Scholar publications and open access policies the Ktisis…


Scholar publications and open access policies: the Ktisis case :

“Throughout the world, academic libraries have come to the conclusion that the development of institutional repositories must be one of their major goals. Institutional repositories are the means for libraries to provide access to the research product of the academic community and also to promote open access. The publication of the research results in open access journals assists in the global diffusion of this information. The open access movement is becoming very popular among the academic institutions. Today more than 320 organizations have signed the Berlin declaration on Open Access. The Library and Information Services at the Cyprus University of Technology is one of these organizations. By signing this declaration the University commits to promote and support Open Access encouraging the researchers to publish their work based on the Open Access policies. The Library has developed the first institutional repository in Cyprus, Ktisis. This paper briefly describes the implementation process of Ktisis and continues to examine the set of activities used in the strategic plan of Ktisis, including the definition of open access policies.”


Effective Enabling of Sharing and Reuse of Knowledge…


Effective Enabling of Sharing and Reuse of Knowledge On Semantic Web by Ontology in Date Fruit Model :

“Since Organizations have recognized that knowledge constitutes a valuable intangible asset for creating and sustaining competitive advantages, knowledge sharing has a vital role in present society. It is an activity through which information is exchanged among people through different media. Many problems face the area of knowledge sharing and knowledge reuse. Currently, knowledge sharing between entities is achieved in a very ad-hoc fashion, lacking proper understanding of the meaning of the data. Ontologies can potentially solve these problems by facilitating knowledge sharing and reuse through formal and real-world semantics. Ontologies, through formal semantics, are machine-understandable. A computer can process data, annotated with references to ontologies, and through the knowledge encapsulated in the ontology, deduce facts from the original data. The date fruit is the most enduring symbol of the Sultanate’s rich heritage. Creating ontology for dates will enrich the farming group and research scholars in the agro farm area.”


Going for Gold The costs and benefits of…


Going for Gold? The costs and benefits of Gold Open Access for UK research institutions: further economic modelling :

“The purpose of this work is to provide information to UK universities and policy makers on the likely cost impacts of Gold OA, where the costs of peer review, editorial work and other publishing services are covered by fees paid per article.”


On the Citation Advantage of linking to data…


On the Citation Advantage of linking to data :

“This paper present some indications of the existence of a Citation Advantage related to linked data, using astrophysics as a case. Using simple measures, I find that the Citation Advantage presently (at the least since 2009) amounts to papers with links to data receiving on the average 50% more citations per paper per year, than the papers without links to data. A similar study by other authors should a cummulative effect after several years amounting to 20%. Hence, a Data Sharing Citation Advantage seems inevitable.”


Cooperation between Referees and Authors Increases Peer Review…


Cooperation between Referees and Authors Increases Peer Review Accuracy :

“Peer review is fundamentally a cooperative process between scientists in a community who agree to review each other’s work in an unbiased fashion. Peer review is the foundation for decisions concerning publication in journals, awarding of grants, and academic promotion. Here we perform a laboratory study of open and closed peer review based on an online game. We show that when reviewer behavior was made public under open review, reviewers were rewarded for refereeing and formed significantly more cooperative interactions (13% increase in cooperation, P = 0.018). We also show that referees and authors who participated in cooperative interactions had an 11% higher reviewing accuracy rate (P = 0.016). Our results suggest that increasing cooperation in the peer review process can lead to a decreased risk of reviewing errors.”


Analyzing the Performance of an Institutional Scientific Repository…


Analyzing the Performance of an Institutional Scientific Repository – A Case Study :

“Scientific knowledge evolution is mainly based on an effective dissemination of research results. The concept of Open Access gives us the theoretical foundation of a model for accessing scientific knowledge, free from the constraints of traditional publishing and technologically supported by the Internet.

Institutional Repositories are information systems that allow preserving, storing and disseminating scientific knowledge produced in higher education and scientific research institutions.

They increase the visibility and the citation level of the documents. They also contribute to minimizing negative aspects like plagiarism of content because documents are exposed to peers in real time.

As an alternative way to the traditional system of publishing scientific research content, repositories are developed in a cultural climate of great visibility leading to an immediate critical evaluation by peers.

The Scientific Repository of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco – Portugal (RCIPCB) was created in 2009 but its official presentation took place in January 2010. Its main purposes are promoting Open Access (OA), and preserving and disseminating the scientific knowledge produced at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (IPCB). Using DSpace as a technological platform, RCIPCB is an institutional project supported by the president of the IPCB.

Therefore, the present study was developed with the aim of analyzing the performance of RCIPCB considering the evolution and growth in terms of users, archiving and self-archiving, the number of published documents (scientific) versus deposited documents in 2010 and the heterogeneity among communities/collections and its causes.

Data were collected in RCIPCB, in the 2010 scientific publication list of the institute and through a questionnaire survey distributed among the members of the community with most documents deposited and those of the community with the fewest documents.

For data collected in RCIPCB and in the publication list, average, standard deviation and counts were calculated. Data collected from questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS.

The results show that RCIPCB indicates an asymmetric growing dynamics. Nevertheless, it reflects the institutional organization, in the sense that the communities related to the older schools possess more documents than the communities related to more recent schools. Communities having higher numbers of deposited documents seem to have also higher levels of searches and downloads. Therefore, it increases significantly the visibility of the institution and its researchers.

Concerning the 2010 scientific production when compared with the deposit level of the corresponding community, the results show that the number of documents deposited is much lower than the number of published documents.

Data obtained from the questionnaire answers from the communities The School of Agriculture (ESACB) and The School of Applied Arts (ESART) suggest that the strategy of communication used by RCIPCB is correct because everybody knows about the Repository. However, that is not related to the number of documents deposited. They also suggest that the strategy is not efficient and it needs some improvements in order to become effective.

Considering the results it is clear that RCIPCB needs to have a mandatory depositing policy that might also be extended to user registration. Those factors would minimize both the heterogeneity and the asymmetric growth of communities and collections. Moreover, it would also decrease the difference between scientific production and the corresponding deposit in RCIPCB.”