Evaluer la qualité des archives ouvertes le certificat DINI


Evaluer la qualité des archives ouvertes : le certificat DINI :

“L’article présente le certificat DINI, un référentiel pour la certification et l’audit des archives ouvertes, des archives institutionnelles et des plateformes de revues en libre accès, développé par l’Initiative Allemande pour l’Information en Réseau DINI. L’article décrit le contexte, l’objectif et l’historique de ce certificat avant d’exposer sa structure et son contenu. Parmi les huit sections du certificat figurent la visibilité du site, la sécurité de l’information et l’archivage pérenne. La discussion porte sur l’objet du référentiel, sur son influence et sur la nécessité d’une adaptation au contexte francophone. La traduction française du certificat a été publiée en 2012.”

“The article presents the DINI certificate, standard recommendations for the certification of document and publishing services, i.e. open archives, institutional repositories and platforms for open access journals, developed by the German Initiative for Networked Information DINI. The article describes the context, purpose and history of this certificate before exposing its structure and content. The eight areas include criteria for the visibility of the site, information security and long-term preservation. The article discusses the object of certification, its impact and the need to adapt some recommendations to the French-speaking context. The French translation of the certificate has been published in 2012.”

URL : Evaluer la qualité des archives ouvertes : le certificat DINI
Alternative URL : https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/article/view/2733

Scholarly Communication at Canadian Research Libraries Conversations with…


Scholarly Communication at Canadian Research Libraries: Conversations with Librarians :

INTRODUCTION. The landscape of librarianship in relation to the practice of scholarly communication is evolving. The objectives of this study were to investigate: the scope of scholarly communication activities within Canadian research libraries; the organizational structures in place to support them; and the roles of librarians who participate in them. Key challenges to its advancement and how librarians envision its future were also investigated.
METHODS Twenty-nine academic librarians from Canadian Association of Research Libraries member institutions participated in semi-structured, open-ended interviews. Interviews were analyzed for recurring themes.
RESULTS. Participants outlined initiatives, services, and structures to support scholarly communication at their institutions. Solo scholarly communication librarians, specialized teams, and committees were identified as primary structures. Liaison librarians play an essential supporting role regardless of structure. Individually, librarians are seen to have an impact as leaders and advocates in promoting scholarly communication. The concept of “librarian as researcher” is also important. Participants shared a desire for better communication and collaboration in this area. Many participants saw the need for standardized assessment and evaluation methods. Participants enumerated their greatest challenges and provided suggestions for addressing them in the future.
CONCLUSION. This study demonstrates that organizational structure can enhance scholarly communication activities in libraries. Leadership both at the personal and collective level is necessary to provide an impetus for scholarly communication activities. Librarians should be knowledgeable about the issues and be ready to deliver the “pitch.” Strengthening collaboration and communication among Canadian librarians is essential for moving the scholarly communication agenda forward.”

URL : http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/vol2/iss2/3/

Towards an understanding of Web growth an empirical…


Towards an understanding of Web growth: an empirical study of socio-technical web activity of Open Government Data :

“This thesis proposes a new interdisciplinary approach to understanding how the World Wide Web is growing, as a socio technical network, co-constructed by interrelationships between society and technological developments. The thesis uses a longitudinal empirical case study of Web and offline activity surrounding the UK Open Government Data communityto explore the Web as a socio-technical `networks of networks’. It employs a mixed methods framework, underpinned by sociological theory but also drawing on computer science for technical approaches to the problem of understanding theWeb. The study uses quantitative and qualitative sources of data in a novel analysis of online and offline activities to explore the formation and growth of UK Open Government Data and to understand this case, and the Web itself. The thesis argues that neither technology nor `the social’ alone is sufficient to explain the growth of this network, or indeed the Web, but that these networks develop out of closely co-constructed relationships and interactions between humans and technology. This thesis has implications not only for how the Web is understood, but for the kinds of future technological design and social activity that will be implicated in its continued growth.”

URL : http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/362306/

Evaluer Wikipédia de l’expertise du produit éditorial à…


Evaluer Wikipédia : de l’expertise du produit éditorial à l’analyse des règles et pratiques citationnelles :

“L’originalité du mode d’élaboration de Wikipédia a suscité de nombreuses recherches relatives à la qualité de l’information disponible dans cette source. Leur synthèse, présentée ici, ne prétend pas à l’exhaustivité mais vise plutôt à les catégoriser. Nous différencions ainsi trois approches de l’évaluation de cette encyclopédie collaborative que nous désignons sous les termes d’ “expertise informationnelle”, de “processus éditorial-produit ” et de “point de vue interne”. En lien avec cette dernière approche, nous exposons les enjeux et questions de recherche à propos d’un objet d’étude spécifique : les règles et pratiques citationnelles au sein de Wikipédia.”

URL : http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00959595/fr/

Publisher Support for Self Archiving Laudatory or Predatory…


Publisher Support for Self-Archiving: Laudatory or Predatory? :

“Most publishers with self-archiving policies in the SHERPA RoMEO database allow authors to deposit their articles in a repository or post them to a website – supporting the green route to open access. Nevertheless, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) enthusiastically endorsed legislation proposed and defeated twice in the United States to prohibit federal agencies from mandating repository deposits of articles reporting on research they funded. The AAP also endorsed the Finch Report issued in the United Kingdom. The Report denigrated repository deposits and elevated open access publishing – the gold route to open access – as the preferred path to expand public access. Given that the green route is more affordable than the gold route (Houghton et al 2009), that the green route exceeds the gold route in growth rate and proportion of articles available open access (Gargouri et al 2012), and that mandates increase repository deposits (Van Noorden 2013, Poynder May 2012), these are puzzling tactics for publishers professing to support self-archiving.
Despite conspicuous progress in providing open access to scholarly articles, there is a steady, unsettling undercurrent stirred by traditional publishers that could undermine the green route to open access. This article examines data and discourse to better understand publisher perspectives on self-archiving and, based on this understanding, urges action from open access advocates.”

URL : http://works.bepress.com/denise_troll_covey/79/

Resourses of open access as a tool for…


Resourses of open access as a tool for formation of scientific rating of scientists :

Purpose. Scientific journals in open access play an important role in scientific communications. It is they are able to provide an operational studying the leading publications and their scientific substantiation in the form of reference to the works of authors that were used in the research. The achievement of high citation index is an important component of scientific activity for the modern scientist. The purpose of the article is to determine the tools to increase the citation index of scientists.
Methodology. The methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as a systematic approach were used in the research.
Findings. The university library has an important mission – to distribute the results of research activity of the university scientists. As part of this functional activity area of the scientific and technical library of DNURT a repository of scientific papers, a system of open access for scientific journals and online versions of proceedings were organized. These resources provide the opportunity for a wide range of scientists to study the results of research carried out by their colleagues in DNURT and to cite them in their own articles. During the scientometric research the library staff use the following information platforms: Google Scholar, SciVerse Scopus, DOAJ, Russian Science Citation Index, SCImago Journal & Country Rank.
Originality. The work originality is the determination of the ways to influence the formation of the high citation index for scientist.
Practical value. The article proves the feasibility of using the open access resources (electronic journals, proceedings and the institutional repositories) to gain the scientist popularity in the professional scientific community.”

URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/22752/

Open Access Journals & Academics’ Behaviour The…


Open Access Journals & Academics’ Behaviour :

“The rising star of scholarly publishing is Open Access. Even some traditional journals now offer this option on author payment, and many full freely accessible journals are now available to scholars, providing relief to research institutions increasingly unable to afford the escalating subscription rates of serials. However, proper recognition of full Open Access journals by the community remains a major obstacle to overcome if they are to become a viable alternative for scholarly communication. Through a survey, this work investigates economics scholars’ attitudes to OA, and attempts to outline the state of practices and norms governing individuals’ publication choices.”

URL : http://www.icer.it/docs/wp2014/ICERwp03-14.pdf