Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus…

Approaches to Marketing an Institutional Repository to Campus :

“Marketing is an activity that is integral to the growth and use of a campus
institutional repository (IR). But what kinds of marketing activities do libraries engage in to advertise the new services associated with an IR? This chapter summarizes basic marketing principles and describes the application of those principles as they relate to marketing an institutional repository within a higher education setting.”


Report on Open Government Data in India …

Report on Open Government Data in India :

“This report looks at some of the landscape relevant to open government data (OGD) in India, starting from the current environment in government, the state of civil society, the media, the policies that affect it from the Right to Information Act, the standards­related policies, e­governance policies, and the copyright policy. This report also looks at a few case studies from government, civil society organizations, a public­private partner­ ship and profiles some civic hackers. It then examines some of the varied challenges to the uptake of OGD in India, from infrastructural problems of e­governance to issues such as privacy and power imbalances being worsened by transparency. Finally, it lays out our observations and some recommendations. It concludes by noting that OGD in India must be looked at differently from what it has so far been understood as in countries like the UK and the US, and providing some constructive thoughts on how we should think about OGD in In­dia.”


The Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011 Sweden…

The Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011 :

“Sweden and Singapore continue to top the rankings of The Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011, Transformations 2.0, released by the World Economic Forum, confirming the leadership of the Nordic countries and the Asian Tiger economies in adopting and implementing ICT advances for increased growth and development. Finland jumps to third place, while Switzerland and the United States are steady in fourth and fifth place respectively. The 10th anniversary edition of the report focuses on ICT’s power to transform society in the next decade through modernization and innovation.

The Nordic countries lead the way in leveraging ICT. With Denmark in 7th and Norway in 9th place, all are in the top 10, except for Iceland, which is ranked in 16th position. Led by Singapore in second place, the other Asian Tiger economies continue to make progress in the ranking, with both Taiwan, China and Korea improving five places to 6th and 10th respectively, and Hong Kong SAR following closely at 12th.

With a record coverage of 138 economies worldwide, the report remains the world’s most comprehensive and authoritative international assessment of the impact of ICT on the development process and the competitiveness of nations. The Networked Readiness Index (NRI) featured in the report examines how prepared countries are to use ICT effectively on three dimensions: the general business, regulatory and infrastructure environment for ICT; the readiness of the three key societal actors individuals, businesses and governments to use and benefit from ICT; and their actual usage of available ICT.

Under the theme Transformations 2.0, this 10th anniversary edition explores the coming transformations powered by ICT, with a focus on the impact they will have on individuals, businesses and governments over the next few years.”


DINI Certificate Document and Publication Services 2010…

DINI Certificate “Document and Publication Services” 2010 :

“In summer 2010 the DINI working group for Electronic Publishing released the third edition of the DINI Certificate “Document and Publication Services” and by this adapted the well-established criteria catalogue for scholarly repository services to current developments. Now, the English version of the DINI Certificate 2010 has been made available to the public.

The global scientific communication system is subject to a fundamental transition process. Due to new opportunities arising from the internet and other information and communication technologies and also to the changing requirements of scholars and scientists, new means and channels for scientific communication develop. A leading development is the global Open Access movement committed to the idea of freely available scientific and scholarly publications.

To support the numerous developments in Germany and to set common standards for publication infrastructures DINI’s Electronic Publishing working group embraced this topic early on and in 2002 published its first recommendations for “Electronic Publishing in Higher Education”. Based on these documents, the working group formulated criteria and formalized them in the DINI Certificate “Document and Publication Services”. Following the 2004 and 2007 editions, 2010 is the third version of the document. The certificate describes technical, organisational and legal aspects that should be considered in the process of setting up and operating a scholarly repository service and puts considerable interest in Open Access. The aim of DINI is to move forward towards a standardised and interoperable repository landscape to improve the visibility and linkages of scientific publications. During the years the DINI certificate has gained reputation as standard-setting authority for repositories.

The latest edition of the DINI certificate addresses particularly the following aspects:
– The growing importance of the “golden road” to Open Access.
– The increased demand for interoperability with comprehensive services.
– The growing technical virtualization of Document and Publication Services (hosting of services).
– A comprehensive view of the scientific and scholarly research processes.”


The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal…

The Prevalence and Practices of Academic Library Journal Clubs :

“An increasing number of references to journal clubs in library literature, and the recent creation of clubs at the authors’ institutions, sparked curiosity about how widespread journal clubs are in academic libraries. An online survey announced on library listservs assessed their prevalence and practices. Library journal clubs seem to be a relatively recent phenomenon, and are more widespread than previously thought, though not pervasive. Library journal clubs promote current awareness, analysis skills, group cohesion, and intra-library knowledge, and offer a low-cost professional development opportunity in times of budget difficulties. Practices that sustain journal clubs can maintain these benefits.”


Quel avenir pour les Archives de France …

Quel avenir pour les Archives de France ? :

“Dans le cadre du Conseil de modernisation des politiques publiques du 30 juin 2010, il a été décidé qu’« un pilotage interministériel des archives serait mis en place, associant tous les départements ministériels concernés et au premier chef les ministères chargés de la culture, de la défense et des affaires étrangères. L’enjeu de ce pilotage renforcé est non seulement de poursuivre la modernisation de la gestion des archives de l’Etat mais aussi de faciliter l’accès à ce patrimoine culturel inestimable et de le diffuser plus largement auprès des chercheurs et de nos concitoyens ». C’est dans ce contexte que M. Maurice Quénet, conseiller d’Etat, a été chargé par le Premier ministre d’étudier les modalités de mise en oeuvre de ce chantier. L’enjeu de la mission était d’apporter des réponses aux six questions suivantes : quelle est la situation actuelle en matière d’archives de l’Etat ? Quelle forme doit prendre l’instance de pilotage interministériel ? Comment optimiser la gestion des fonds d’archives par les différents ministères ? Comment créer une plate-forme interministérielle d’archivage numérique ? Comment créer un portail d’accès unifié aux ressources archivistiques numérisées ? Comment valoriser le patrimoine culturel que constituent les fonds d’archives ?”