Marketing of Electronic Resources in IIT Libraries …


Marketing of Electronic Resources in IIT Libraries :

“Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) libraries at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee have been subscribing to over 15000 e-journals, e-books, databases, and other e-resources either individually or in consortia mode and spending a substantial part of their acquisition budget for over a decade now. This paper attempts to study the marketing efforts being made by these libraries to improve the awareness and increase the usage of these resources. Marketing-related data were collected through a questionnaire, personal visits, and discussions with the librarians, and the usage data were obtained from publishers. Data analysis revealed that e-resources in all IITs are being heavily used as the number of downloads have increased from 32,33,818 to 75,23,371 reflecting a growth of 132 % over a period of 9 years. The IIT libraries adopt multipronged approach and use 27 marketing techniques to promote their resources. The study also showed that there were downward fluctuations in usage in different years. It is suggested that these libraries shall regularly re-look at the marketing strategies and techniques; study their impact on the awareness and usage of the e-resources; identify and remove the bottlenecks; and make additional efforts including interacting with the users to ensure optimum utilisation of these resources.”


Institutional Repository Management Models That Support Faculty Research Dissemination


Purpose – Research dissemination is a core mission for all universities. As a result, libraries should adopt this mission, utilizing institutional repositories services to support this goal. This paper aims to explore management models that institutional repositories can use for this purpose.

Design/methodology/approach – By using research dissemination as a primary objective, individual management models are reviewed for their ability to accomplish this goal. Institutional repository services resulting from this purpose are also described.

Findings – By adopting these kinds of models, libraries can develop new services that go beyond traditional library services and provide key support for the dissemination of a university’s scholarship.

Originality/value – This article challenges the existing ideology surrounding institutional repositories and helps frame these services as a core component for fulfilling an important university mission.


GigaDB promoting data dissemination and reproducibility Often…


GigaDB: promoting data dissemination and reproducibility :

“Often papers are published where the underlying data supporting the research are not made available because of the limitations of making such large data sets publicly and permanently accessible. Even if the raw data are deposited in public archives, the essential analysis intermediaries, scripts or software are frequently not made available, meaning the science is not reproducible. The GigaScience journal is attempting to address this issue with the associated data storage and dissemination portal, the GigaScience database (GigaDB). Here we present the current version of GigaDB and reveal plans for the next generation of improvements. However, most importantly, we are soliciting responses from you, the users, to ensure that future developments are focused on the data storage and dissemination issues that still need resolving.”


Pratiques de l’édition numérique


“L’apparition du numérique a entraîné ces dernières années une transformation profonde des modèles de production et de circulation des livres, qui ont peu changé depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Le web, en particulier, a provoqué une remise en question du sens même du partage des connaissances : d’une économie de la rareté, nous sommes passés à la surabondance. Auparavant, une poignée d’institutions centralisatrices, privées et publiques, étaient garantes du choix, de l’évaluation et de la distribution des contenus ; aujourd’hui, il n’y a plus de systèmes de légitimation, ou alors ils sont déstructurés. Après avoir fait le constat de la crise de ces modèles et de la difficulté d’en proposer de nouveaux, ce livre présente les enjeux et les défis complexes du nouveau monde de l’édition numérique.”


Access to Research Inputs Open Science Versus the…


Access to Research Inputs: Open Science Versus the Entrepreneurial University :

“The viability of modern open science norms and practices depend on public disclosure of new knowledge, methods, and materials. However, increasing industry funding of research can restrict the dissemination of results and materials. We show, through a survey sample of 837 German scientists in life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences, that scientists who receive industry funding are twice as likely to deny requests for research inputs as those who do not. Receiving external funding in general does not affect denying others access. Scientists who receive external funding of any kind are, however, 50% more likely to be denied access to research materials by others, but this is not affected by being funded specifically by industry.”


The role of motivators in improving knowledge sharing…


The role of motivators in improving knowledge-sharing among academics :

Introduction. This research addresses a primary issue that involves motivating academics to share knowledge. Adapting the theory of reasoned action, this study examines the role of motivation that consists of intrinsic motivators (commitment; enjoyment in helping others) and extrinsic motivators (reputation; organizational rewards) to determine and explain the behaviour of Malaysian academics in sharing knowledge.

Method. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed using a non-probability sampling technique. A total of 373 completed responses were collected with a total response rate of 38.2%.

Analysis. The partial least squares analysis was used to analyse the data.

Results. The results indicated that all five of the hypotheses were supported. Analysis of data from the five higher learning institutions in Malaysia found that commitment and enjoyment in helping others (i.e., intrinsic motivators) and reputation and organizational rewards (i.e., extrinsic motivators) have a positive and significant relationship with attitude towards knowledge-sharing. In addition, the findings revealed that intrinsic motivators are more influential than extrinsic motivators. This suggests that academics are influenced more by intrinsic motivators than by extrinsic motivators.

Conclusions. The findings provided an indication of the determinants in enhancing knowledge-sharing intention among academics in higher education institutions through extrinsic and intrinsic motivators.”


Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ? Comparaison France États-Unis


“La politique documentaire du livre numérique est un sujet neuf en bibliothèque universitaire. Objet documentaire hybride, le livre numérique évolue dans un écosystème mouvant. L’acculturation des personnels et des usagers progresse doucement. Pour mieux comprendre son utilisation, par les professionnels et les usagers, 25 bibliothécaires d’établissements de l’enseignement supérieur rançais ont accepté de partager leur expérience de ce nouveau support. Il ressort de ces échanges que le livre numérique ne s’accommode pas des politiques documentaires mises en oeuvre pour les collections de livres imprimées et les revues électroniques. Son intégration en bibliothèque appelle un changement de paradigme, pour fonder une stratégie documentaire plus qu’une politique. Outre-Atlantique, les bibliothèques universitaires se confrontent au marché du livre numérique, en testant des programmes d’acquisitions pilotées par l’usage. Ces méthodes d’acquisitions sont des outils pour appréhender les besoins des lecteurs et concevoir des collections « dynamiques ». Leur déploiement laisse à penser que l’usage pourrait alimenter la stratégie documentaire du livre numérique.”

URL : Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ?
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