Scholarly Publishing throug…

Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A Bibliography :

“Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A Bibliography presents over 1,100 selected English-language scholarly works useful in understanding the open access movement’s efforts to provide free access to and unfettered use of scholarly literature. The bibliography primarily includes books and published journal articles. A limited number of book chapters, conference papers, dissertations and theses, magazine articles, technical reports, and other scholarly works that are deemed to be of exceptional interest are also included. The bibliography does not cover digital media works (such as MP3 files), news articles, editorials, interviews, letters to the editor, presentation slides or transcripts, unpublished e-prints, weblog postings, or e-mail messages.

The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works. Such links, even to publisher versions and versions in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories, are subject to change. Typically, URLs may alter without warning or automatic forwarding, and they may disappear altogether. Inclusion of links to works on authors’ personal sites is highly selective. Links are checked as of 8/1/2010. Note that e-prints and published articles may not be identical.

Most sources have been published from January 1, 1999 through August 1, 2010; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1999 are also included.”


Utopia documents: linking scholarly lite…

Utopia documents: linking scholarly literature with research data :

Motivation: In recent years, the gulf between the mass of accumulating-research data and the massive literature describing and analyzing those data has widened. The need for intelligent tools to bridge this gap, to rescue the knowledge being systematically isolated in literature and data silos, is now widely acknowledged.

Results: To this end, we have developed Utopia Documents, a novel PDF reader that semantically integrates visualization and data-analysis tools with published research articles. In a successful pilot with editors of the Biochemical Journal (BJ), the system has been used to transform static document features into objects that can be linked, annotated, visualized and analyzed interactively ( Utopia Documents is now used routinely by BJ editors to mark up article content prior to publication. Recent additions include integration of various text-mining and biodatabase plugins, demonstrating the system’s ability to seamlessly integrate on-line content with PDF articles.”


Obligation de dépôt de la documentation …

Obligation de dépôt de la documentation Ifremer dans Archimer :
“Le 1° septembre 2010, l’Ifremer a mis en place une obligation de dépôt de sa documentation dans Archimer, son Archive Institutionnelle. Cette obligation concerne sa littérature grise (rapports, compte rendu de campagne, avis…) et ses publications.

Objectifs :
* Assurer la conservation et donc l’accessibilité sur le long terme à la documentation scientifique et technique produite par l’Ifremer,
* Automatiser et fiabiliser le calcul des indicateurs bibliométriques définis entre l’Ifremer et ses ministères de tutelle dans le cadre de son contrat quadriennal, ainsi que l’élaboration des comptes rendus d’activité,
* Faciliter le partage de la documentation interne entre les équipes de l’Ifremer,
* Améliorer la visibilité de la production de l’Ifremer, et notamment de ses publications internationales, en les diffusant gratuitement sur Internet, dans le respect des règles de copyright des éditeurs.”


Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic imp…

Creative Commons Licenses: Strategic implications for National Libraries :
“Of all the legal issues related to open access, copyright is probably the most pressing. This paper aims to analyze this aspect from the perspective of National Libraries, with a particular emphasis on the model proposed by Creative Commons Licenses. We explore the underlying assumptions behind this global and standardized licensing solution in order to assist National Libraries in understanding open access.”

Recherche, publication et diffusion de l…

Recherche, publication et diffusion de l’information scientifique dans le domaine de la conservation de monuments et sites historiques:
“Le Centre de Documentation de l’ICOMOS a mené une étude parmi les professionnels de la conservation des monuments, paysages et sites historiques, afin de connaître leur besoins et pratiques en termes de recherche de documentation et de diffusion du résultat de leurs recherches scientifiques et académiques. Les résultats de cette étude, présentés dans ce rapport, révèlent certaines tendances générales dans le comportement des professionnels du patrimoine. Le rapport présente également une première approche des archives ouvertes et du projet de création d’un dépôt de ce type par l’ICOMOS. Il s’agit d’une archive ouverte institutionnelle où toute la documentation scientifique produite par l’ICOMOS pourra être déposée. Elle sera aussi une archive pluridisciplinaire ouverte au reste de la communauté scientifique internationale dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine historique.”