ETD Management and Publishing in the ProQuest System…


ETD Management and Publishing in the ProQuest System and the University Repository: A Comparative Analysis :

Introduction : This study compares the two most popular ETD management and publishing systems used in the American higher education community today: the commercial ProQuest Dissertation Publishing system and the university repository.
Methods Characteristics of these systems are identified and categorized in order to determine the features, functions, and policies common to both, and those that uniquely characterize one or the other system. Performing such a head-to-head comparison provides valuable information and insights to decision makers responsible for managing or overhauling their university’s ETD program.
Results : Comparison of characteristics shows the ProQuest system and the university repository both provide functional solutions for submitting, storing, disseminating, and archive ETDs using digital technology. Yet each system also has unique characteristics that distinguish it from the other.
Discusssion and Conclusion : The authors conclude that there is no single ‘best’ system for ETD management overall. Rather, it is up to decision makers at each institution to choose an approach that best fits their university’s values, goals and needs. Finally, the authors point out the need for a single portal for ETDs that allows for search and discovery of these unique works of scholarship wherever the full text resides. Future investigation into possible solutions for such an ETD portal would be a boon not only to universities and ETD authors, but to the broader community of researchers, students, professionals and interested citizenry who could benefit from easier access to this this growing corpus of knowledge.”


Research Data Management Principles Practices and Prospects …


Research Data Management Principles, Practices, and Prospects :

“This report examines how research institutions are responding to data management requirements of the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies. It also considers what role, if any, academic libraries and the library and information science profession should have in supporting researchers’ data management needs.”


Accessibility Sustainability Excellence How to Expand Access to…


Accessibility, Sustainability, Excellence: How to Expand Access to Research Publications : A Review of Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Finch Report :

“The Report of the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings (2012) – which has become known as the Finch Report – was based upon balancing the three criteria in its title: accessibility, sustainability and excellence. In this new report (2013), the same group reviews progress in implementing our recommendations one year after the publication of the 2012 Report. This report thus fulfils the Group’s final responsibility.”


Growing Institutional Support for Data Citation Results of…


Growing Institutional Support for Data Citation : Results of a Partnership Between Griffith University and the Australian National Data Service :

“Data is increasingly recognised as a valuable product of research and a number of international initiatives are underway to ensure it is better managed, connected, published, discovered, cited and reused. Within this context, data citation is an emergent practice rather than a norm of scholarly attribution. In 2012, a data citation project at Griffith University funded by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) commenced that aimed to: enhance existing infrastructure for data citation at the University; test methodologies for tracking impact; and provide targeted outreach to researchers about the benefits of data citation. The project extended previous collaboration between Griffith and ANDS that built infrastructure at the University to assign DOI names (Digital Object Identifiers) to research data produced by Griffith’s researchers. This article reports on the findings of the project and provides a case study of what can be achieved at the institutional level to support data citation.”


2012 Census of Open Access Repositories in Germany…


2012 Census of Open Access Repositories in Germany: Turning Perceived Knowledge Into Sound Understanding :

“Germany’s open access repository landscape is one of the largest in the world. It is shaped by institutional, subject and cross-institutional repositories serving different needs which range, for example, from a mere theses server to a repository integrated into an institutional information infrastructure. To date this landscape has never been fully surveyed. This article presents and interprets the results of a 2012 Census of Open Access Repositories in Germany. This Census covered crucial issues ranging from repository size and software, various value-added services, to general aspects of open access. The key findings of this survey shall help stakeholders in their decision making by identifying trends in the development of open access repositories in Germany.”


Providing Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations A…


Providing Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Case Study from Togo :

“Open access has become a significant part of scientific communication. With regards to dissemination of scientific production, the green road, i.e. self-archiving of scientific work in an open access repository, is often considered as the choice for developing countries because of lower investment and operational costs. This paper will provide a review of relevant literature on the topic, followed by a short overview of open repositories in sub-Saharan African countries, a region facing serious political, economic and social challenges. The main section will present a project for the digitizing of PhD theses of two universities in Togo, and we will then discuss questions and problems related to the specific conditions of the project, in order to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics and rich diversity of the open access movement. Is there an option for sustainable development of open access in these countries? The future will show whether open access contributes to reducing the digital divide between sub-Saharan Africa and other countries or whether it will instead consolidate this divide.”


Une analyse multidimensionnelle des performances scientifiques et technologiques…


Une analyse multidimensionnelle des performances scientifiques et technologiques :

“La recherche et l’innovation sont considérées aujourd’hui comme le moteur de la croissance économique. En Europe, rappelons que la stratégie de Lisbonne en 2000, puis la stratégie UE2020 adoptée en 2010, en se focalisant notamment sur la recherche et développement (R&D), la connaissance et l’innovation, souhaitent faire de l’Union européenne l’économie de la connaissance la plus compétitive et la plus dynamique du monde. Si l’Europe est historiquement un des leaders mondiaux en R&D, rien ne laisse préjuger de sa position future dans ce domaine : la concurrence internationale s’intensifie dans un contexte où les disparités territoriales et culturelles augmentent. Le contexte actuel de crise économique renforce les interrogations sur la capacité de l’Europe à rester parmi les leaders. L’analyse proposée vise à apporter des éléments de comparaison entre différents pays européens afin de contribuer aux débats sur les capacités scientifiques et technologiques de ces pays. Elle compare les activités de R&D des cinq plus grands pays européens (en termes de PIB) que sont l’Allemagne, la France, le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie et l’Espagne, afin d’identifier les grandes tendances et les principales différences entre ces pays. Elle rappelle également la nécessité d’associer, dans les analyses, production et visibilité des pays. Enfin, au-delà de l’analyse des indicateurs classiques, l’étude propose une approche croisée des activités de R&D. En effet, la carte ci-dessous montre qu’en comparant la Dépense intérieure de R&D (DIRD), la part des publications scientifiques et la part des brevets européens, le positionnement européen de chaque pays étudié n’est pas aussi établi que l’on pourrait quelquefois le penser. L’étude porte volontairement sur l’activité globale de chaque pays et sur son positionnement par rapport aux autres, afin de proposer une vision d’ensemble de chaque pays. Ce choix méthodologique ne permet en revanche pas de prendre en compte les caractéristiques sectorielles/thématiques propres à chacun, caractéristiques qui contribuent en partie à expliquer les différences entre pays.”