Open access to scientific literature and research data…


Open access to scientific literature and research data: a window of opportunity for latin america :

“The advance that the international open access movement has had in the last decade may seem to suggest that we are witnessing an important change in the model of scientific communication. This paper introduces the fundamental concepts of this movement, and in turn tries to measure the impact it has had in Latin America based on the development of different strategies.”


Open evaluation a vision for entirely transparent post…


Open evaluation: a vision for entirely transparent post-publication peer review and rating for science :

“The two major functions of a scientific publishing system are to provide access to and evaluation of scientific papers. While open access (OA) is becoming a reality, open evaluation (OE), the other side of the coin, has received less attention. Evaluation steers the attention of the scientific community and thus the very course of science. It also influences the use of scientific findings in public policy. The current system of scientific publishing provides only journal prestige as an indication of the quality of new papers and relies on a non-transparent and noisy pre-publication peer-review process, which delays publication by many months on average. Here I propose an OE system, in which papers are evaluated post-publication in an ongoing fashion by means of open peer review and rating. Through signed ratings and reviews, scientists steer the attention of their field and build their reputation. Reviewers are motivated to be objective, because low-quality or self-serving signed evaluations will negatively impact their reputation. A core feature of this proposal is a division of powers between the accumulation of evaluative evidence and the analysis of this evidence by paper evaluation functions (PEFs). PEFs can be freely defined by individuals or groups (e.g., scientific societies) and provide a plurality of perspectives on the scientific literature. Simple PEFs will use averages of ratings, weighting reviewers (e.g., by H-index), and rating scales (e.g., by relevance to a decision process) in different ways. Complex PEFs will use advanced statistical techniques to infer the quality of a paper. Papers with initially promising ratings will be more deeply evaluated. The continual refinement of PEFs in response to attempts by individuals to influence evaluations in their own favor will make the system ungameable. OA and OE together have the power to revolutionize scientific publishing and usher in a new culture of transparency, constructive criticism, and collaboration.”


The Citation Merit of Scientific Publications We…


The Citation Merit of Scientific Publications :

“We propose a new method to assess the merit of any set of scientific papers in a given field based on the citations they receive. Given a field and a citation impact indicator, such as the mean citation or the h-index, the merit of a given set of n articles is identified with the probability that a randomly drawn set of n articles from a given pool of articles in that field has a lower citation impact according to the indicator in question. The method allows for comparisons between sets of articles of different sizes and fields. Using a dataset acquired from Thomson Scientific that contains the articles published in the periodical literature in the period 1998–2007, we show that the novel approach yields rankings of research units different from those obtained by a direct application of the mean citation or the h-index.”


An activity based costing model for long term…


An activity-based costing model for long-term preservation and dissemination of digital research data: the case of DANS :

“Financial sustainability is an important attribute of a trusted, reliable digital repository. The authors of this paper use the case study approach to develop an activity-based costing (ABC) model. This is used for estimating the costs of preserving digital research data and identifying options for improving and sustaining relevant activities. The model is designed in the environment of the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) institute, a well-known trusted repository. The DANS–ABC model has been tested on empirical cost data from activities performed by 51 employees in frames of over 40 different national and international projects. Costs of resources are being assigned to cost objects through activities and cost drivers. The ‘euros per dataset’ unit of costs measurement is introduced to analyse the outputs of the model. Funders, managers and other decision-making stakeholders are being provided with understandable information connected to the strategic goals of the organisation. The latter is being achieved by linking the DANS–ABC model to another widely used managerial tool—the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The DANS–ABC model supports costing of services provided by a data archive, while the combination of the DANS–ABC with a BSC identifies areas in the digital preservation process where efficiency improvements are possible.”


L’implication des bibliothèques universitaires francophones dans l’évaluation de…


L’implication des bibliothèques universitaires francophones dans l’évaluation de la recherche au travers du traitement des publications scientifiques: Belgique – France – Suisse – Canada :

“Depuis de nombreuses années la révolution numérique touche directement les professionnels de l’information et de la documentation. Plus récemment de nouvelles pressions pèsent sur les bibliothèques. Les contingences économiques, institutionnelles et scientifiques poussent le secteur à se remettre en question jusque dans ses fondements. A travers une enquête adressée au personnel des bibliothèques universitaires francophones de Belgique, France, Suisse et Canada, ce mémoire tente d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le personnel des BU perçoit les mutations en cours dans son environnement professionnel en général, et en particulier concernant l’évaluation de la recherche et le traitement des publications scientifiques. Les résultats font apparaître des disparités nationales et déterminent des observations globales. Généralement le personnel est favorable aux changements en matière de traitement des publications scientifiques et à l’évaluation de la recherche. Mais globalement, il n’est ni impliqué, ni préparé à une plus grande intégration de ses activités dans le contexte de la recherche au sein de son institution.”


Les mutations du paysage de l’information scientifique …


Les mutations du paysage de l’information scientifique :

“En quelques années, les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) ont modifié le paysage de l’information scientifique et technique (IST) en profondeur. Toute la chaîne de valeur de la communication scientifique est concernée, depuis la production et la diffusion de l’information jusqu’à l’acquisition et la consommation des produits et services. Cette modification a fait l’objet d’un grand nombre d’études et de publications. Notre chapitre tente de dégager les grandes lignes de l’évolution en cours pour donner aux professionnels de l’information les moyens de mieux comprendre les enjeux et répondre aux besoins des jeunes chercheurs. Nous dressons ici un panorama : l’objectif n’est pas de fournir de nouvelles informations mais de proposer une structure et aussi, une perspective, c’est-à-dire une certaine manière de voir, une approche.”


La politique d’accès aux documents publics étude comparative…


La politique d’accès aux documents publics : étude comparative entre les États-Unis, la France et le Royaume-Uni :

“Cette étude comparative sur la politique d’accès aux documents publics explore la littérature afin de comprendre comment l’usage des TIC, associé aux réformes politiques, a une incidence sur la vie politique. Nos recherches, placées dans une perspective historique, ont permis de retracer les principaux changements dans chaque pays étudiés et de faire ressortir les actions les plus significatives en faveur de plus de transparence, de plus de responsabilité reddition de compte. Il en ressort que le pays le plus en avance dans la mise à disposition des données publiques et la sollicitation citoyenne est le Royaume-Uni, suivi par les Etats-Unis. En France, ces initiatives sont encore à l’état de projet ou à leurs premiers balbutiements.”